为什么高频信号的指向性更好? Quora上一个很直观的回答

来自Why are high frequency sounds more directional than lower frequencies?  Jørgen Dal的回答


A high frequency wave will pass right through the gap - while the low frequency wave will be diffracted going through the same gap.

The wavelength/gap ratio is the deciding factor for diffraction.

总之, 指向性是和信号的频率还有孔径有关系的.

为什么高频信号的指向性更好? Quora上一个很直观的回答

Also remember that a high frequency wave has more energy than a low frequency wave of similar amplitude.

(这里个人推测因为power是按一段时间内的信号来算的, 高频的power会比低频大.)