Basic of computer Network 5: OSI 7 Layer Model VS TCP/IP


It allows user to send date across different network under a series of protocol. It mainly uses to control the data and process it, like how can two users communicate by sending data from one device and other devices, such as OSI 7-layer model, TCP/IP.

OSI 7-layer Model

It stands for Operating System Interconnection Reference Model that is the world’s first network model was proposed by IBM in 1974. The OSI 7-layer model enable user devices to communicate between different systems and networks through 7 hierarchical structural models. So, the most important function of OSI 7-layer is to help different types of hosts realize data transmission.

OSI model has got 7 layers (from 7 to 1):
7. Application Layer
The Application Layer is the highest layer in the network system and the only one face to users. It can also be regarded as providing common applications for users. Each network application corresponds to a different protocol.
The application layer provides users with the following services and protocols: file service, directory service, file transfer service (FTP), remote login service (Telnet), E-mail service (E-mail), printing service, security service, network management service, database service, etc. The above various network services are completed by different application protocols and programs in this layer.
Application layer also got application protocols, like HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) IMAP 4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol) and so on. For example, Google Chrome, Outlook, Office, etc. They are layer 7 applications.
6. Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer is mainly responsible for data format conversion, ensuring that messages sent by the application layer of one system can be read by the application layer of another system. It also can encode conversion, data parsing, management of data decryption and encryption, and the translation of application layer protocols.
5. Session Layer
The Session Layer responsible for the establish and maintain the communication connection to the Presentation Layer of two different computers in the network and decide when to terminate the communication.

The user can set up the session in half duplex, single duplex and full duplex mode. When establishing a session, users must provide the remote address they want to connect to. These addresses, unlike MAC (media access control sublayer) addresses or IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, are designed specifically for users to remember. A domain name (DN) is a remote address used on the network. For example, www. is a domain name.
4. Transport Layer
The main task of layer 3 if data communication, while the task of the upper layer 3 is data processing. The Transport Layer is the fourth layer of the OSI model. Therefore, this layer is the interface and bridge between communication subnet and the resource subnet.
The main task of this layer is to provide users with reliable end-to end error and flow control to ensure the correct transmission of messages. The role of Transport Layer is to mask the details of data communication under this layer to the upper layer, that is to transmit messages transparently to the user.
The common protocol in this layer include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange) and Microsoft’s NetBIOS protocol.
The Transport layer provides a transport service between the Session Layer and the Network Layer, which takes data from the session layer and, if necessary, split the data. Then, this layer passes the data to the network layer and ensures that the data is delivered correctly to the Network Layer. Thus, the transport layer is responsible for providing reliable transmission of data between two nodes, and for monitoring work when the connection between the two node is established.
3. Network Layer
Network layer is the third layer of the OSI model that also it is the most complex layer and the highest layer of the communication subnet. It provided services to the resource subnet on basis of Physical Layer and Data Link Layer. The data frame is converted into data packet at this layer. So, the main task is transmit data packet from one network to another network through the path which is chose by router and segmented combination, sequence, inlet/outlet and other control.
Generally, Layer 2 is used to solve the communication between nodes in the same network, while the Network Layer is mainly used to solve the communication between different subnets, such as, communicating between WAN, routing problem (there may be more than one way between two nodes) will be encountered.
The protocol in this layer include IP (internet Protocol), IPX (Internet Packet Exchange), RIP (Routing Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), etc.
2. Data Link Layer
It is the second layer of the OSI model that establishes and manages links between nodes. The main function of this layer is to change the mistake physical channel into a correct data link that can transmit data frames reliably through various control protocols. This layer can provided a reliable method to transmit data through physical medium.
The physical links are unreliable in computer networks as the existence of various disturbances. Therefore, the main function of this layer is to change the faulty physical circuit into a correct data link on the basis of the bitstream provided by the physical layer through using error control and flow control methods.
Usually, this layer is divided into two sub-layers: Media Access Control (MAC) and Logical Link Control (LLC)。
The main task of MAC is to solve the problem of multi-user channel competition in shared network and to complete the access control of network media.
The main tasks of the LLC are to establish and maintain network connections, perform error checking, flow control and link control.
The specific work of the data link layer is to receive the bitstream form data from the physical layer and encapsulate it into a frame and transmit it to the upper layer. Similarly, the data frame from the upper layer is also dismounted into the form of bitstream, data, and forwarded to the physical layer. Moreover, it is responsible for processing the confirmation frame information to send back by the receiver to provide reliable data transmission.
1. Physical Layer
In the OSI reference model, the Physical Layer is the lowest layer and the first layer of OSI model.
The main function of the physical layer is to use the transmission medium to provide physical connection for the data link layer and realize the transparent transmission of bitstream.
The function of the physical layer is to realize the transparent transmission of bitstream between adjacent computer nodes and to shield the differences between specific transmission media and physical devices as much as possible. So that the data link layer above it does not have to consider the specific transmission medium of the network. “Transparent transmit bitstream” means that the bitstream that is transmitted through the actual circuit does not change, and the circuit appears to be invisible to the transmitted bitstream.

Finally, because the OSI 7 Layer is an ideal model, most network systems involve only a few layers, there are very few systems can have all 7 layers and follow its rules fully.
In this model, each layer provides a special function. Layer 1-3 mainly provide data transmission and exchange functions which is node to node communication; Layer 4 is a bridge between upper and lower parts which is the most critical part of the model; Layer 5-7 focus on providing information and data processing functions between users and applications.
Basic of computer Network 5: OSI 7 Layer Model VS TCP/IP


TCP/IP is short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It is the most basic protocol of the internet and the foundation of international internet network. It consists of the IP protocol of the network layer and the TCP protocol of the Transmission layer. TCP/IP defines the stand of how electronic devices are connected to the Internet and how data is transferred between them. The protocol uses a four-layer hierarchy with each layer calling the protocol provided by its net layer to fulfil its own requirements.
Application layer: it has various services and applications that use the network through this layer, common protocol, HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, etc.
Transport layer: it uses to confirm data transmission and error correction, common protocol: TCP, UDP.
Network layer: it responsible for data transmission, the selection of path and address, common protocol: IP, ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).
Datalink and Physical layer: also called network interface, it uses for connecting forms of different physical network. Protocol on this layer: Ethernet, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).

OSI 7 Layers VS TCP/IP
 OSI introduced the concepts of Service, Interface, Protocol and Layer, TCP/IP drew lesson from these concepts to establish the TCP/IP model.
 OSI first had models, then protocols, start with standards, then practices; while TCP/IP is opposite, it had protocols and application before it came up with a model, which was based on the OSI model.
 OSI is a theoretical model, while TCP/IP has been widely used as the standard for network interconnection.
 OSI has 7 layers while TCP/IP only got 4 or 5 layers.

The OSI reference model was proposed by the international organization for standardization (ISO) with the intention of making everyone follow the model for network development to facilitate standardization. Facts have proved that this has indeed played a very important role in the development of the network, and the seven-layer structure is differentiated reasonably, which is very convenient for people who are new to the network to learn.
OSI model clear distinct the concept between Service, Interface and Protocol.
Services defines what the layer does, regardless of how the upper layer accesses it or how it works. The interface of a layer tells the process above it how to access the interface, which defines what parameters are needed and what the expected results are. Again, the interface is independent of how the layer works. The protocol used in a layer is the internal transaction of that layer, and any protocol can be used as long as the work can be done (such as providing specified services), and changes to the protocol in one layer do not affect other layers.
• The OSI model divide the whole network into 7 layers, each layer has different responsibility that reduce the complexity of the problem, once there is a network fault occur, the technician can locate the fault layer quickly, which is easy to find and correct it.
• It also defines the standard interface in each layer, so that different network devices with the same layer can achieve interoperability, and each layer is relatively independent.
• It can effectively stimulate network technology innovation, because each update can be carried out in a small area, without major surgery on the entire network.
• It is convenient for study and teach.
o It is a very complex model, which will cost a lot to implement it.
o There are quite a lot of services are repeating in different layer, such as addressing, flow control, error control, etc.
The design of the reference model is more dominated by the idea of communication, and many choices are not suitable for the way computers and software work.
While TCP/IP was developed and popularized by the U.S. department of defence. The idea is to build a network environment that can transmit data correctly and quickly even in the worst conditions, even in the event of a nuclear war. Although, it is reduced from 7 layers to 4 layers, but the function of each layer is clearer and more obvious, also because of the popularity of the Internet, now manufacturers in product and technology development, most refer to the TCP/IP reference model.
• It can provide connection-oriented and connectionless, two communication services.
• It is the standard for network interconnection that is used widely.
o TCP/IP has no distinct concept of services, interfaces, and protocols. Therefore, the TCP/IP model is not a good template for designing new networks using new technologies.
o The TCP/IP model was designed and implemented for Wide Area network, which means is cannot be optimised for small network, such as LAN,j PAN/BAN.
o The division of the physical layer from the data link layer is necessary and reasonable, and a good reference model should distinguish them, whereas the TCP/IP reference model does not.
Overall, without OSI 7 Layer model and TCP/IP model, the network is a chaos, all the pieces are not manageable, not able to communicate, not able to transfer data between two nodes.

FS.COM, TCP/IP vs OSI: What is the difference between the two Model, 02 November 2017, available from [29/02/2020]
Fendadis John, TutorialsPoint, Advantages and Disadvantage of the TCP/IP Model, 23 July 2018, available from [29/02/2020]
Jai Janardhan, TutotialPoint, advantage and Disadvantage of the OSI Model, 31 July 2018, available from [29/02/2020]