启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序

启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序

启动有mac os x

启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序

OS X makes dealing with startup items really easy — you just head into the preferences and add or remove things from the list. But if you’re a recent convert to Mac, you might not know how to do it. But now you will.

OS X使处理启动项变得非常容易-您只需进入首选项,然后从列表中添加或删除项即可。 但是,如果您是最近改用Mac的人,则可能不知道该怎么做。 但是现在你会的。

Open up System Preferences, and then click on the Users & Groups icon. Once there, find your user account on the left-hand side (although it will always be selected), and then click on the Login Items tab.

打开系统偏好设置,然后单击“用户和组”图标。 一旦找到该帐户,请在左侧找到您的用户帐户(尽管将始终选中该帐户),然后单击“登录项”选项卡。

启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序

Now you’ll see a list of items that will open automatically when you log in. You can select an item in the list and click the Minus button to remove it from starting up, and you can check the Hide box to make the application not come to the foreground when it starts — it’ll basically start up, but minimize itself into the dock when it starts.


启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序
Removing items is as easy as selecting one and clicking the Minus button.

To add a new application into the startup list, you can just drag and drop the icon into the list, or you can click the Plus icon and select an item using the file browser manually. It’s usually easier to just drag and drop though.

要将新应用程序添加到启动列表中,只需将图标拖放到列表中,或者单击加号图标并使用文件浏览器手动选择一个项目。 拖放通常会更容易。

启动有mac os x_Mac OS X:更改登录时自动启动的应用程序
You can just drag and drop items directly into the list to add them.

Here’s a tip: You can drag and drop the application directly from the Spotlight search window, so you don’t even have to open Finder to find it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206178/mac-os-x-change-which-apps-start-automatically-at-login/

启动有mac os x