apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

Who needs Alexa when you have Siri? tvOS 10 allows you to control your various smarthome devices from the Apple TV using just your voice. Here’s how to take advantage of such a feature and control your home without even busting out your smartphone.

当您拥有Siri时,谁需要Alexa ? tvOS 10允许您仅使用语音从Apple TV控制各种智能家居设备。 这是在不破坏智能手机的情况下利用此功能并控制房屋的方法。

Before you can use Siri on the Apple TV to control your smarthome devices, you first need to make sure that these devices are compatible with Apple’s HomeKit platform and that HomeKit is officially set up on said devices. Most smarthome devices will include HomeKit in the initial setup process when you go to install them for the first time, but if not, there’s usually a place in the settings where you can set up HomeKit after the installation. This process involves scanning a code on the back of the device using your iPhone.

在使用Apple TV上的Siri来控制智能家居设备之前,首先需要确保这些设备与Apple的HomeKit平台兼容,并且必须在上述设备上正式设置HomeKit。 大多数智能家居设备在初次安装时都会在初始设置过程中包含HomeKit,但如果没有安装,通常会在设置中有一个位置,可在安装后设置HomeKit 。 此过程涉及使用iPhone扫描设备背面的代码。

Once your smarthome devices are set up and HomeKit is ready to go on these devices, you can begin controlling them using Siri on the Apple TV (or any other Apple device for that matter).

设置好智能家居设备并准备好在这些设备上使用HomeKit之后,您就可以使用Apple TV(或与此相关的任何其他Apple设备)上的Siri开始控制它们。

To do this, simply start by pressing and holding down the Siri button on your Apple TV remote.

为此,只需按住Apple TV遥控器上的Siri按钮即可。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

While holding the Siri button down, say something like “Set the thermostat to 73” if you want to change the temperature on your HomeKit-enabled smart thermostat. Or if you have Philips Hue lights, you can say “Turn on Living Room lights”.

按住Siri按钮的同时,如果要更改启用HomeKit的智能恒温器上的温度,请说“将恒温器设置为73”之类的内容。 或者,如果您有Philips Hue灯 ,则可以说“打开客厅灯”。

Granted, in order to get specific and say which room to turn the lights on from, you’ll need to customize HomeKit and set up different rooms. You can usually do this within the smarthome product’s app itself or within the new Home app on iOS 10 devices.

当然,为了确定具体的位置并说出从哪个房间打开灯,您需要自定义HomeKit并设置其他房间 。 通常,您可以在智能家居产品的应用程序本身中或在iOS 10设备上的新Home应用程序中执行此操作。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

In any case, after you say a command, Siri will tell you that it completed the task and confirm the action on the screen.


apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上使用Siri控制您的智能家居设备

There’s nothing specific that you need to set up separately on your Apple TV in order to get Siri smarthome control to work, so once you have your smarthome devices set up with HomeKit, you can immediately begin controlling them using Siri on the Apple TV.

为了使Siri智能家居控件能够正常工作,您不需要在Apple TV上单独进行设置,因此,一旦使用HomeKit设置了智能家居设备,就可以立即在Apple TV上使用Siri开始对其进行控制。


apple tv 开发