mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

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mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

As you install more apps and open new browser windows on your Mac, you might find it difficult to switch between all open apps and windows using just the Dock. Thankfully, there are better and faster ways to swap between open applications.

当您在Mac上安装更多应用并打开新的浏览器窗口时,可能会发现仅使用Dock很难在所有打开的应用和窗口之间进行切换。 幸运的是,在打开的应用程序之间有更好,更快的交换方式。

使用键盘快捷键切换打开的应用程序和Windows (Switch Open Apps and Windows Using Keyboard Shortcuts)

Just like Windows, Mac has a fast and robust app switcher built-in. It will be instantly familiar once you start using it.

与Windows一样,Mac内置了快速而强大的应用程序切换器。 一旦开始使用它,它将立即变得熟悉。

Press the Command+Tab keys and then hold the Command key to bring up the floating app switcher. Here, you’ll see all of the apps that you have open.

按Command + Tab键,然后按住Command键以调出浮动应用程序切换器。 在这里,您会看到所有打开的应用程序。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

Now, while holding the Command key, press the Tab key to move forward through the list of open apps, one at a time.


If you want to move back (left-side) in the list, press the Tilde (`) key while holding the Command key.


When you find the open app that you want to switch to, simply release the Command and Tab keys. Instantly, the window will be foreground.

找到要切换到的打开的应用程序后,只需松开Command和Tab键即可。 即时,该窗口将成为前景。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

You can also jump to a particular window of an open app from the app switcher. When you have an app highlighted in the floating switcher, press the Up or Down arrow key. This will show you all open windows for the given app.

您还可以从应用程序切换器跳至打开的应用程序的特定窗口。 当浮动切换器中突出显示某个应用程序时,请按向上或向下箭头键。 这将显示给定应用程序的所有打开的窗口。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

Then press the right arrow key to move between the open windows. Highlight the window that you want to switch to and press the Return key to switch to it.

然后按右箭头键在打开的窗口之间移动。 突出显示要切换到的窗口,然后按Return键切换到该窗口。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

You can change these keyboard shortcuts at any time by going to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. Here, select the “Keyboard” option from the left sidebar and then click an action that you want to remap. From there, press the new keyboard shortcut to assign it.

您可以随时通过转到系统偏好设置>键盘>快捷方式来更改这些键盘快捷键。 在这里,从左侧边栏中选择“键盘”选项,然后单击要重新映射的动作。 从那里,按新的键盘快捷键进行分配。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

使用触控板手势切换打开的应用程序和Windows (Switch Open Apps and Windows Using Trackpad Gestures)

MacBook users can also use trackpad gestures to quickly switch between open windows and Spaces.


First, swipe up with three fingers on your trackpad to open Mission Control.


mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

You’ll now see all of the open windows for all apps (across all desktops). Move your pointer to an app that you want to switch to and click on it.

现在,您将看到所有应用程序(在所有台式机上)的所有打开的窗口。 将指针移至要切换到的应用程序,然后单击它。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

If you’re using multiple spaces, first swipe left or right with three fingers to switch to it and then swipe up with three fingers to open Mission Control.


在同一应用程序的打开的Windows之间切换 (Switch Between Open Windows of the Same App)

If you’re the kind of person who opens multiple windows of the same app (best use-case being a browser or a document app like Microsoft Word), you’ll want to quickly switch between them.

如果您是那种打开同一应用程序的多个窗口的人(最好的用例是浏览器或Microsoft Word之类的文档应用程序),则需要在它们之间快速切换。

You can use Split View to open two windows side-by-side, but if you’re using a MacBook with a small screen, it might not always be feasible.

您可以使用Split View并排打开两个窗口,但是如果您使用的是带有小屏幕的MacBook,则可能并不总是可行的。

In that case, just use the Command+` (Tilde) keyboard shortcut. It will instantly switch to the next window for the foreground app.

在这种情况下,只需使用Command +`(波浪号)键盘快捷键即可。 它将立即切换到前景应用程序的下一个窗口。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

If you only have two windows open, you can also keep using this keyboard combination to constantly alternate between the two windows. Unlike the app switcher we mentioned at the beginning of the article, there’s no visible UI and it happens instantly.

如果仅打开两个窗口,则也可以继续使用此键盘组合在两个窗口之间不断切换。 与我们在本文开头提到的应用程序切换器不同,它没有可见的UI,并且会立即发生。

对于高级用户:使用上下文窗口切换器 (For Power Users: Use Contexts Window Switcher)

If you’re a Mac power user who spends the entire day working on your Mac and is frustrated by the limitations of Mac’s app switcher, you should look into the Contexts app. It’s a full replacement for Mac’s app switcher and adds many more useful features on top.

如果您是Mac的高级用户,全天都在Mac上工作,而对Mac的应用程序切换器的局限感到沮丧,则应研究Contexts应用程序。 它完全替代了Mac的应用切换器,并在顶部添加了更多有用的功能。

Contexts 3 comes with a free trial with a license costing $9.99. Contexts 3 can replace the Command+Tab keyboard shortcut, or you can map it to Option+Tab combination (or any other keyboard shortcut) to continue using Mac’s default app switcher as well.

Contexts 3带有免费试用版,许可证费用为9.99美元。 上下文3可以替换Command + Tab键盘快捷键,或者您可以将其映射到Option + Tab组合键(或任何其他键盘快捷键)以继续使用Mac的默认应用程序切换器。

Contexts 3 takes a vertical approach to the window switcher. When you press the keyboard combination, you’ll see a vertical list of all the open apps and windows. You can use the Command+Tab/` (Tilde) shortcut to navigate the open windows (or the arrow keys).

上下文3对窗口切换器采用垂直方法。 按下键盘组合键时,您会看到所有打开的应用程序和窗口的垂直列表。 您可以使用Command + Tab /`(波浪号)快捷方式来导航打开的窗口(或箭头键)。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

The app also comes with an auto-hiding sidebar that lists all open apps and windows, from all desktops (but you can disable that from the application’s settings).


mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

Where Contexts really shines is its search feature. After opening the Contexts window switcher, press the S button to switch to the search view (you can create a custom keyboard shortcut for this as well).

上下文真正发挥作用的地方是其搜索功能。 打开“上下文”窗口切换器后,按S按钮切换到搜索视图(您也可以为此创建自定义键盘快捷键)。

From there, search for an app or a window (while holding the modifier key). Once highlighted, release the keys to switch to the app or window.

从那里搜索应用程序或窗口(按住修改键的同时)。 突出显示后,释放按键以切换到应用程序或窗口。

mac open_如何在Mac上的Open Apps和Windows之间切换

What’s really cool here, is that Contexts assigns a shortcut to each app or window. You’ll see it on the left edge of each listing. If you just type that syntax in the search bar and press the Return key to open the app or window once, it will now be mapped to it.

此处真正酷的是,上下文为每个应用程序或窗口分配了快捷方式。 您会在每个列表的左侧看到它。 如果仅在搜索栏中键入该语法,然后按Return键一次打开该应用程序或窗口,则现在将其映射到该应用程序或窗口。

This way you can just type “S” in the search bar to quickly open Safari (instead of having to choose between the Slack or Safari app).

这样,您只需在搜索栏中输入“ S”即可快速打开Safari(而不必在Slack或Safari应用之间进行选择)。

New to the Mac? Here are the 14 essential apps that you should install.

Mac新手? 这是您应该安装的14个基本应用程序


mac open