
I realize that many (most) of you are not on Twitter. I am, however, on Twitter and I find it to be a joy. I have had a few complaints (just a few) because I tend to be random on Twitter. If you want only a stream of technical .NET resources, then don't follow me. However, if you want to follow the Whole Person, then please, join the fun.

我意识到你们中的很多人(大多数)都不在Twitter上。 但是,在Twitter上,我感到很高兴。 我有一些抱怨(只有几个),因为我倾向于在Twitter上随意。 如果您只需要.NET技术资源流,请不要关注我。 但是,如果您想跟随整个人,那么请加入乐趣

The most wonderful part of Twitter is just letting it flow over you. I tend to discover lots of interesting and cool stuff. So much so that I've started "Favorite-ing" things I want to save for later. That means clicking the little Star icon. You can access any Twitter user's favorites by putting /favorites at the end of their URL, like http://twitter.com/shanselman/favorites. There are 3rd parties like FavStar that mine this information, both favorites (stars) and retweets (RTs) and then sort by popularity. You can see my most "popular" tweets here: http://favstar.fm/users/shanselman. These tend of be ones that folks want to save for later themselves.

Twitter最精彩的部分就是让它流过您。 我倾向于发现很多有趣而酷的东西。 如此之多,以至于我已经开始“收藏”我要保存以备后用的东西。 这意味着单击小星形图标。 您可以通过将/ favorites放在其URL的末尾来访问任何Twitter用户的收藏夹,例如http://twitter.com/shanselman/favorites 。 像FavStar这样的第三方会挖掘此信息,包括收藏夹(星级)和转推(RT),然后按受欢迎程度排序。 您可以在这里查看我最“流行”的推文: http : //favstar.fm/users/shanselman 。 这些往往是人们希望自己以后保存的东西。

For the people that aren't on Twitter (or aren't on it as much as I am) I thought I'd do a post each week or so with a roundup of the most awesome links I've come upon that week on Twitter. One stop shopping for awesome. I'll also add some commentary about why it's awesome. These aren't all development centric, but they were interesting to me.

对于那些不在Twitter上的人(或者不是我的关注程度不高的人),我认为我每周都会写一篇帖子,并汇总我当周遇到的最棒的链接推特。 一站式购物真棒。 我还将添加一些有关它为何很棒的评论。 这些都不都是以开发为中心的,但是对我来说很有趣。

shanselman: "I'm on Google+ on a 'Hangout' right now. It's basically ChatRoulette for nerds with invites. And pants."

shanselman: “我现在在Google+上的“环聊”上。基本上是邀请书呆子和裤子的ChatRoulette。”

I was playing with Google+ today and this was my first impression. I tweeted it and it was retweeted a few hundred times and was eventually a "Top Tweet" when you searched for "Google Plus" for several hours, which I thought was hilarious. You never know what throwaway tweet will be seen by thousands. I was happy so I favorite it.

我今天在玩Google+,这是我的第一印象。 我发了推文,然后又转发了几百遍,当您搜索“ Google Plus”几个小时后,它最终成为“热门推文”,我认为这很有趣。 您永远不会知道成千上万的一次性推文。 我很高兴,所以我很喜欢它。

harrison_ Can't wait to try Google+, because if anything Wave, Latitude, Buzz, Orkut, Jaiku & Dodgeball proves Google knows how to run social networks.


Twitter is a haven for sarcasm and snark. Love it.

Twitter是讽刺和贪食的天堂。 爱它。

XKCD, one of the web's most brilliant and insightful comics had this to say about Google Plus. I guess they just wanted something that wasn't Facebook. Found this via shawncdean.

XKCD是网络上最出色,最有见地的漫画之一,它对Google Plus的看法如此。 我想他们只是想要不是Facebook的东西。 通过shawncdean找到了。


clipperhouse Only just read this, stats on Fog Creek internships vs applicants: http://t.co/fCr3BH9

clipperhouse仅读此,Fog Creek实习vs申请人的统计数据: http : //t.co/fCr3BH9

Some really interesting charts and graphs talking in great detail about how FogCreek software finds their new recruits, where they've had success and where they just haven't.



miketaylr This new Google web fonts gallery is the bees knees: http://www.google.com/webfonts/v2

miketaylr这个新的Google网络字体库是蜜蜂的膝盖: http : //www.google.com/webfonts/v2

There are just hundreds of great free fonts here for you to use on your website.



shanselman: This is literally the funniest thing I've seen All Week. Tech Company Org Charts: http://twitpic.com/5ior9c

shanselman:从字面上看,这是我整周都看过的最有趣的东西。 科技公司组织结构图: http : //twitpic.com/5ior9c

I found this on Facebook and tweeted it. As they say, "it's funny because it's true."

我在Facebook上找到了此消息,并在其上发布了推文。 正如他们所说,“这很有趣,因为它是真实的。”

It was retweeted almost 900 times and the image on just my Twitpic of it has been seen over 33,000 times. Amazing. Someone named "manu" made it. If you know their site, let me know and I'll link to them!

它被转发了近900次,而仅凭我的Twitpic图像就被浏览了33,000次。 惊人。 一个叫“ manu”的人做到了。 如果您知道他们的网站,请告诉我,我将链接到他们!

UPDATE: Reader Matthew found Manu Cornet's blog. The original artist and source for this "Technology Company Organizational Charts" diagram blogs here!

更新:读者Matthew找到了Manu Cornet的博客。 此“技术公司组织结构图”图表博客的原始作者和出处在这里!


subdigital: Ruby is slow, but at least it's open

亚数位: Ruby很慢,但至少它是开放的

Ben Scheirman said this and it resonated with me.  I'd like to help create something that is fast (ASP.NET) and open (???).

本·谢尔曼(Ben Scheirman)这样说,引起了我的共鸣。 我想帮助创建快速( ASP.NET )并打开(???)的东西。

JosephHill: New office policy: Next time there is a fire alarm, (1) commit (2) pull (3) merge (4) push (5) exit through stairwell


Please, people, comment to source control BEFORE you save yourself from a fire! ;)

大家,请对源代码管理发表评论,然后才能摆脱困境! ;)

For more details on Twitter and my tips and tricks, I hope you'll enjoy these...


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关于斯科特(About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/scotts-wonderful-twitter-favorites-link-roundup-1