


Have you ever needed to compare the difference in performance between two versions of your project? See the impact of an asset or code change, optimization work, settings change or Unity version upgrade? Read on to find out how our Profile Analyzer (Preview) can help you!

您是否曾经需要比较过两个项目版本之间的性能差异? 看到资产或代码更改,优化工作,设置更改或Unity版本升级的影响? 继续阅读以了解我们的Profile Analyzer (预览版)如何为您提供帮助!

出于必要而建立 (Built out of necessity)

As part of Unity’s Platform Performance Team, we get to investigate all kinds of performance problems, on any of the Unity supported platforms or in any version of Unity. To do this, we rely heavily on the native platform tools and, of course, on the Unity Profiler.

作为Unity平台性能团队的一部分,我们可以研究任何Unity支持的平台或任何版本的Unity上的各种性能问题。 为此,我们严重依赖于本机平台工具,当然也依赖于Unity Profiler

During one such investigation, we found that we were struggling to find the most representative frames of data to dig into. So we built a tool that would aggregate multiple frames of profiler data and help us locate interesting frames for any given marker. This enabled us to more reliably reason about its change in behavior.

在一项这样的调查中,我们发现我们正在努力寻找最有代表性的数据框架。 因此,我们构建了一个工具,该工具将汇总多个探查器数据框架并帮助我们为任何给定标记定位有趣的框架。 这使我们能够更可靠地推断其行为变化。

分析单个数据集 (Analyzing a single data set)

Profile Analyzer’s Single View can be populated from the current set of frames in the Unity Profiler window. It analyzes the CPU data and visualizes frame, thread and marker times/counts, including their minimum, maximum, median, mean and lower/upper quartile values, and gives links back to the Profiler Window for the frames they appear in. The distribution of time for frames, threads, and markers is also available as a histogram and box and whisker plot to help visualize behavior over time.

可以从Unity Profiler窗口中的当前框架集中填充Profile Analyzer的“单一视图”。 它分析CPU数据并可视化帧,线程和标记的时间/计数,包括其最小值,最大值,中位数,均值和较低/较高的四分位数,并将链接返回到探查器窗口以显示它们出现的帧。还可以使用直方图,方框图和晶须图来获取帧,线和标记的时间,以帮助可视化随时间变化的行为。

比较两个数据集 (Comparing two data sets)

Building on the information shown in the Single View, you can load two data sets in the Compare View. They will appear in two distinct colors. The difference between the two data sets is visualized in an ordered table. You can also see the distribution differences in the histogram and box and whisker plots. The two data sets can be from before and after a code/data change, a project-settings change or a Unity version upgrade.

基于“单一视图”中显示的信息,您可以在“比较视图”中加载两个数据集。 它们将以两种不同的颜色出现。 这两个数据集之间的差异在有序表中可视化。 您还可以在直方图,箱形图和晶须图中看到分布差异。 这两个数据集可以来自代码/数据更改,项目设置更改或Unity版本升级之前和之后。


A comprehensive filtering system is available in both the Single and Compare views to limit the analysis by marker, thread, frame, and stack depth.


过滤数据 (Filtering the data)

Your working set can be reduced with the use of the filtering controls. You can limit markers by a partial name match, which thread they ran on and a specific stack level.

使用过滤控件可以减少您的工作集。 您可以通过部分名称匹配,它们在哪个线程上运行以及特定的堆栈级别来限制标记。

Along with filtering to a specific name match, you can also elect to exclude a further set of markers by name to remove any markers that aren’t statistically relevant from the filtered set or are somehow distorting the view of your filtered marker set.  Selecting a subset of frames is also available using the frame control at the top of the window.

除了过滤到特定的名称匹配之外,您还可以选择按名称排除另一组标记,以从过滤的集合中删除在统计上不相关的所有标记,或者以某种方式扭曲过滤的标记集的视图。 使用窗口顶部的框架控件,还可以选择框架的子集。

The Compare View will automatically align the depth of the two data sets so that top-level markers are aligned correctly. However, you can override this using the Auto Right tick box and the Left and Right depth controls. This is especially useful when comparing data sets from different versions of Unity where the markers produced have changed.

比较视图将自动对齐两个数据集的深度,以便正确对齐*标记。 但是,您可以使用“自动右”复选框和“左”和“右”深度控件来覆盖此设置。 当比较来自不同版本Unity的数据集(其中生成的标记已更改)时,这特别有用。

分享爱 (Sharing the love)

Profile Analyzer continues to be used internally to monitor performance and optimizations of key systems. Recently, it was used to review performance when optimizing Unity texture loading, where the creation of large textures caused render thread stalls. The searching and filtering made it simple to focus on the key metrics related to this area. To help all developers review and improve performance we released the tool as a package in sync with the 2019.1 release, give it a go and let us know how you get on, we’d love to hear your experiences on the forum.

Profile Analyzer继续在内部用于监视关键系统的性能和优化。 最近,它用于检查优化Unity纹理加载时的性能,该过程中创建大纹理会导致渲染线程停顿。 通过搜索和过滤,可以轻松地专注于与此区域相关的关键指标。 为了帮助所有开发人员审查和提高性能,我们以与2019.1版本同步的软件包形式发布了该工具,让它一路运行 ,让我们知道您的工作状况,我们很乐意在论坛上听听您的经验。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/05/13/introducing-the-profile-analyzer/
