xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标


Scott pointed me in the direction of an interesting utility for Windows XP that will let you “skin” your icons by replacing the built-in folder icons with custom icons, and even assign a different color for different folders.

Scott向我指出了Windows XP一个有趣的实用程序的方向,该实用程序将通过使用自定义图标替换内置文件夹图标,甚至为不同的文件夹分配不同的颜色,使您“蒙皮”您的图标。

After installation, open the iColorFolder Skin Selector dialog to see a number of built-in skins to choose from. If you want to apply the look across all regular folders automatically, you’ll need to choose the option for “Use generic folder icon defined in the skin”.

安装后,打开“ iColorFolder皮肤选择器”对话框以查看许多内置皮肤可供选择。 如果要自动在所有常规文件夹中应用外观,则需要选择“使用皮肤中定义的通用文件夹图标”选项。

xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

Note that you’ll need to install the additional skin pack from the download page to see this particular icon.


By right-clicking on a folder in Windows Explorer, you can choose a different color from the new Color Label menu.


xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

If you choose the “Custom…” item from the menu, you’ll be able to pick any icon you’d like for that folder, including the ability to browse for icons not shown.


xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

The new colorized icons are definitely a lot more pleasant to look at.


xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

You can actually change the default icon for almost any type of file by using the new Change Icon. This is actually a zip file, but I changed the icon to… not sure what that is.

实际上,您可以使用新的“更改图标”更改几乎任何类型的文件的默认图标。 这实际上是一个zip文件,但是我将图标更改为……不确定是什么。

xp更改文件图标_在Windows XP中自定义文件夹图标

The best part about this utility is that there’s no resident process taking up memory. It just uses the built-in mechanisms to set the icons and then exits.

关于此实用程序的最好之处在于,没有驻留进程占用内存。 它仅使用内置机制来设置图标,然后退出。

Download iColorFolder from SourceForge


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/customize-your-folder-icons-in-windows-xp/
