



Does streaming video on your Roku make the Internet unusable for everyone else in the house? Are you up against your ISP’s bandwidth cap, and want to limit data usage? If so, you’ve probably browsed the Roku’s settings looking for a bandwidth cap, and found nothing.

Roku上的流媒体视频是否会使房子中的其他所有人无法使用Internet? 您是否已超出ISP的带宽上限 ,并想限制数据使用量? 如果是这样,您可能已经浏览了Roku的设置以寻找带宽上限,却一无所获。

But the Roku does offer a system-wide cap on bandwidth usage: it’s just a little hidden. On your Roku remote, you need to press a particular series of buttons in the right order. You need to press:

但是Roku确实提供了系统范围的带宽使用上限:它只是有点隐藏。 在Roku遥控器上,您需要按正确的顺序按下一系列特定的按钮。 您需要按:

  • The Home button five times.


  • The Rewind button three times.


  • And finally, the Fast Forward button two times.

    最后, 两次 快进按钮。


Press these buttons in order and you’ll be taken to the “Bit Rate Override” screen, a hidden panel that lets you set bandwidth limits on your Roku.

按顺序按这些按钮,您将转到“ Bit Rate Override”屏幕,这是一个隐藏的面板,可让您在Roku上设置带宽限制。


Note that, by setting a limit, you are putting a ceiling on how good your streaming videos will look. Many video sites can offer 720p content with a cap of 3.5 megabits per second, the highest cap offered here. That’s not full HD, but also isn’t awful. Go much lower than 3.5mbps, however, and your videos will likely be offered at SD or worse.

请注意,通过设置限制,您可以确定流式视频的外观。 许多视频网站都可以提供720p内容,其上限为每秒3.5兆比特,这是此处提供的最高上限。 那不是全高清,但也不是很糟糕。 但是,如果速度低于3.5mbps,您的视频将可能以SD或更差的速度提供。

Of course, this is the entire point of a bandwidth limit. Your videos won’t look as great, but they’ll also clog up your “tubes” a lot less. If that trade-off is worth it to you, this hidden screen can help you out, even if you only use it toward the end of the month, when you’re up against your bandwidth allowance.

当然,这是带宽限制的全部要点。 您的视频看起来不太好,但是也会使您的“视频管”阻塞的次数减少很多。 如果这种折衷对您来说值得,那么即使您仅在月底使用带宽不足的情况下,即使您仅在月底使用它,该隐藏屏幕也可以为您提供帮助。

