

本文为葡萄牙里斯本技术大学(作者:João Paulo Jerónimo Santos)的硕士论文,共75页。



There are several systems in use forunderwater navigation; one of the most pervasive is acoustic long baseline(LBL). This navigation system is often used for precision underwater vehiclenavigation. A typical LBL system incorporates a number of acoustic transpondersmoored on the seabed. The vehicle interrogates the beacons acoustically,calculates the range to each beacon based on the round trip travel time of theacoustic signal, and uses the range data from the acoustic transponders at anypoint in time to determine its position. To achieve accurate underwaternavigation, the location of each deployed transponder must be preciselysurveyed prior to conducting autonomous vehicle operations. Surveying thelocation of the transponders is very expensive and it is extremelytime-consuming, especially in cases where underwater vehicles are used inmapping operations covering a number of different locations in succession.During these extended mapping operations, the transponders need to be deployed,surveyed, and retrieved in each location, adding significant time and,consequently, significant cost to any operation. Therefore, accurate underwaternavigation using a single location transponder would provide dramatic time andcost savings for underwater vehicle operations. This system is called SingleBeacon Range Based Navigation and uses the motion of the vehicle, together withthe acoustic signals from the transponder, so that the vehicle maximizes theamount of information available for its location,through its movement, and thenlocates itself using only one transponder. The work developed during thisthesis led to the design of a navigation algorithm that uses the information ofthe ranges to a single transponder and also Dead-Reckoning information. To thisend, core filtering and estimation tools were studied (Kalman Filters andExtended Kalman Filters) to determine the best design tool to adopt. TheExtended Kalman Filter was the one used because the AUV model is non linear.After the development of the algorithm, its performance was assessed underseveral scenarios and trajectories of the vehicle. Moreover, the algorithm wasextendeded to estimate not only the vehicle position but also the current towhich it is subjected. . Furthermore, it was also taken in account that whenthe scenario is the real world, the measurements occur with latency and do notoccur at a fixed rate at a constant rate, it was therefore necessary to modifythe algorithm developed to deal with this fact. Finally, a cost saving analysiswas performed to assess the potential economic advantage of using single beaconposition systems.

  1. 引言
  2. 滤波与估计
  3. 水下导航
  4. 成本节约分析
  5. 结论
    附录A 成本分析数据
