



Losing files is gut-wrenching, especially if it’s an important work document or pictures of your kids. Online storage solutions usually offer a way to restore deleted files, and iCloud is no different. The process is convoluted, but we’ll hold your hand all the way.

丢失文件令人不安,尤其是当它是重要的工作文件或孩子的照片时。 联机存储解决方案通常提供一种还原已删除文件的方法,而iCloud也不例外。 这个过程很复杂,但是我们会一直牵着你的手。

Companies like Dropbox offer some extensive solutions for restoring deleted files for months after their deletion, and while iCloud comes close to that, it falls short in many ways.


If you deleted a file that you previously saved in iCloud Drive and now need to recover it, there are two caveats to keep in mind:

如果删除了以前保存在iCloud Drive中的文件,现在又需要恢复该文件,请牢记两个注意事项:

  • Files are only available for restoration up to 30 days after deletion. After that point, they’re gone forever.

    文件只能在删除后30天之内恢复。 在那之后,他们永远消失了。
  • Restoration can generally only take place on a computer, via iCloud.com. Starting with iOS 11 and macOS Sierra, developers can build a “recently deleted” feature into their apps, but your mileage will vary here.

    恢复通常只能通过iCloud.com在计算机上进行。 从iOS 11和macOS Sierra开始,开发人员可以在其应用程序中构建“最近删除”功能,但是您的工作量会有所不同。

The first of those two caveats mean that you’re unlikely to be able to use iCloud Drive file restoration as a reliable backup solution because the history doesn’t go back far enough. The second means that the chances are good that any file restoration will require a trip to a computer. Any iPad or iPhone owner visiting iCloud.com is unhelpfully directed to set up iCloud, open “Find My iPhone,” or access “Find My Friends.”

这两个警告中的第一个警告意味着您不太可能将iCloud Drive文件还原用作可靠的备份解决方案,因为历史记录还远远不够。 第二个意思是,任何文件还原都需要访问计算机的机会很大。 任何访问iCloud.com的iPad或iPhone所有者都无济于事,要求他们设置iCloud,打开“查找我的iPhone”或访问“查找我的朋友”。

All this means that if file restoration is your last hope, you’re going to have to cross your fingers and head over to iCloud.com. Here are the steps you need to follow to get started.

所有这些都意味着,如果文件恢复是您的最后希望,那么您将不得不花费很多精力并转到iCloud.com。 这是您开始需要遵循的步骤。

从iCloud驱动器还原已删除的文件 (Restoring Deleted Files from iCloud Drive)

You may never have visited it before, but to start, open Safari and connect to the iCloud website. You’ll need to log in with your Apple ID; make sure you use the one associated with the iCloud Drive that hosted the file or files you want to restore.

您可能以前从未访问过它,但首先,请打开Safari并连接到iCloud网站 。 您需要使用您的Apple ID登录; 确保使用与托管要还原文件的iCloud Drive关联的驱动器。

Once signed into iCloud.com, click the “Settings” button.



Scroll to the bottom of the screen, below the “Advanced” section, and then click “Restore Files.”



The file restoration window will now appear. If you have a lot of files stored in iCloud and have deleted many within the last 30 days, the site will need some time to collate a list of files available for restoration. Once this is complete, a list of deleted files appears, and you’ll be able to see their previous location in iCloud Drive, size, and the time remaining until they expire.

现在将显示文件还原窗口。 如果iCloud中存储了大量文件,并且在最近30天内删除了许多文件,则该站点将需要一些时间来整理可用于还原的文件列表。 完成此操作后,将显示已删除文件的列表,您将能够查看它们在iCloud Drive中的先前位置,大小以及直到它们过期的剩余时间。

To restore a file, click the tick box beside it and then click “Restore.” You can select multiple files at this point if you need to.

要还原文件,请单击文件旁边的复选框,然后单击“还原”。 如果需要,您可以在此时选择多个文件。


Once the file has been successfully restored, iCloud displays a message confirming it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400918/how-to-recover-deleted-files-from-icloud-drive/
