VssConnection VSTS总是提示输入凭据


我正在使用Visual Studio客户端工具在命令行实用程序中调用VSTS REST API。该实用程序可以为不同的命令(复制,删除,应用策略等)VssConnection VSTS总是提示输入凭据


public static VssConnection CreateConnection(Uri url, VssCredentials credentials = null) 
    credentials = credentials ?? new VssClientCredentials();    

    credentials.Storage = new VssClientCredentialStorage();   

    var connection = new VssConnection(url, credentials); 


    return connection; 




UPDATE 需要明确的是,作为该对象连接到VssConnection对象问题没有缓存VssClientCredentials实例一旦创建了连接。问题是在执行程序之间(即在本地机器上)缓存用户令牌,以便下次从命令行执行该实用程序时,用户不必再次输入他们的凭证。类似于您每次启动时不必始终登录到Visual Studio的方式。


你预计他们要记住?您的代码将在每次调用时调用新的VssClientCredentials()。没有什么比通过'CreateConnection'调用保存值。 – AdrianHHH


@AdrianHHH根据文档,VssClientCredentialStorage就是这样做的。 – Jim


请参阅此处的示例... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/integrate/concepts/dotnet-client-libraries – Jim






  • 在命令行再次通过命令行叫我的工具首次
  • 供应凭据VSTS客户端提示
  • 运行实用程序没有被提示!




public static VssConnection CreateConnection(Uri url, VssCredentials credentials = null, double tokenLeaseInSeconds = VssClientCredentialCachingStorage.DefaultTokenLeaseInSeconds) 
     credentials = credentials ?? new VssClientCredentials(); 

     credentials.Storage = GetVssClientCredentialStorage(tokenLeaseInSeconds); 

     var connection = new VssConnection(url, credentials); 


     return connection; 

    private static VssClientCredentialCachingStorage GetVssClientCredentialStorage(double tokenLeaseInSeconds) 
     return new VssClientCredentialCachingStorage("YourApp", "YourNamespace", tokenLeaseInSeconds); 


/// <summary> 
    /// Class to alter the credential storage behavior to allow the token to be cached between sessions. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <seealso cref="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.IVssCredentialStorage" /> 
    public class VssClientCredentialCachingStorage : VssClientCredentialStorage 
     #region [Private] 

     private const string __tokenExpirationKey = "ExpirationDateTime"; 
     private double _tokenLeaseInSeconds; 

     #endregion [Private] 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The default token lease in seconds 
     /// </summary> 
     public const double DefaultTokenLeaseInSeconds = 86400;// one day 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VssClientCredentialCachingStorage"/> class. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="storageKind">Kind of the storage.</param> 
     /// <param name="storageNamespace">The storage namespace.</param> 
     /// <param name="tokenLeaseInSeconds">The token lease in seconds.</param> 
     public VssClientCredentialCachingStorage(string storageKind = "VssApp", string storageNamespace = "VisualStudio", double tokenLeaseInSeconds = DefaultTokenLeaseInSeconds) 
      : base(storageKind, storageNamespace) 
      this._tokenLeaseInSeconds = tokenLeaseInSeconds; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Removes the token. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="serverUrl">The server URL.</param> 
     /// <param name="token">The token.</param> 
     public override void RemoveToken(Uri serverUrl, IssuedToken token) 
      this.RemoveToken(serverUrl, token, false); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Removes the token. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="serverUrl">The server URL.</param> 
     /// <param name="token">The token.</param> 
     /// <param name="force">if set to <c>true</c> force the removal of the token.</param> 
     public void RemoveToken(Uri serverUrl, IssuedToken token, bool force) 
      // Bypassing this allows the token to be stored in local 
      // cache. Token is removed if lease is expired. 

      if (force || token != null && this.IsTokenExpired(token)) 
       base.RemoveToken(serverUrl, token); 


     /// <summary> 
     /// Retrieves the token. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="serverUrl">The server URL.</param> 
     /// <param name="credentialsType">Type of the credentials.</param> 
     /// <returns>The <see cref="IssuedToken"/></returns> 
     public override IssuedToken RetrieveToken(Uri serverUrl, VssCredentialsType credentialsType) 
      var token = base.RetrieveToken(serverUrl, credentialsType);    

      if (token != null) 
       bool expireToken = this.IsTokenExpired(token); 
       if (expireToken) 
        base.RemoveToken(serverUrl, token); 
        token = null; 
        // if retrieving the token before it is expired, 
        // refresh the lease period. 
        this.RefreshLeaseAndStoreToken(serverUrl, token); 
        token = base.RetrieveToken(serverUrl, credentialsType); 

      return token; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Stores the token. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="serverUrl">The server URL.</param> 
     /// <param name="token">The token.</param> 
     public override void StoreToken(Uri serverUrl, IssuedToken token) 
      this.RefreshLeaseAndStoreToken(serverUrl, token); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Clears all tokens. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="url">The URL.</param> 
     public void ClearAllTokens(Uri url = null) 
      IEnumerable<VssToken> tokens = this.TokenStorage.RetrieveAll(base.TokenKind).ToList(); 

      if (url != default(Uri)) 
       tokens = tokens.Where(t => StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(t.Resource, url.ToString().TrimEnd('/')) == 0); 

      foreach(var token in tokens) 

     private void RefreshLeaseAndStoreToken(Uri serverUrl, IssuedToken token) 
      if (token.Properties == null) 
       token.Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 

      token.Properties[__tokenExpirationKey] = JsonSerializer.SerializeObject(this.GetNewExpirationDateTime()); 

      base.StoreToken(serverUrl, token); 

     private DateTime GetNewExpirationDateTime() 
      var now = DateTime.Now; 

      // Ensure we don't overflow the max DateTime value 
      var lease = Math.Min((DateTime.MaxValue - now.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))).TotalSeconds, this._tokenLeaseInSeconds); 

      // ensure we don't have negative leases 
      lease = Math.Max(lease, 0); 

      return now.AddSeconds(lease);    

     private bool IsTokenExpired(IssuedToken token) 
      bool expireToken = true; 

      if (token != null && token.Properties.ContainsKey(__tokenExpirationKey)) 
       string expirationDateTimeJson = token.Properties[__tokenExpirationKey]; 

        DateTime expiration = JsonSerializer.DeserializeObject<DateTime>(expirationDateTimeJson); 

        expireToken = DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, expiration) >= 0; 
       catch { } 

      return expireToken; 