
Pandora Drops Flash for HTML 5
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 12th Jul 2011 20:26 UTC, submitted by Jennimc
发表于:2011年7月13日 北京时间04:26

"Internet streaming music service Pandora announced on Tuesday that it is phasing out Flash in favor of HTML 5. The change means users won't have to rely on the Flash plug-in in their Web browser to listen to the service's music offerings, and the company claims switching to HTML 5 has improved overall performance, too. 'The front-end technology has been rebuilt in HTML 5 and together with a host of other improvements results in a much faster experience,' the Pandora Web site stated."
“互联网流式音乐服务Pandora于周四宣布,它将 以HTML5取代Flash。这一变更意味着用户将不再不得不在他们浏览器上安装Flash插件以收听该服务提供的音乐。并且,该公司表示,向HTML5的迁移还已经提高了其总体性能。‘前端技术已经使用HTML5重构;与其他改进一起,促成了一个更快的体验,’Pandora网站 。”
