Apache POI for Microsoft Office


Apache POI是纯Java代码,用于支持对Microsoft Office文档的读写。POI为“Poor Obfuscation Implementation”的首字母缩写,意为“可怜的模糊实现”。
POI 分别支持各种符合Office Open XML(OOXML)标准和微软的OLE 2复合文档格式(OLE2)的读写操作。OLE2是早期MS的定义的格式(如.xls,doc,ppt)。OOXML是国际标准(如.xlsx,docx,pptx)。因此会有两个版本类实现来支持。下面是各MS文档对应的api组件包

文档 组件包 备注
Excel HSSF+XSSF+SXSSF H:Horrible(讨厌的),X:(XML),SSF: SpreadSheet Format(电子表格)
PowerPoint HSLF+XSLF
Outlook HSMF
Publisher HPBF


Component Application type Maven artifactId Notes
POIFS OLE2 Filesystem poi Required to work with OLE2 / POIFS based files
HPSF OLE2 Property Sets poi
HSSF Excel XLS poi For HSSF only, if common SS is needed see below
HSLF PowerPoint PPT poi-scratchpad
HWPF Word DOC poi-scratchpad
HDGF Visio VSD poi-scratchpad
HPBF Publisher PUB poi-scratchpad
HSMF Outlook MSG poi-scratchpad
DDF Escher common drawings poi
HWMF WMF drawings poi-scratchpad
OpenXML4J OOXML poi-ooxml plus either poi-ooxml-schemas or ooxml-schemas and ooxml-security See notes below for differences between these options
XSSF Excel XLSX poi-ooxml
XSLF PowerPoint PPTX poi-ooxml
XWPF Word DOCX poi-ooxml
XDGF Visio VSDX poi-ooxml
Common SL PowerPoint PPT and PPTX poi-scratchpad and poi-ooxml SL code is in the core POI jar, but implementations are in poi-scratchpad and poi-ooxml.
Common SS Excel XLS and XLSX poi-ooxml WorkbookFactory and friends all require poi-ooxml, not just core poi


Maven artifactId Prerequisites JAR
poi commons-logging, commons-codec, commons-collections (since POI 3.15 beta 3), commons-math (since POI 4.0.0), log4j poi-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-scratchpad poi poi-scratchpad-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-ooxml poi, poi-ooxml-schemas poi-ooxml-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-ooxml-schemas xmlbeans poi-ooxml-schemas-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-examples poi, poi-scratchpad, poi-ooxml poi-examples-version-yyyymmdd.jar
ooxml-schemas xmlbeans ooxml-schemas-1.3.jar
ooxml-security xmlbeans For signing: bcpkix-jdk15on, bcprov-jdk15on, xmlsec, slf4j-api ooxml-security-1.1.jar

Apache POI for Microsoft Office

(usermodel 需要较多的内存与CPU,若是手机端可能会因有内存不足异常)

POI 官网

Excel How to

HSSF usermodel Write example