OFBiz widget


Here is the way the pages are generated

The general structure of each entity ( Form, Tree, Menu) is defined in the Model and Factory files. The html code is written in the HtmlRenderer files. They get the data from a context and put the appropriate html code in a buffer. The Wrappers make it easy to do and setup the rendering. The buffer is then used by the ScreenRenderer that generate the final page. The interaction between the different files is simply shown in the flow chart. ( Only a part of the interactions are shown.)

OFBiz widget



  • Forms Factory
Gets and read the data of forms.
  • FormStringRenderer
  • ModelForm
Creates the form's structure.
  • ModelFormAction
Sets the fields of forms and test keys.
  • ModelFormField
Allows to get and to set the variable of forms. Some variables are only declared at the call of the object, or methods. HtmlFormRenderer use it to get values and create elements such as hyperlinks... ModelFormField use ModelForm to create the structure of forms. The same process is followed by Trees and Menus so it won't be explained.


  • HtmlFormRenderer
Creates the page using the methods in ModelFormField. The html code and the data of forms and concatened in a buffer.
  • HtmlFormWrapper
Makes it easy to setup and render a form.
  • HtmlMenuRenderer
As HtmlFormRenderer, HtmlMenuRenderer renders a menu thanks to ModelMenu.
  • HtmlMenuRendererImage
Creates the html code needed to show an image.
  • HtmlMenuWrapper
Makes it easy to setup and render a menu.
  • HtmlMenuWrapperImage
Makes it easy to setup and render an image.
  • HtmlScreenRenderer
Creates the final render from ModelScreenWidget.
  • HtmlTreeRenderer
Makes a render of trees.
  • NsingleHtmlFormWrapper
Extends the HtmlFormWrapper to add 2 or 3 updates for Neogia.


  • MenuFactory 
    Gets and reads the data of menus.
  • MenuStringRenderer 
  • MenuWrapTransform 
    Allows the user to modifie the URLs.
  • ModelMenu 
    Creates the structure of menus and sets the default values.
  • ModelMenuAction 
    Sets the values of menus and tests keys.
  • ModelMenuCondition 
    Methods doing tests on some elements and returning booleans.
  • ModelMenuItem 
    Sets and gets the walues of the menu items ( works likMethods doing tests on some elements and returning booleans.e HtmlFormField).


  • HtmlWidget
Convert ftl in html.
  • IterateSectionWidget
Render the next and previous button.
  • ModelScreen
Render the text of the screen.
  • ModelScreenAction
Sets values of screens and tests keys.
  • ModelScreenCondition
Methods doing tests on some elements and returning booleans.
  • ModelScreenWidget
Makes the data ready to render for HtmlScreenRenderer.
  • ScreenFactory
Gives the information on a screen.
  • ScreenFopPdfViewHandler
Creates a pdf file from a screen.
  • ScreenRenderer
Sets the default values of a screen. It used to deal with ftl files.
  • ScreenStringRenderer
  • ScreenWidgetViewHandler
Manage the render for screen widget.


  • ModelTree
Creates the structure and sets, returns values.
  • ModelTreeAction
Set the values and tests keys.
  • ModelTreeCondition
Methods doing tests on some elements and returning booleans.
  • TreeFactory
Gets information on a tree.
  • TreeStringRenderer


  • WidgetWorker
Creates hyperlinks and stores it in a buffer.