



What’s worse than not being able to get a meeting with someone? Getting a meeting request for a time when you’re not working. We can’t stop that, but we can help you set up Outlook so that at least people know your working hours.

与无法与某人开会相比,有什么不好的呢? 在不工作时获取会议请求。 我们无法阻止您,但是我们可以帮助您设置Outlook,以便至少有人知道您的工作时间。

When you create a meeting request in Outlook, the Meeting > Scheduling Assistant helps you find a time that you and the meeting request recipients are both free.



When you open the Scheduling Assistant, the hours shown for each day aren’t from midnight to midnight, though; they’re from 8 am to 5 pm.

但是,当您打开“计划助手”时,每天显示的时间并不是从午夜到午夜。 他们是从早上8点到下午5点。


This is Outlook’s default working day, which you can change to whatever hours you work. Click File > Options > Calendar and look for the “Work Time” section. You can change your working hours here.

这是Outlook的默认工作日 ,您可以将其更改为任何工作时间。 单击文件>选项>日历,然后查找“工作时间”部分。 您可以在这里更改工作时间。


As an example, we’ll change our working hours to 10 am to 4 pm and then click “OK.” If we open a new Meeting request and click on the Scheduling Assistant, our working hours have changed to reflect the new hours.

例如,我们将工作时间从上午10点更改为下午4点,然后单击“确定”。 如果我们打开一个新的会议请求并单击“计划助手”,则我们的工作时间已更改以反映新的时间。


Outlook will show these hours to anyone with access to your calendar when they try to book a meeting with you.


Let’s say you’re a night owl who works remotely and can set your own hours. You need to be available in the afternoon so that there’s some overlap with your early-bird colleagues, but you prefer a later start, so you change your working hours to 12 pm to 8 pm. When you create a meeting request and add a colleague, Outlook displays your working hours as 12 pm to 8 pm and any hours they don’t work in this period will show as a light gray bar.

假设您是一个夜猫子,可以远程工作并且可以设置自己的时间。 您需要在下午有空,以便与早起的同事有一些重叠,但是您希望以后再开始,因此您将工作时间从12 pm更改为8 pm。 当您创建会议请求并添加同事时,Outlook将您的工作时间显示为下午12点至晚上8点,并且这段时间内他们不工作的任何时间都将显示为浅灰色的条。


When they try to book a meeting with you, all of the hours up to 12 pm will similarly show as a light gray bar for them.

当他们尝试与您预定会议时,直到12 pm的所有时间都会以浅灰色条显示给他们。

You can also set your working days, so if you’re part-time or you work on the weekend, you can change this in File > Options > Calendar > Work Week.



We’ll change ours to show that Friday is a non-working day. When we create a new meeting request and look at the Scheduling Assistant, it shows the whole day as a light gray bar, indicating that these aren’t working hours for us.

我们将更改以表明星期五是非工作日。 当我们创建一个新的会议请求并查看“计划助手”时,它会以浅灰色的条形显示整天,这表明这些时间对我们来说不是工作时间。


You might need to educate your colleague as to what the gray bar means—and encourage them to put their own working days and hours in—but once everyone knows what this means, at least people will only have themselves to blame if they book a meeting with you for a time you don’t work.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400402/show-your-working-hours-to-other-people-in-outlook/
