assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器


assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

By default, Google Assistant will filter any bad words that you wouldn’t want to use in front of children. It’s the safer choice, but for adults who prefer their language a little spicier, you might want to turn the *[email protected]$ing filter off.

默认情况下,Google助理会过滤掉您不想在孩子面前使用的所有不良单词。 这是比较安全的选择,但对于喜欢更轻松一点语言的成年人,您可能需要关闭*!@ $ ing过滤器。

Google’s profanity filter is weirdly inconsistent. When transcribing text or reading search results aloud, Google will censor stronger words, but has no problem with words like “hell” or “damn.” However, search results are a little inconsistent. For example, if I open Google Assistant and search for “fucking hell,” Google will display both words on the screen and show me a search card for the German pilsner I was obviously searching for. However, it will only read the second word aloud uncensored. Obviously, this helps make sure that kids in the room don’t hear really bad words, but if you don’t have children, it’s a frustratingly inconsistent feature.

Google的*过滤器异常不一致。 当转录文本或大声阅读搜索结果时,Google会审查更强的单词,但“地狱”或“该死”等单词没有问题。 但是,搜索结果有点不一致。 例如,如果我打开Goog​​le助手并搜索“该死的地狱”,则Google会在屏幕上同时显示两个单词,并向我显示我显然在搜索的德国比尔森的搜索卡。 但是,它只会在未经审查的情况下大声读出第二个单词。 显然,这有助于确保房间中的孩子不会听到真正的坏话,但是如果您没有孩子,这是一个令人沮丧的不一致功能。

To turn it off, open Google Assistant on your phone by long-pressing your phone’s Home button. Tap the menu icon on the right, then tap Settings.

要关闭此功能,请长按手机的“主页”按钮以打开手机上的Google助手。 点击右侧的菜单图标,然后点击设置。

assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器
assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Scroll down and tap Voice.


assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Disable the toggle that says “Block offensive words.”


assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

This process should work if you have any Android smartphone running Android Marshmallow or higher. For older phones, you can also change this from your Settings app. Open up the Settings app on your phone and scroll down to “Languages & input.”

如果您有任何运行Android Marshmallow或更高版本的 Android智能手机,则此过程应该有效。 对于较旧的手机,您还可以通过“设置”应用更改此设置。 打开手机上的“设置”应用,然后向下滚动到“语言和输入”。

assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Next, tap “Virtual keyboard.”


assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Tap “Google voice typing.”

点按“ Google语音输入”。

assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Disable the “Block offensive words” toggle.


assistant字体_如何在Google Assistant中禁用*过滤器

Both options should allow you to send messages with as many unholy and improper words as you’d like. Google may still censor some words when read aloud, but you’re still free to be as profane as you’d like.

这两个选项都应允许您使用任意数量的邪恶和不恰当的词来发送消息。 Google可能会大声朗读某些单词,但您仍然可以随心所欲地随意*。

