adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建


我叫Plamen(Paco)Tamnev,负责我的演示Adam中使用的许多资产。 我之前曾在Black Sea Studios,Crytek担任角色艺术家,此后我加入Unity演示团队从事实时演示,如Adam, The Smith和一些较小的环境演示( Viking VillageBedroomCourtyard )。 (My name is Plamen (Paco) Tamnev and I was responsible for a lot of the assets used in our demo Adam. I previously worked as a character artist for Black Sea Studios, Crytek and after that I joined the Unity demo team to work on real time demos like Adam, The Blacksmith, as well as some smaller environment demos (Viking Village, Bedroom, Courtyard).)

Asset creation starts with a thorough understanding of the creative goals and values of the project: the backstory of the world, the story we’re telling, and how the character design contributes to conveying the message. You can read more about it in my teammate Georgi Simeonov’s blogpost about the design process in “Adam” demo.

资产创建始于对项目的创造性目标和价值的透彻理解:世界的背景,我们正在讲述的故事以及角色设计如何有助于传达信息。 您可以在我的队友Georgi Simeonov的 博客文章中了解有关“ Adam”演示中设计过程的 更多信息 。

I work very closely with Georgi and with our director Veselin Efremov, in both my character and environment work. The first things we have to get right are the overall proportions, distribution of detail, and nailing the right silhouette. We rely on an iterative approach, starting with proxy models which are gradually detailed and refined.

在角色和环境工作方面,我与格奥尔基(Georgi)和我们的导演维斯林·埃夫雷莫夫(Veselin Efremov)紧密合作。 我们首先要正确的是整体比例,细节分布和确定正确的轮廓。 我们依靠迭代的方法,从逐渐详细和完善的代理模型开始。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5

Unity 5中编辑器的屏幕截图

亚当的介绍和功能(Building Adam) (Adam previz and functionality (Building Adam))

Building Adam was a bit of a challenge, as we had to make him functional, while still preserving the look and mood of the concept. We knew that he had a large range of motions to perform, as well as some pretty extreme closeups in a few of the shots. Adam also had to function as a base for the crowd, and our other two main characters also used parts from Adam where it made sense to do so. I had to keep this in mind during the modeling stage and build Adam almost as a sort of flexible reusable modeling kit. We began with a blockout version of the character, which was updated incrementally. There was a lot of back and forth between our animation director, the production designer, and me: quite a few things had to be tweaked or redone all together as they looked good initially, but had to be reworked to improve the character’s range of motion, or the silhouette.

建立Adam有点挑战,因为我们必须让他发挥作用,同时还要保留该概念的外观和风格。 我们知道他有各种各样的动作可以执行,并且在一些镜头中还有一些非常极端的特写。 亚当还必须作为人群的基础,而我们的其他两个主要角色也使用了亚当的零件。 在建模阶段,我必须牢记这一点,并将Adam几乎构建为一种灵活的可重用建模套件。 我们从角色的*版本开始,该版本逐步更新。 我们的动画导演,制片设计师和我之间来回往来很多:很多事情必须进行调整或重新做,因为它们一开始看起来很不错,但必须重新设计以改善角色的活动范围或轮廓。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Reference renders for the W.I.P. high poly model of Adam from Vray


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Reference renders for the W.I.P. high poly model of Adam from Vray


Here are some of the functionality previz renders I did for the parts of Adam that had more complex motions, before moving on to the low poly models. The arms were one of the more complex parts: they had layers of details, most of which had to be able to move and slide properly. Not all of them are visible in the final film, but they did help to get the right proportions and also give us some fresh ideas about details.                                                    

下面是我为亚当的那些具有较复杂动作的部分所做的功能预览,然后再继续介绍低多边形模型。 手臂是较复杂的部分之一:它们具有多层细节,其中大部分必须能够正确移动和滑动。 在最终的电影中,并非所有这些元素都可见,但是它们确实有助于获得正确的比例,并且还为我们提供了一些有关细节的新思路。                                                    

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Reference renders for the W.I.P. high poly model of Adam from Vray.


The previz renders also served as a material guide to quickly see the high poly models with the base materials and colors in place, before moving on to the actual low poly models and textures, and gave us time to iterate on those. The setup was fairly straightforward: I used mostly auto uv’s that were relaxed in Zbrush, and then I set up the Vray materials with tiled textures to break up the roughness and albedo a bit.

previz渲染还可以作为材质指南,以快速查看具有适当基础材料和颜色的高多边形模型,然后再转到实际的低多边形模型和纹理,并为我们提供了时间进行迭代。 设置非常简单:我主要使用在Zbrush中放松的自动uv,然后设置具有平铺纹理的Vray材料以消除粗糙度和反照率。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Reference renders for the W.I.P. high poly model of Adam from Vray


For the wrapped material I used Marvelous Designer as a base. It gave me something that looked good right away, and then it was much easier to continue with detailing and polishing it in Zbrush to get the final result.

对于包装材料,我使用了Marvelous Designer作为基础。 它给了我立即看起来不错的东西,然后继续进行细节处理和在Zbrush中对其进行抛光以获得最终结果要容易得多。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Screenshot of some initial wrapping material tests from Marvelous Designer.

一些来自Marvelous Designer的初始包装材料测试的屏幕截图。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Various screenshots from 3ds Max used to preview the models for feedback. At this point it’s the last opportunity to see if I need to make any major changes or add something before moving on to polishing the model and details and start building the low poly model using the high poly model as a base.

3ds Max的各种屏幕截图用于预览模型以供反馈。 此时,这是最后一次机会,看看我是否需要进行任何重大更改或添加一些内容,然后再继续完善模型和细节,并开始以高多边形模型为基础来构建低多边形模型。

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Screenshot from 3ds Max showing the exploded low poly model for Adam. It’s ready for use in baking the various maps (normals, occlusion, curvature etc.) along with a layout of the texture sets.

3ds Max的屏幕截图显示了Adam的爆炸式低多边形模型。 它可以用于烘焙各种贴图(法线,遮挡,曲率等)以及纹理集的布局。

纹理化 (Texturing )

For the texturing of Adam I used Substance Painter 2 with unique texture sets for the head, body and limbs. I also added some secondary details in the normals directly in Painter.

对于亚当的纹理,我使用了Substance Painter 2,其头部,身体和四肢具有独特的纹理设置。 我还直接在Painter中的法线中添加了一些辅助细节。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Initial texture pass in Marmoset Toolbag 2 for the final low poly model.(IMAGE SERVES AS AN EXAMPLE FOR THE TEXT BELOW)

Marmoset Toolbag 2中的初始纹理传递用于最终的低多边形模型。(图像用作下面文本的示例)

At this stage, I was testing the values and weathering distribution. In this example, the weathering of the metals turned out to be a bit too much and some color values and saturation were a bit off. After solving these issues, I moved on to the finer details and started to add the surface breakup and decals.

在此阶段,我正在测试值和风化分布。 在此示例中,金属的耐候性变得有点太多,并且一些颜色值和 饱和度有些偏离。 解决这些问题后,我继续进行细化处理,并开始添加表面破碎和贴花。

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Screenshot from Painter 2 showing progress for the texturing of the arms.

Painter 2的屏幕截图显示了手臂纹理化的进度。

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Rough initial stages of the wrapping material in Painter 2.

Painter 2中包装材料的粗略初始阶段。

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Screenshot from Painter 2 showing progress for the texturing of the smashed version of the mask.

Painter 2的屏幕截图显示了蒙版粉碎版本的纹理化进度。

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Low poly screenshot of the arm before starting to layout the uv’s from 3ds Max.

从3ds Max开始布局uv之前,手臂的低多边形屏幕截图。

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Some wireframes of the final low poly model at LOD0 for Adam


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Preview of the low poly model for final approval in Marmoset Toolbag 2.


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Preview of the low poly model for final approval in Marmoset Toolbag 2.


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Preview of the low poly model for final approval in Marmoset Toolbag 2.


人群与变异 (Crowd and variation)

The other challenging aspect of the production is that we had to produce a crowd of convicts in real time, some of whom were very close to the camera – in some shots closer even than Adam. Since we knew we couldn’t use the default Adam model for each crowd member, we had to use several LOD models depending on the distance from the camera.

制作的另一个挑战是,我们必须实时制作大量定罪犯,其中一些离摄像机非常近-有些镜头甚至比Adam还近。 由于我们知道不能为每个人群使用默认的Adam模型,因此我们不得不根据距摄像机的距离使用多个LOD模型。

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LOD preview for the crowds in Marmoset Toolbag 2: the 30k LOD model was used for the crowd members closest to the camera, while 900 verts LOD models were used for the characters in the background. For each LOD we had to use fewer material ID’s and texture resolution, depending on the distance of each LOD mesh.

Marmoset工具包2中人群的LOD预览:30k LOD模型用于距离摄像机最近的人群,而900 verts LOD模型用于背景中的角色。 对于每个LOD,我们必须使用较少的材质ID和纹理分辨率,具体取决于每个LOD网格的距离。

We also wanted to have some crowd variation between the different convicts, so I made a fully wrapped version of Adam to serve as a base, and we used a custom shader with a grayscale mask to add the variation in the wrapping distribution.


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Preview of the crowd variety source texture for final approval rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 2.

Marmoset Toolbag 2中渲染的人群多样性源纹理预览以供最终批准。

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Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5.

来自Unity 5中编辑器的屏幕截图。

亚当的面具 (Adam’s mask)

Adam’s mask went through a number of iterations as we tried to find the right look that best served the story that we were telling. The material for the mask had to be like a 3D-printed surface with imperfections and some layering, as well as some translucency to the material.

当我们试图找到最适合我们所讲故事的正确外观时,亚当的面具经过了多次迭代。 遮罩的材料必须像3D打印的表面一样,具有不完美的外观和某些层次感,以及对材料的半透明性。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

Some of the early experiments that the mask of Adam went through. At the bottom is what we ended up using. After we settled on the direction, I began the polish pass.

亚当的面具经历了一些早期的实验。 底部是我们最终使用的内容。 在确定方向之后,我开始了波兰通行证。

One of the very first previz models was more of a realistic face than what we ended up using, but after some iterations, the director decided that he wanted it to look more like a face behind a mask, instead of an actual face, so we started simplifying it until almost all facial features were gone. For those first stages, I mainly used Zbrush. That helped me to work in a non-destructive way – keeping things in layers, using the noise maker and masking to try different levels of weathering, and blending between them on demand.

最早的previz模型之一是比我们最终使用的模型更逼真的面Kong,但是经过反复迭代,导演决定他希望它看起来更像是面具后面的面Kong,而不是实际的面Kong,因此我们开始简化它,直到几乎所有面部特征都消失了。 对于那些最初的阶段,我主要使用Zbrush。 这帮助我以一种非破坏性的方式进行工作-将事物分层放置,使用噪音产生器和遮罩尝试不同程度的风化,并根据需要在它们之间进行融合。

For the broken mask our VFX artist Zdravko Pavlov made some experiments using the intact mask with the final uv’s and textures to keep it consistent. With the help of the Bullet physics plugin for 3ds Max he made several destruction passes to choose from for the mask. After we settled on the one we liked, I took it and used it as a base to work from and started to add some additional variety and imperfections. Since it already had the uv’s and textures from the intact mask, I only had to add the uv’s for the additional geometry for which we kept uv space in the original texture, and then brought it to Substance Painter for the final detail pass and materials.

对于破损的面罩,我们的视觉特效师Zdravko Pavlov使用完整的面罩以及最终的uv和纹理进行了一些实验,以使其保持一致。 在3ds Max的Bullet物理插件的帮助下,他进行了多次破坏遍历以从中选择蒙版。 在选择了我们喜欢的产品之后,我将其用作工作的基础,并开始添加一些其他的品种和缺陷。 由于它已经具有完好无损的蒙版中的uv和纹理,因此我只需要为附加的几何体添加uv,就可以在原始纹理中保留uv空间,然后将其带到Substance Painter中以用于最终的细节传递和材质。

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Reference screenshot from Marmoset Toolbag 2.

Marmoset Toolbag 2的参考屏幕截图。

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Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5.

来自Unity 5中编辑器的屏幕截图。

塞巴斯蒂安·卢,警卫队 (Sebastian, Lu, Guard)

For the other characters in the demo, we used the help of character artists Jonas Törnqvist, Vincent Joyau, and Sergey Samuilov.

对于演示中的其他角色,我们使用了角色艺术家JonasTörnqvist,Vincent Joyau和Sergey Samuilov的帮助。

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Screenshot of the characters Sebastian and Lu from the Editor in Unity 5 (Jonas Törnqvist, Vincent Joyau).

Unity 5中的编辑Sebastian和Lu的截图(JonasTörnqvist,Vincent Joyau)。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

WIP screenshot of Sebastian in Marmoset Toolbag 2 (Jonas Törnqvist, Vincent Joyau).

Sebastian在Marmoset Toolbag 2中的WIP屏幕快照(JonasTörnqvist,Vincent Joyau)。

adam_ADAM –实时短片的资产创建

WIP screenshot of Lu in Marmoset Toolbag 2 (Jonas Törnqvist, Vincent Joyau)

在Marmoset Toolbag 2中加入Lu的WIP屏幕快照(JonasTörnqvist,Vincent Joyau)

For the models of Sebastian and Lu, it was important to use some of the body parts from the Adam model in order to communicate some of the backstory, as well as maintain consistency.


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Screenshot of the Guard character from the editor in Unity 5 (Sergey Samuilov).

来自Unity 5(Sergey Samuilov)编辑器中Guard角色的屏幕快照。

环境艺术 (Environment Art)

室内场景 (The interior scene)

For the interior scene we created unique objects like the door, pipes, beds etc, and also some assets that rely only on tiled textures and geometry decals.


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Screenshot of the cell interior from the Editor in Unity 5.

Unity 5编辑器中单元内部的屏幕截图。

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Screenshot of the pipes in the cell from Substance Painter 2.

Substance Painter 2中单元格中管道的屏幕截图。

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Screenshot of the cell door from Painter 2 (base high poly model by Georgi Simeonov).

Painter 2(Georgi Simeonov的基础高多边形模型)的单元门屏幕截图。

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Screenshot of the floor from Substance Painter 2 (base model by Myles Lambert).

Substance Painter 2(Myles Lambert的基本模型)的地板屏幕截图。

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Screenshot of the floor from Substance Painter 2.

Substance Painter 2地板的屏幕截图。

道具 (Props)

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Reference render from Vray for the initial model I did before the ripped version for the convict beds.


The idea behind the beds was that they were the storage unit for the convicts’ bodies and had to be made of a similar material to the one that was used for making the convict wrapping. I used Marvelous Designer for the base simulation and then brought them in Zbrush for final polish and detailing. I made two models for them, one with the convict still inside and the other one open. For the final movie, we only used the second one.

病床后面的想法是,它们是囚犯尸体的存储单元,并且必须由与用于囚犯包裹的材料类似的材料制成。 我使用Marvelous Designer进行基础仿真,然后将它们带入Zbrush进行最终的抛光和细化。 我为他们制作了两种模型,一种模型仍在囚犯里面,另一种模型打开。 对于最后一部电影,我们只使用了第二部电影。

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Reference screenshot from Marmoset Toolbag 2.

Marmoset Toolbag 2的参考屏幕截图。

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Screenshot from Marmoset Toolbag 2 for final approval of the beds for the convicts.

Marmoset Toolbag 2的屏幕快照,用于最终批准罪犯的病床。

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Preview from Substance Painter 2 of the metal frame that holds Adam in the opening scene.

从Substance Painter 2中预览将亚当保持在开幕场景中的金属框架。

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Close up example of the cables that were attached to Adam’s back in the opening scene. Previewed in Marmoset Toolbag 2 (High poly model by Zdravko Pavlov).

在开场场景中关闭连接到亚当背部的电缆示例。 在Marmoset工具包2中预览(Zdravko Pavlov制作的高多边形模型)。

外景 (The exterior scene)

For the movie’s exterior scene, we knew we would have some very large objects that would be fairly close to the camera. For that reason, we used a lot of tiled textures and decals on top of a base texture, so that the objects acquired the necessary resolution depending on the shots they were in. For the tiled textures we used mainly Quixel Megascans data and custom grayscale masks to mix the different textures and add variety.

对于电影的外部场景,我们知道我们将有一些非常大的物体,它们将非常接近相机。 因此,我们在基础纹理上使用了许多平铺纹理和贴花,以便对象根据所处的镜头获得所需的分辨率。对于平铺纹理,我们主要使用Quixel Megascans数据和自定义灰度蒙版混合不同的纹理并增加多样性。

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Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5.

来自Unity 5中编辑器的屏幕截图。

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Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5.

来自Unity 5中编辑器的屏幕截图。

This is an example of the finished city wall with the base materials and masks from Substance Painter, detail texture arrays in Unity, and geometry decals added that give the finished look and resolution that we needed for the bigger assets in the demo.

这是一个完成的城墙示例,其中包含Substance Painter的基础材料和蒙版,Unity中的明细纹理阵列以及添加的几何贴花,这些外观和分辨率提供了演示中更大资产所需的完成外观和分辨率。

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The base model for the metal part of the platform was made by Tibor Toth.

平台金属部分的基本模型由Tibor Toth制作。

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Example of the platform concrete base that we had in quite a few shots in demo – Screenshot from the editor in Unity 5.

我们在演示中的很多镜头中都使用了平台具体基础的示例– Unity 5中的编辑器的屏幕截图。

For the platform concrete base, I used a similar approach to the one I used for the wall:


  • Base textures for the Albedo


  • Quixel Megascans for the extreme closeup details (tiled in the Unity Standard shader)

    Quixel Megascans提供极端特写细节(在Unity Standard着色器中平铺)

  • A final pass of broken details geometry used as decals for the weathered edges of the concrete.


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Screenshot from the Editor in Unity 5. The highway base geometry was made by Ayi Sanchez and detailed and textured by Tihomir Nyagolov.

Unity 5编辑器的屏幕截图。公路基础几何图形由Ayi Sanchez制作,并由Tihomir Nyagolov进行了详细的纹理处理。

On Demo team we like to share our work and learnings to the best of our ability, and release as much content as possible. We’ve seen many of you use assets from our previous demos for testing, prototyping, presentation of their own work, tutorials, even research papers – and we’re happy that people find various ways to make use of what we’ve produced.

在演示团队中,我们希望尽我们最大的能力来分享我们的工作和学习,并发布尽可能多的内容。 我们已经看到许多人使用以前的演示中的资产进行测试,原型制作,展示自己的作品,教程甚至研究论文,我们很高兴人们找到了各种方法来利用我们的产品。

So we’re currently working on preparing most of the assets from “Adam” for release on the Asset Store. We aim for some time in Autumn. Please bear with us – remember I’m the only 3D artist on the team.

因此,我们目前正在准备“亚当”中的大部分资产,以便在Asset Store中发布。 我们的目标是秋天。 请多多包涵-记住我是团队中唯一的3D艺术家。

