android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏

android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏

android p 牛轧糖

android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏

If you’ve got a modern(ish) Samsung device that’s running Nougat (like the Galaxy S7 or S8), then you’ve likely noticed a lot has changed since the Marshmallow builds. One of these things, while small, is still something a lot of people may miss: the lack of a persistent brightness bar.

如果您拥有运行Nougat的现代(ish)三星设备(如Galaxy S7或S8),那么您可能会注意到自棉花糖制造以来,已有很多变化。 这些事情虽然很小,但仍然是许多人可能会错过的事情:缺少持久的亮度条。

Now, don’t get me wrong here—the brightness bar is still there, but it takes a few steps to actually get to it now. If this is something you use a lot, it can be pretty annoying. Here’s how to fix it.

现在,请不要误解我的意思-亮度条仍然存在,但是现在实际上需要一些步骤。 如果这是您经常使用的东西,可能会很烦人。 解决方法如下。

First, pull down the notification shade twice, which will expose the Quick Settings panel and brightness bar. See that little arrow at the end of the brightness bar? Give it a tap.

首先,下拉两次通知阴影,这将显示“快速设置”面板和亮度栏。 看到亮度条末尾的那个小箭头吗? 给它一个水龙头。

android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏

This will open a menu with a couple of toggles: Auto Brightness and Show Control on Top. Flip the latter to on, then tap “Done.”

这将打开一个菜单,其中包含以下两个开关:“自动亮度”和“顶部显示控件”。 将后者打开,然后点击“完成”。

android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏
android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏

Boom—just like that, the brightness bar will now show up at the very top of the notification shade, just below the shortlist of quick toggles. You’re welcome.

繁荣-就像这样,亮度栏现在将显示在通知阴影的顶部,正好在快速切换的候选列表的下方。 别客气。

android p 牛轧糖_如何在运行牛轧糖的三星Android手机上始终显示亮度栏


android p 牛轧糖