android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

android 禁用通知栏

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Notifications are great, and Android’s notification system is arguably the best out there. But if there comes a time when you don’t need all those notifications, here’s how to shut them up.

通知很棒,Android的通知系统无疑是最好的。 但是,如果有时候您不需要所有这些通知,则可以使用以下方法将其关闭。

Since Android is freely available for manufacturers to download and customize, tweaking your notification settings may be slightly different across various versions and manufacturer builds of the OS. As such, we’ll break our discussion of disabling notifications down into several categories based on the most popular devices and builds out there. First, however, let’s take a look at how to temporarily silence notifications with the Do Not Disturb feature—that one is pretty consistent across builds.

由于Android可供制造商免费下载和自定义,因此在各种版本和OS的不同制造商版本之间,对通知设置的调整可能会略有不同。 因此,我们将基于最流行的设备将禁用通知的讨论分为几类,并在其中进行构建。 但是,首先,让我们看一下如何使用“请勿打扰”功能暂时使通知保持静音,即通知在各个版本之间保持一致。

使用“请勿打扰”暂时使通知静音 (Use Do Not Disturb to Temporarily Silence Notifications)

When it comes to Do Not Disturb on Android, it hasn’t always been clear what you can expect from these settings. Fortunately, as of the most recent version of the OS, Google has seemed to settle on the functionality.

关于Android上的“请勿打扰”, 并非总是很清楚您可以从这些设置中得到什么 。 幸运的是,在最新版的OS上,Google似乎已决定使用该功能。

The gist is basically this: when you enabled Do Not Disturb (often just abbreviated as DND), your notifications come through, but don’t make sounds. The exception here is any apps that you’ve set to Priority Mode. Those can still make sounds.

要点基本上是这样的:启用“请勿打扰”(通常简称为DND)时,您的通知会通过,但不会发出声音。 这里是您设置为优先模式的所有应用程序的例外。 那些仍然可以发出声音。

RELATED: Android's Confusing "Do Not Disturb" Settings, Explained

相关: Android令人困惑的“请勿打扰”设置解释

Similarly, you can set specific contacts as “Starred” and then allow messages or calls from those contacts to bypass Do Not Disturb restrictions. To do this, just tap the star next to the contact’s name in the Contacts app.

同样,您可以将特定联系人设置为“已加星标”,然后允许来自这些联系人的消息或呼叫绕过“请勿打扰”限制。 为此,只需在“联系人”应用中点击联系人姓名旁边的星号即可。

Then, in the Settings > Sounds > Do Not Disturb > Priority Only Allows menu (labeled as “Allow Exceptions” on Samsung devices), set the Messages and Calls options to “From starred contacts only” (or “”Favorite contacts only” on Samsung).


android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

You can also set automatic Do Not Disturb times, which are great for nighttime.

您还可以设置自动“请勿打扰”时间 ,这对于夜间非常有用。

在Stock Android上禁用通知 (Disable Notifications on Stock Android)

Stock Android—like what’s found on Nexus and Pixel phones (among others)—is the purest version of Android available. It’s Android as intended by Google.

像Nexus和Pixel手机(以及其他手机)上一样,库存的Android是可用的最纯的Android版本。 它是Google想要的Android。

RELATED: How to Use Android Oreo's New Notification Channels for Ultra-Granular Notification Customization

相关: 如何使用Android Oreo的新通知通道进行超粒度通知自定义

That said, notifications tweaks are different across various versions, especially when it comes to the newest version of the OS: Android 8.x (Oreo). Oreo received a major overhaul to the entire notification management system, so it’s dramatically different than its predecessors. While this post focuses exclusively on how to disable notifications, we also have a much more detailed look at how to use Oreo’s notification channels for more granular control.

也就是说,通知调整在不同版本之间是不同的,尤其是在涉及最新版本的操作系统:Android 8.x(Oreo)时。 奥利奥(Oreo)对整个通知管理系统进行了大修,因此与以前的版本有很大不同。 尽管这篇文章专门讨论如何禁用通知,但我们还将更详细地介绍如何使用Oreo的通知渠道进行更精细的控制

在Android 8.x(Oreo)上禁用通知 (Disable Notifications on Android 8.x (Oreo))

To turn off app notifications on stock Android Oreo, pull down the notification shade, and then tap the cog icon to access the Settings menu. From there, choose the “Apps & Notifications” setting.

要关闭现有Android Oreo上的应用程序通知,请下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标以访问“设置”菜单。 从那里,选择“应用程序和通知”设置。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Select the “Notifications” option.


android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

The top entry here likely shows that notifications are “On for all apps”—that’s the default. Tap this to access the list of every app installed on your phone, along with each app’s notification settings.

此处的顶部条目可能显示通知为“所有应用程序都打开”,这是默认设置。 点击此按钮可访问手机上安装的每个应用程序的列表以及每个应用程序的通知设置。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Each app has its own individual notification options, so tap the app you want to control, and then toggle the “On” slider to the off position. That completely disables all notifications for that particular app.

每个应用程序都有其自己的通知选项,因此请点按您要控制的应用程序,然后将“打开”滑块切换到关闭位置。 这完全禁用了该特定应用程序的所有通知。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Just repeat this on every app for which you want to turn off notifications.


如何在Android 7.x(牛轧糖)上禁用通知 (How to Disable Notifications on Android 7.x (Nougat))

Pull down the notification shade, and then tap the cog icon to access the Settings menu. From there, scroll down and choose the “Notifications” setting.

下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标以访问“设置”菜单。 从那里向下滚动,然后选择“通知”设置。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

RELATED: How to Manage, Customize, and Block Notifications in Android Nougat

相关文章: 如何在Android Nougat中管理,自定义和阻止通知

From this point, just tap each app entry to tweak its notification options. To completely disable an app’s notifications, toggle the “Block all” option to the on position.

此时,只需点击每个应用程序条目即可调整其通知选项。 要完全禁用应用程序的通知,请将“全部阻止”选项切换到打开位置。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Repeat that on every app for which you’d like to disable notifications.


如何在Android 6.x上禁用通知(棉花糖) (How to Disable Notifications on Android 6.x (Marshmallow))

On Marshmallow devices, you need to pull the notification shade down twice to expose the cog button, which you can tap to head into the Settings menu.


android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

On the “Settings” menu, tap the “Sound & Notification” option, and then scroll down until you see the “App notifications” entry. Tap that.

在“设置”菜单上,点击“声音和通知”选项,然后向下滚动,直到看到“应用程序通知”条目。 点一下

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Tap each app to see its notification options. To disable notifications for an app, switch the “Block All” toggle the on position.

点按每个应用以查看其通知选项。 要禁用应用程序的通知,请切换“全部阻止”,将其切换为打开位置。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Done and done—just do this on every app for which you’d like to stop getting notifications.


在三星Galaxy设备上禁用通知 (Disable Notifications on Samsung Galaxy Devices)

Samsung handles notification settings a little differently than stock Android devices do, mostly because Samsung likes to change everything in the OS to make it fit with its brand.


For the purposes of this post, we’re only going to look at Samsung’s Android 7.x build (Nougat), which is currently available on the Galaxy S7 and S8 variants.

出于本文的目的,我们仅看一下三星的Android 7.x版本(牛轧糖),该版本当前可在Galaxy S7和S8版本中使用。

Pull down the notification shade, and then tap the cog icon. On the “Settings” menu, tap the “Notifications” entry.

下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。 在“设置”菜单上,点击“通知”条目。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知
android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

Here’s where Samsung gets it right: if you don’t want any notifications at all on this device, simply turn the “All Apps” toggle off. Boom—all notifications are disabled. Other Android versions should take note.

这就是三星正确的地方:如果您根本不希望在此设备上收到任何通知,只需关闭“所有应用程序”开关即可。 繁荣-所有通知均已禁用。 其他Android版本应注意。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

After turning notifications for all apps off, you can then go through and just enable the apps you want to notify you. Just slide an apps’ toggle to the On position to enable notifications.

关闭所有应用程序的通知后,您便可以浏览并仅启用要通知您的应用程序。 只需将应用的切换开关滑动到“开启”位置即可启用通知。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

This may be the only time you hear me say this, but I think Samsung actually got this right over stock Android. Honestly, they got it right over every other OS’ notification settings, too. Toggling all apps off at once is great, but also being able to turn all apps off, and then enable only the ones you want is a huge time saver.

这可能是您唯一一次听到我这样说的情况,但我认为三星实际上是通过库存Android来实现这一点的。 坦白地说,他们也将其设置在其他所有操作系统的通知设置上。 一次关闭所有应用程序非常好,但是能够关闭所有应用程序,然后仅启用所需的应用程序可以节省大量时间。

更多粒度通知控件的提示 (Tips for More Granular Notification Control)

RELATED: How to Use Android Oreo's New Notification Channels for Ultra-Granular Notification Customization

相关: 如何使用Android Oreo的新通知通道进行超粒度通知自定义

As mentioned earlier, stock Android Oreo allows for incredibly granular notification control for most apps by using a new feature called Notification Channels, which essentially let developers group types of notifications together in their apps. You can then set different importance levels for these notification groups.

如前所述,Android Oreo现有的Android Oreo通过使用一种称为Notification Channels的新功能,可以对大多数应用程序进行极其精细的通知控制,该功能实际上使开发人员可以在其应用程序中将通知类型组合在一起。 然后,您可以为这些通知组设置不同的重要性级别。

But if you’re using a pre-Oreo build like Marshmallow/Nougat—or a Samsung phone—there are still some things you can do to get better control over your phone’s notification settings.


When accessing each app’s notification page, pay special attention to the options other than the Block feature. There are some valuable assets here that allow you to do more with notifications.

访问每个应用程序的通知页面时,请特别注意“阻止”功能以外的其他选项。 这里有一些宝贵的资产,可让您对通知做更多的事情。

android 禁用通知栏_如何在Android上禁用通知

RELATED: How to Hide Sensitive Notifications on Your Android Lock Screen

相关: 如何在Android锁定屏幕上隐藏敏感通知

And the good news here is that these options are mostly the same across Android versions and manufacturer builds (again, save for Oreo), where you get some cool options:


  • Show Silently: This will still allow notifications to come through, but they won’t make an audible tone.


  • On Lock Screen: The option to show all, some, or no content from that particular app on the lock screen.


  • Overwrite Do Not Disturb/Set as Priority: This bypasses all do not disturb settings and “forces” the app to make a sound and turn on the screen when a notification comes in. Use this for your most important apps.


如何停止烦人的消息和电话 (How to Stop Annoying Messages and Phone Calls)

If you’re having an issue with spammy messages or phone calls, you don’t need to block notifications for those apps. There are a couple of things you can do instead.

如果您遇到垃圾邮件或电话问题,则无需阻止这些应用的通知。 您可以做几件事。

If it’s just annoying texts or phone calls that you want to get rid of, you can manually block those numbers pretty easily. That’s where I’d start.

如果您只是想摆脱烦人的短信或电话,则可以轻松地手动阻止这些号码 。 那就是我要开始的地方。

RELATED: How to Block Text Messages from a Certain Number on Android

相关: 如何在Android上阻止来自特定号码的短信

If you’re having an issue with spam, however, you have a couple of other options. The dialer in stock Android can automatically detect and alert you to potential spam calls. You can enable this option at Settings > Caller ID & Spam; just toggle that option to on.

但是,如果您对垃圾邮件有疑问,则可以选择其他两种选择。 Android的现有拨号器可以自动检测并提醒您潜在的垃圾邮件呼叫 。 您可以在设置>来电显示和垃圾邮件中启用此选项; 只需将该选项切换为开即可。

If you’re on a different phone or want even more control, we recommend using Mr. Number—a well-regarded spam-blocking app.

如果您使用的是其他电话,或者需要更多控制,我们建议您使用Mr. Number(一款备受推崇的垃圾邮件阻止应用程序)。

Like we mentioned before, Android’s notification system is easily one of its most powerful features. With these tweaks, you can make the best of it for your specific situation. Very cool stuff.

就像我们之前提到的,Android的通知系统很容易成为其最强大的功能之一。 通过这些调整,您可以根据自己的具体情况充分利用它。 很酷的东西。


android 禁用通知栏