如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放

如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The Apple Watch has quite a tiny screen. Reading text notifications or viewing an image can sometimes be tough. If you find yourself constantly squinting at the wearable’s display, try the built-in Zoom feature found in the accessibility settings.

Apple Watch的屏幕很小。 阅读文本通知或查看图像有时可能很困难。 如果您发现自己经常在可穿戴设备的显示屏上起眼睛,请尝试在辅助功能设置中找到的内置缩放功能。

The Zoom feature on Apple Watch gives you a temporary zoomed-in view of anything that’s on the screen. You can then swipe with two fingers to move around or use the Digital Crown to move line-by-line.

Apple Watch的 “缩放”功能使您可以临时放大屏幕上的所有内容。 然后,您可以用两根手指轻扫以四处移动,或使用Digital Crown逐行移动。

Zoom is an accessibility feature. To enable it, press the digital crown to open the app grid, tap the gear icon to launch the Settings app, and then select the “Accessibility” option. If you’re using watchOS 5, the “Accessibility” option will be in the “General” section.

缩放是辅助功能。 要启用它,请按数字表冠以打开应用程序网格,点击齿轮图标以启动“设置”应用程序,然后选择“辅助功能”选项。 如果您使用watchOS 5,则“可访问性”选项将在“常规”部分中。

如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放

Next, tap on the “Zoom” option. And finally, select the toggle next to Zoom to enable the feature. Below this, you’ll be able to adjust the zoom level.

接下来,点击“缩放”选项。 最后,选择“缩放”旁边的切换开关以启用该功能。 在此之下,您将能够调整缩放级别。

如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放

To enable and use the Zoom feature on a page, simply double-tap on the Apple Watch screen with two fingers.

要启用和使用页面上的“缩放”功能,只需用两根手指在Apple Watch屏幕上双击。

You’ll now enter the zoomed-in interface. You’ll see a square icon in the top-right corner, which shows you the current zoomed-in location.

现在,您将进入放大界面。 您会在右上角看到一个方形图标,该图标显示了当前的放大位置。

如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放

As you move around with two fingers, you’ll see the square icon update. You can also turn the digital crown to move through the screen line-by-line. The zoomed-in part will move from left to right, and when it gets to the right edge, it will scroll down a bit and to the left side of the image.

用两根手指四处移动时,您会看到方形图标更新。 您也可以转动数字表冠在屏幕上逐行移动。 放大的部分将从左向右移动,到达右边缘时,它将向下滚动一点并移至图像的左侧。

If you want to change the zoom level, you can go back to the Zoom accessibility menu, scroll down, and tap on the “+” or “-” button.

如果要更改缩放级别,可以返回“缩放”辅助功能菜单,向下滚动,然后点击“ +”或“-”按钮。

如何在Apple Watch上启用和使用缩放

Alternatively, you can also try increasing the text size on your Apple Watch.

或者,您也可以尝试增加Apple Watch上的文本大小

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448561/how-to-enable-and-use-zooming-on-your-apple-watch/