


We know that many of you are really excited about building handheld Augmented Reality (AR) apps. So we’ve developed a multi-platform API and utilities that will help you solve many of the hard problems that come with AR development. We call it AR Foundation.

我们知道,很多人对构建手持式增强现实(AR)应用程序感到非常兴奋。 因此,我们已经开发了一种多平台的API和实用程序,可以帮助您解决AR开发带来的许多难题。 我们称之为AR Foundation。

Unity has always been at the forefront of handheld AR development and we’ve supported ARCore and ARKit from the start. But with AR Foundation and the software architecture it leverages, we can now offer developers a common API which supports core functionality for ARCore, ARKit, and future platforms.

Unity一直是手持式AR开发最前沿,我们从一开始就支持ARCore和ARKit。 但是,借助AR Foundation及其利用的软件体系结构,我们现在可以为开发人员提供通用的API,该API支持ARCore,ARKit和未来平台的核心功能。

AR Foundation is integrated with Unity via the Package Manager, so it’s easy to integrate into your new projects. We are focused on adding support for new features and platforms into AR Foundation. At the same time, we’ll continue to support the platform-specific plugins developers may be using in existing projects.

AR Foundation通过Package Manager与Unity集成,因此可以轻松集成到新项目中。 我们致力于在AR Foundation中增加对新功能和平台的支持。 同时,我们将继续支持开发人员可能在现有项目中使用的特定于平台的插件。

We’re optimistic about the future of both handheld AR and wearable AR and will continue investing in platform support and developer tools as the technology evolves and the market for AR grows.


AR Foundation功能 (AR Foundation features)

This initial release of AR Foundation provides support for the core functionality of most AR apps:

AR Foundation的此初始版本为大多数AR应用程序的核心功能提供支持:

  • Planar surface detection

  • Depth data represented as point clouds

  • Performant pass-thru rendering

  • Reference points to aid in anchoring virtual objects to the physical world

  • Estimates for average color temperature and brightness

  • Tracking device position and orientation in physical space

  • Utilities for scaling content properly in AR

  • Raycasting against plane and depth data


And this feature set is just the beginning. AR Foundation will evolve to provide access to new platform features and helpful utilities while maintaining backward compatibility.

而此功能集仅仅是个开始。 AR Foundation将不断发展,以提供对新平台功能和有用实用程序的访问,同时保持向后兼容性。


入门 (Getting Started)

  1. Make sure that you have installed Unity 2018.1 or higher. If you are targeting Android be sure to have the Android Build Support Component installed and if you are targeting iOS be sure to have the iOS Build Support Component installed.

    确保已安装Unity 2018.1或更高版本。 如果您以Android为目标,请确保已安装Android Build支持组件;如果以iOS为目标,请确保已安装iOS Build支持组件。
  2. Clone the arfoundation-samples GitHub repository and checkout the master  branch. This project automatically installs the following required packages: AR Foundation, ARCore XR Plugin, and ARKit XR Plugin.

    克隆arfoundation-samples GitHub存储库并检出master分支。 该项目会自动安装以下必需的软件包:AR Foundation,ARCore XR插件和ARKit XR插件。

  3. Open SampleScene.unity and deploy to a compatible Android or iOS device.


The sample scene establishes an AR session, renders the camera image as background, displays depth and plane data, and performs ray-casts in response to screen touches. It’s a great starting point for building your own apps based on AR Foundation. See the documentation for more details on these and other features.

样例场景建立了一个AR会话,将相机图像渲染为背景,显示深度和平面数据,并响应于屏幕触摸执行射线投射。 这是基于AR Foundation构建自己的应用程序的一个很好的起点。 有关这些和其他功能的更多详细信息,请参见文档

给我们您的反馈 (Give Us Your Feedback)

We will be sharing more details of our progress on workflow improvements, additional sample content, and support for the latest platform features in upcoming blog posts. We want to hear what you think of AR Foundation so far and what features you want for making great multi-platform AR experiences. Please join us on the Handheld AR Forum.

我们将在即将到来的博客文章中分享有关工作流程改进,其他示例内容以及对最新平台功​​能的支持的更多详细信息。 到目前为止,我们想听听您对AR Foundation的看法,以及想要获得出色的多平台AR体验的功能。 请加入我们的手持AR论坛

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/06/15/multi-platform-handheld-ar-in-2018-part-1/
