input 禁用智能提示_如何在智能手机上禁用紧急警报

input 禁用智能提示_如何在智能手机上禁用紧急警报

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input 禁用智能提示_如何在智能手机上禁用紧急警报

AMBER and emergency alerts occur when there’s a child abduction or there’s an important event such as a severe weather alert (tornado warning) that local governments needs to make people aware of. While we don’t recommend disabling these permanently, you might need to temporarily.

当发生绑架儿童事件或地方*需要引起人们注意的重大事件(例如严重天气警报(龙卷风警告))时,会发生琥珀色和紧急警报。 虽然我们不建议您永久禁用这些功能,但您可能需要暂时禁用它们。

The thing about these alerts are that they occur whether you have your phone on silent or not, and though they occur infrequently, when they do happen, it can be startling and possibly disturb you during an important meeting or similar function.


Again, we don’t recommend turning them off permanently but if you’re going into a situation which requires total silence or that you not be disturbed and you don’t want to take any chances, then here is how to turn them off on your iPhone or Android device.


在iPhone上关闭警报 (Turning Off Alerts on iPhone)

To turn off AMBER and emergency alerts on your iPhone, first open the Settings and tap open the “Notifications” section.


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Once you’re in the notification settings, scroll all the way to the bottom to where it says “Government Alerts” and tap off AMBER and/or Emergency Alerts.


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You will no longer be alerted when a child abduction takes place or an emergency event occurs.


关闭Android手机上的警报 (Turning Off Alerts on an Android Phone)

Android includes a great deal more options for dealing with and configuring emergency broadcast alerts than iOS, so if you have an Android phone, you won’t have to turn them off completely to still receive them.


First tap open the Settings and then tap “More”.


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In the More section, tap on “Emergency broadcasts”.


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Compared to iPhone, the Android settings go out of their way to give the user many more options for fine-tuning how they receive emergency alerts. Whereas the iPhone only comes with two options, on Android you can adjust alerts for extreme threats, severe threats, and AMBER alerts.

与iPhone相比,Android设置不给用户提供更多选择,以微调他们如何接收紧急警报。 iPhone仅具有两个选项,而在Android上,您可以针对极端威胁,严重威胁和AMBER警报调整警报。

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You can also choose whether to disable notifications, adjust how long alerts sound (2 to 10 seconds), turn on alert reminders, as well as whether your phone vibrates when it receives an alert.


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Moving through the settings, you’ll see that you can have alert messages spoken to you using text-to-speech. If you live in an earthquake prone area or there’s a threat of tsunami, then you can have your phone send you ETWS or Earthquake Tsunami Warning System test broadcasts.

遍历设置,您会看到可以使用文本转语音向您传达警报消息。 如果您生活在地震多发地区或存在海啸威胁,则可以让您的手机向您发送ETWS或“地震海啸预警系统”测试广播。

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Finally, at the bottom are developer options, which you most likely won’t need to mess with. There’s an option to enable Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) test broadcasts, and an option to opt-out after displaying the first CMAS alert.

最后,在底部是开发人员选项,您很可能不需要弄混这些选项。 有一个选项可以启用商业移动警报系统(CMAS)测试广播,还可以在显示第一个CMAS警报后选择退出。

input 禁用智能提示_如何在智能手机上禁用紧急警报

In terms of configurability, the Android options win out for being much more adjustable. Unlike the iPhone options, Android doesn’t make it all-or-nothing. You can still receive alerts but you can choose whether or not they notify you and for how long the alert sound plays.

在可配置性方面,Android选项因其可调整性而胜出。 与iPhone选项不同,Android并非全有或全无。 您仍然可以接收警报,但可以选择是否通知您以及警报声音播放多长时间。

On the other hand, the iPhone options are a lot simpler and will likely appeal to those who just want to disable AMBER and emergency alerts quickly and temporarily. Again, it’s probably a good idea that you only disable them temporarily and as needed, because you never know when an event might occur that you need to be informed about.

另一方面,iPhone选项要简单得多,可能会吸引那些只想快速且临时禁用AMBER和紧急警报的人。 再说一次,最好只是根据需要临时禁用它们,因为您不知道何时会发生事件,需要通知您。

We hope you found this article useful. If you have any comments or questions you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您觉得本文有用。 如果您有任何意见或疑问要发表,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。


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