



The situation with iCloud storage would be funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous, and we’ve already made our feelings clear on whether Apple should offer more storage for free. But if you really must pay, why not save some money?

如果iCloud存储空间不是那么荒谬,那将很可笑,而且我们已经明确表示了苹果是否应该免费提供更多存储空间。 但是,如果您真的必须付款,为什么不省些钱呢?

Even though Apple’s pricing of iCloud storage has improved, that doesn’t excuse the fact that it should be offering more of it for free, and there’s a school of thought that it should give away enough to fully back up any iPhone or iPad they sell. That’s problematic in many ways, not least the fact that with iPhone sales slowing, Apple is relying more than ever on its services as a way of making money.

尽管苹果公司对iCloud存储的定价有所提高,但这并不能为它应该免费提供更多存储这一事实提供借口,而且有一种流派认为它应该提供足够的现金以完全备份他们出售的任何iPhone或iPad 。 这在很多方面都存在问题,尤其是随着iPhone销售放缓,苹果比以往任何时候都更加依赖其服务来赚钱。

It’s true that Apple’s iCloud storage pricing is more competitive than some, but that doesn’t excuse it from offering a paltry 5 GB of storage when it’s sat on Scrooge McDuck levels of cash. It’s for that reason that we have no qualms about sharing a couple of ways you might be able to save some money, should you absolutely need some more storage for your photos etc.

确实,苹果的iCloud存储价格比某些产品更具竞争力,但是当它以Scrooge McDuck现金级别支付时,它并不能为它提供微不足道的5 GB存储空间提供借口。 出于这个原因,如果您绝对需要更多存储照片等的空间,那么我们对共享几种可以节省一些钱的方式毫不犹豫。

So with that said, let’s get started.


购买打折的礼品卡 (Buy Discounted Gift Cards)

Apple has sold App Store and iTunes gift cards for many years, and despite the names, they’re ostensibly the same. No matter what it’s called, the card’s balance is ultimately added to your Apple ID which in turn means that you can use it for purchasing any of Apple’s services or software products. That means you can buy apps, music, or even pay for an in-app subscription if you like. And you can even pay for more iCloud storage, too.

苹果已经销售了App Store和iTunes礼品卡很多年了,尽管名称相同,但表面上看它们是相同的。 无论叫什么名字,卡的余额最终都会添加到您的Apple ID中,这反过来意味着您可以将其用于购买Apple的任何服务或软件产品。 这意味着您可以购买应用程序,音乐,甚至可以按需付费购买应用程序内订阅。 您甚至还可以支付更多iCloud存储空间的费用。

That in itself isn’t going to save you any money, but big stores sometimes put iTunes gift cards on sale for a discount, so there may be an opportunity for saving a few dollars here and there. Remember, every little bit helps.

这本身并不会节省您任何钱,但是大型商店有时会以折扣价出售iTunes礼品卡,因此可能有机会在这里和那里节省几美元。 记住,一点点帮助。

您真正需要多少存储空间? (How Much Storage Do You Really Need?)

Sometimes we’re all guilty of panic buying. Storage is one area where that can creep up, especially if you’re not really sure how much space you need. It can sometimes be easier to just pay for the highest storage tier just to never have to worry about storage again, but if you don’t quite need that much, you can save a few dollars per month by making sure you’re on the right tier.

有时我们都因惊慌失措而内。 存储是一个可以扩展的区域,尤其是如果您不确定是否需要多少空间时。 有时只需为最高的存储层付费即可,而不必再担心存储空间了,但是如果您不需要那么多存储空间,则可以通过确保每月使用数美元来节省数美元。正确的层。

Head into Settings, followed by tapping your name at the top of the screen.



Next, tap “iCloud” and marvel at the visual representation of how much iCloud storage you are using, as well as how much is currently available.

接下来,点击“ iCloud”,惊叹于您正在使用多少iCloud存储以及当前可用空间的视觉表示。


If you’re using a small portion of what’s available, it might be time to downgrade.



使用家庭共享来共享存储 (Use Family Sharing to Share Storage)

Family Sharing is an often-overlooked feature that Apple offers. It lets people from within the same family share resources such as apps and services. Thankfully, iCloud storage is one of those things you can share, so instead of having multiple people all using individual buckets of data, having them all dip into the same bucket can save you some money.

家庭共享是Apple提供的一个经常被忽略的功能。 它使来自同一家庭的人们共享资源,例如应用程序和服务。 值得庆幸的是,iCloud存储是您可以共享的东西之一,因此与其让多个人都使用单个存储桶,不如让他们全部都浸入同一存储桶中可以节省一些钱。

To enable iCloud storage sharing, open Settings and tap on your name at the top of the screen,



Next, tap on Family Sharing.



Tap iCloud Storage.



Now simply follow the steps to share your existing storage or, if needed, upgrade to the 200 GB or 2 TB tier.

现在,只需按照以下步骤共享您的现有存储,或者如果需要,升级到200 GB或2 TB的层。

如何在iCloud中节省空间 (How to Save Space in iCloud)

If all else fails, there are some ways that you can reduce how much iCloud storage you use. For example, you can use Google Photos to store an unlimited number of photos for free and avoid iCloud Photo Library. Some of them may require some creative storage management, but it may just be enough to save you spending money if you don’t have to.

如果其他所有方法均失败,则可以通过某些方法减少使用的iCloud存储量 。 例如,您可以使用Google相册免费存储无限数量的照片 ,而无需使用iCloud照片库。 其中一些可能需要一些创造性的存储管理,但这可能足以节省您不必要的花费。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403441/how-to-save-money-on-icloud-storage/
