apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息
Peter Kotoff / Shutterstock 彼得·科托夫/ Shutterstock

Things might not look amazing even with an Apple TV 4K and a great television. Instead of counting pixels to make sure you’re receiving the best quality stream, you can find streaming statistics behind the developer menu.

即使使用Apple TV 4K和出色的电视,事情看起来也不会令人惊奇。 您可以在开发人员菜单后面找到流统计信息,而不必计算像素以确保您收到的是最优质的流。

It isn’t immediately obvious how to access the developer menu, but we’ve got you covered. You’ll need an Apple TV and Mac, and they need to be on the same Wi-Fi network.

如何访问开发人员菜单并不十分明显,但是我们已经为您提供了帮助。 您需要一台Apple TV和Mac,并且它们必须位于同一Wi-Fi网络上。

如何解锁开发者菜单 (How to Unlock the Developer Menu)

Navigate to “Settings” on your Apple TV.

导航到Apple TV上的“设置”。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

Select “Remotes and Devices” and leave the Apple TV on this screen.

选择“遥控器和设备”,然后将Apple TV留在此屏幕上。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

You need Xcode installed on your Mac to enable the developer menu. Download Xcode from the Mac App Store and then open it.

您需要在Mac上安装Xcode才能启用开发人员菜单。 从Mac App Store 下载Xcode ,然后将其打开。

Click “Window,” followed by “Devices and Simulators.”


apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

Click “Pair with Apple TV” when your Apple TV appears on the list.

当您的Apple TV出现在列表中时,单击“与Apple TV配对”。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

Enter the verification code that is displayed on your TV and click the “Connect” button. The pairing process will complete.

输入电视上显示的验证码,然后单击“连接”按钮。 配对过程将完成。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

如何在Apple TV上查看详细的流统计信息 (How to See Detailed Streaming Statistics on the Apple TV)

Navigate to “Settings” on your Apple TV and select the “Developer” option.

导航到Apple TV上的“设置”,然后选择“开发人员”选项。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

Toggle “Playback HUD” on. Turn the option off to disable it when you have the information you need.

打开“播放HUD”。 获得所需信息后,请关闭该选项以将其禁用。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

When you play a movie or TV show, you’ll see information about the stream overlayed on the video. Most of that information is meaningless for our purposes, but the lines of note are:

播放电影或电视节目时,您会看到有关视频叠加的信息。 对于我们的目的而言,大多数信息是毫无意义的,但注意事项如下:

  • Display Resolution—This is the resolution at which your TV is connected to your Apple TV.

    显示分辨率 —这是电视连接到Apple TV的分辨率。

  • Video Display-size—This is the maximum resolution at which the currently playing video is available from the source.

    视频显示大小 -这是可从源获得当前正在播放的视频的最大分辨率。

  • Natural-size—This is the resolution at which the video is currently being displayed.

    自然尺寸 -这是当前显示视频的分辨率。

apple tv 开发_如何在Apple TV上解锁详细的流统计信息

In a perfect world, Natural-size will be the same as Video Display-size. If it isn’t, your network bandwidth might not be high enough to sustain the rates needed for high-quality video. Check that your internet speed is sufficient and make sure your router is set up correctly.

在理想世界中,自然尺寸将与视频显示尺寸相同。 否则,您的网络带宽可能不足以承受高质量视频所需的速率。 检查您的互联网速度是否足够,并确保路由器设置正确


apple tv 开发