

Sometimes, you’re on the go and you need to recharge your Nintendo Switch’s battery, but you don’t have your dock with you. Whether you’re playing the Switch while charging or leaving it in Standby mode, here’s how you can charge in a pinch—and the best way to do it.

有时,您在旅途中需要为Nintendo Switch的电池充电,但是却没有随身携带的基座。 无论您是在充电时播放Switch还是将其置于待机模式,这都是在紧要关头充电的方法-以及最佳的充电方法。

在没有坞站的情况下为交换机充电的官方方式 (The Official Way to Recharge a Switch Without a Dock)


Both the Switch and Switch Lite include an official Nintendo Switch AC Adapter in the box when you purchase them. Most people use this adapter to power the dock, which, in turn, powers the Switch. But you can also unplug the AC adapter from the dock and plug it directly into the Switch.

购买时,Switch和Switch Lite均在包装盒中随附官方的Nintendo Switch AC适配器 。 大多数人使用此适配器为扩展坞供电,而扩展坞又为交换机供电。 但是,您也可以从扩展坞上拔下交流适配器,然后将其直接插入交换机。

The official Nintendo Switch AC Adapter provides enough power to charge the Switch in the quickest, most efficient way. It also provides enough current to recharge the battery while you play, although the charging rate will be slower than letting the Switch recharge in Standby mode.

官方Nintendo Switch交流适配器可提供足够的电源,以最快,最高效的方式为Switch充电。 它还可以提供足够的电流来在您播放时为电池充电,尽管充电速率会比让“开关”在待机模式下充电慢。

So, if you know you’ll be using your Switch on the go, either take the Nintendo Switch AC Adapter with you or buy a second one for travel. You could also try a third-party Switch AC adapter, like this one from AmazonBasics.

因此,如果您知道您将在旅途中使用Switch,请随身携带Nintendo Switch AC适配器,或购买第二个适配器旅行。 您也可以尝试使用第三方Switch AC适配器,例如AmazonBasics的适配器。

According to Nintendo, all models of the Switch console take about three hours to fully charge in Standby mode while using the official Nintendo Switch AC Adapter.

根据Nintendo的说法,使用官方Nintendo Switch AC适配器时,所有型号的Switch控制台在待机模式下充满电大约需要三个小时

如何使用USB电缆为Nintendo交换机充电 (How to Charge a Nintendo Switch Using a USB Cable)

Nyko, Apple

All models of Nintendo Switch use USB-C for the charging port on the bottom of the unit. So, in a pinch, you can charge it with any USB-C cable plugged into a power source, such as a tablet/smartphone charger, battery pack, PC, or USB hub. The speed at which the battery recharges (and whether it actually powers the Switch for play) varies wildly depending on the power source.

Nintendo Switch的所有型号均使用USB-C作为设备底部的充电端口。 因此,在紧要关头,您可以使用插入电源的任何USB-C电缆(例如平板电脑/智能手机充电器,电池组,PC或USB集线器)对其进行充电。 电池的充电速度(以及是否实际为Switch供电以供播放) 取决于电源

As far as cables go, any well-made USB-A-to-USB-C cable will work with a sufficient power source to charge the Switch. However, this method limits the maximum power to 7.5 watts due to the Switch’s design. That’s enough to play and charge simultaneously—but not at the fastest rate.

就电缆而言,任何精良的USB-A至USB-C电缆均可以使用足够的电源为交换机充电。 但是,由于交换机的设计,此方法将最大功率限制为7.5瓦 。 这足以同时播放和充电,但不是最快的速度。

The Switch also supports a higher wattage charging mode that charges the battery much faster. However, it requires a USB-C-to-USB-C cable with a high-wattage power source (such as a MacBook Pro 61-watt USB-C charger) or a specially made Switch AC Adapter.

交换机还支持更高瓦数的充电模式,可以更快地为电池充电。 但是,它需要具有高功率电源的USB-C到USB-C电缆 (例如MacBook Pro 61瓦USB-C充电器 )或特制的开关AC适配器。

  • Minimum requirements to charge while playing: To have your Switch’s battery recharge, (even if slowly), while you play a game, you need a power source that can supply at least 5 volts and 1.5 amps (or 7.5 watts) of power. More amps are better for faster battery charging.

    玩耍时充电的最低要求:玩游戏时,要使Switch的电池充电(即使缓慢),您需要一个至少可提供5伏和1.5安(或7.5瓦)功率的电源。 安培越大,电池充电越快。

  • Minimum requirements to charge in Standby mode (without the dock): Nintendo doesn’t provide an official lower-limit of current needed for charging the Switch in Standby mode. From our own testing, it appears the Switch will recharge from a power source that can output as little as 5 volts at fractions of an amp (such as 400mA/0.4 A), but charging will be slow.

    在待机模式(不带扩展坞)下充电的最低要求: Nintendo并未提供在待机模式下为交换机充电所需的官方电流下限。 从我们自己的测试来看,开关似乎会从可在低至5伏的电流下以一安培的几分之一(例如400mA / 0.4 A)输出的电源充电,但是充电会很慢。

Generally, the more Amps you have available, the faster the Switch will charge. The ideal output for Standby charging from commonly available USB adapters (like those you’d find at a convenience store) is around 5 volts and 2 amps.

通常,可用的安培数越多,开关充电的速度就越快。 常用USB适配器(如在便利店中找到的适配器)进行待机充电的理想输出约为5伏特和2安培。

Every dedicated USB power adapter or battery pack should have a tiny label that lists its power output. It will say something like “Output: 5V/1A,” which means it can provide a maximum of 5 volts at 1 amp of current, or 5 watts of power. Those are the numbers you want.

每个专用的USB电源适配器或电池组都应有一个很小的标签,列出其电源输出。 它将显示类似“输出:5V / 1A”的字样,这意味着它可以在1安培电流或5瓦功率的情况下提供最大5伏的电压。 这些是您想要的号码。

Nintendo Switch充电的技术细节 (The Technical Details About Nintendo Switch Charging)


The technical details of how each Switch model receives power and charges in different modes go far beyond what most people need to know. If you’re interested in digging deeper, though, or want an optimum way to charge the Switch while playing, someone on Reddit made a complex chart that explores the various options. Informal studies have also been done on how much power the Switch consumes in different scenarios. Of course, since these studies aren’t official, you might want to take them with a grain of salt.

每个Switch型号如何在不同模式下接收电能和充电的技术细节远远超出了大多数人所需要的知识 。 但是,如果您有兴趣深入研究,或者想要在游戏时以最佳方式为Switch充电,则Reddit上的某人可以制作一张复杂的图表来探索各种选项。 关于交换机在不同情况下消耗多少功率的非正式研究也已经完成 。 当然,由于这些研究不是官方的,因此您可能希望将它们与一粒盐一起服用。

The bottom line? For best results, stick to the official Nintendo Switch AC Adapter. It provides the optimum amount of power to play and charge, and it works with both the Switch and Switch Lite. It’s not as portable as grabbing a USB cable and hoping for a good power supply on the run. Still, you’ll know Nintendo’s official adapter can handle anything the Switch throws at it.

底线? 为了获得最佳效果,请使用官方的Nintendo Switch AC适配器 。 它提供了最佳的播放和充电功率,并且可以与Switch和Switch Lite一起使用。 它不像抓住USB电缆并希望在运行中提供良好的电源那样方便携带。 不过,您会知道任天堂的官方适配器可以处理Switch扔给它的任何东西。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669278/how-to-charge-a-nintendo-switch-without-the-dock/