


The Locomotion System for Unity has previously been briefly mentioned on this blog, but this post will go more in depth with what exactly it can do to bring more life to your animated characters.

Locomotion System for Unity先前已在此博客中简要提及 ,但本文将深入探讨其为动画角色带来更多生命的确切作用。

The Locomotion System is all about making walking and running in games look better and more believable without requiring dozens of animations. The system automatically blends your keyframed or motion-captured walk and run cycles and then adjusts the movements of the bones in the legs to ensure that the feet step correctly on the ground. The Locomotion System is available for free when used in a Unity game.

运动系统旨在使游戏中的步行和跑步看起来更好,更可信,而无需数十个动画。 该系统会自动融合关键帧或动作捕捉的步行和跑步周期,然后调整腿部骨骼的运动,以确保脚正确地踩在地面上。 在Unity游戏中使用时,可以免费使用Locomotion系统。

Video Introduction


The best way to understand what the Locomotion System is all about is by watching a short introduction to it:


[vimeo clip_id=”5391896″ width=”480″ height=”360″]

[vimeo clip_id =” 5391896” width =” 480” height =” 360”]

The Locomotion System was also presented at last year’s Unite conference:


[vimeo clip_id=”5391780″ width=”500″ height=”282″]

[vimeo clip_id =” 5391780” width =” 500” height =” 282”]

Besides the Unite conference presentation, the Locomotion System was also presented at GDC 2009 in a fully packed session.

除了Unite会议的演示文稿外,运动系统还在GDC 2009的完整会议上进行了介绍。

Recently it has been used in the online game Robin Hood Showdown accompanying BBC’s popular television series. The system allowed the characters in the game to run in arbitrary directions while aiming against the player, while still keeping the number of used animations down, thus helping keeping the web-player size small.

最近,它已随同BBC受欢迎的电视连续剧一起用于在线游戏Robin Hood Showdown 。 该系统允许游戏中的角色以任意方向运行,同时以玩家为目标,同时仍使使用的动画数量减少,从而有助于使网络玩家的尺寸保持较小。

Like Unity itself, the Locomotion System has been designed to be highly flexible, while still being painless to use:


Automatic Adjustment to Uneven Terrain You want your character to walk on hills, on stairs, over rocks and debris and other small obstacles? No problem. Need your character to face in one direction (let’s say, aiming at something) while walking in another arbitrary direction? Done; no extra work involved. The Locomotion System can automatically adjust animations made for a specific speed and direction on a plain surface to any speed, direction, and curvature, on any surface, including arbitrary steps and slopes.

自动调整到不平坦的地形您想让角色在山上,楼梯上,岩石和碎石上以及其他小的障碍物上行走吗? 没问题。 需要角色在另一个方向行走时面对一个方向(比如,瞄准某物)吗? 完成; 无需额外的工作。 Locomotion系统可以自动将在平面上为特定速度和方向制作的动画调整为在任何表面 (包括任意台阶和坡度) 上的任何速度,方向和曲率

Full Control of Style Animators are experts in creating motions with specific styles and personalities. The Locomotion System uses keyframed or motion-captured animations as input and only adjusts them minimally to move the feet correctly in a dynamic and detailed environment.

完全控制样式动画师是创建具有特定样式和个性的动作的专家。 运动系统使用关键帧或捕获动作的动画作为输入,并且仅对其进行最小调整,以在动态,细致的环境中正确移动脚部。

Full Control of Behavior Move your character around by any means you desire, be it a CharacterController, a RigidBody, or your own custom movement logic. The Locomotion System simply observes the position, alignment, velocity and rotational velocity of your character and deduces everything from that, along with some raycasts onto the ground. This means the system can be used equally well for player avatars and for AI characters; for third person control, point-and-click control, scripted movement paths, or whatever control scheme you need.

行为的完全控制通过任何所需的方式移动角色,无论是CharacterController,RigidBody还是您自己的自定义移动逻辑。 运动系统仅观察角色的位置,对齐,速度和旋转速度,并据此推断出一切,并向地面投射一些射线。 这意味着该系统可以很好地用于玩家头像和AI角色。 适用于第三方控制,点击控制,脚本化移动路径或所需的任何控制方案。

Use With Any Legged Character The Locomotion System is not just for animating humans. It can be used for just about any character with legs, and indeed the project folder comes with a human, a heron, and a coyote. As can be seen in the videos above the system has also been tested with a bear and a wolf. Give me a holler if you try out the Locomotion System with an animated spider. I didn’t have a spider model myself for testing, but I sure want to see it in action! (Actually, give me a holler no matter what you use the Locomotion System for – I’m interested in seeing where people take it.)

与任何有腿的角色一起使用运动系统不仅用于给人类动画。 它几乎可以用于任何有腿的角色 ,并且确实项目文件夹中带有人类,苍鹭和土狼。 从上面的视频中可以看出,该系统还已经通过熊和狼进行了测试。 如果您尝试使用带有动画的蜘蛛的运动系统,请给我个呼喊。 我自己没有用于测试的蜘蛛模型,但是我确实希望看到它的实际运行! (实际上,无论您将Locomotion系统用作什么用途,都给我个呼喊声-我有兴趣了解人们将它带到何处。)

Simple Automagic Setup If you think that all this advanced tech is complicated or cumbersome to use, you’d be wrong! The Locomotion System features a fully automated motion analyzer that analyzes all the provided animations and figures out the velocity of each and well as the times that the feet lift off the ground and land, and lots of other data that it uses at runtime. All it needs from you is a little help with pointing out which bones constitutes the different legs, and a few other simple details. It can all be specified using drag-and-drop and typing in a few values. No scripting required!

简单的Automagic设置如果您认为所有这些先进技术都很复杂或使用繁琐,那您就错了! Locomotion系统具有一个全自动的运动分析器,可以分析所有提供的动画,并计算出每个动画的速度以及脚离开地面和着陆的时间以及它在运行时使用的许多其他数据。 它需要您提供一点帮助,以指出哪些骨骼构成了不同的腿,以及其他一些简单的细节。 都可以通过拖放并输入一些值来指定。 无需脚本!

Indie Budget Compatible Big game studios these days are able to create quite realistic walking and running on uneven terrain, but it typically requires hundreds of animations to pull it off. The Locomotion System takes a different approach and attempt to do much with little. Even with just an idle animation and one walk cycle, you still get walking on any uneven terrain and in arbitrary directions, including turning. You can supply more animations too, if you want, and then the produced motion will look even better. One user used walking and running in 8 directions each, and it looked great. So supply as few or as many animations as you like, and the Locomotion System will take what you have and make the best of it. How’s that for Indie friendly? Oh, and did I mention that the Locomotion System itself is completely free to use in Unity games?

兼容独立预算如今,大型游戏工作室能够在崎uneven不平的地形上创建逼真的步行和奔跑,但通常需要数百个动画才能完成。 运动系统采用了不同的方法,并尝试以少花钱做很多事。 即使只有一个空闲的动画和一个步行周期 ,您仍然可以在任何不平坦的地形上和任意方向(包括转弯)上行走。 如果需要,您也可以提供更多的动画,然后产生的动作看起来会更好。 一位用户分别沿8个方向步行和跑步,它看起来很棒。 因此,您可以根据需要提供尽可能少的动画,而Locomotion系统将充分利用您所拥有的一切。 对于独立开发者来说怎么样? 哦,我是否提到过运动系统本身在Unity游戏中完全免费使用

Try For Youreself! You can take the Locomotion System for a spin yourself, right here! Watch the automatic demo mode or take control yourself. There’s a bunch of visualization options too! Just click the image to load the web-player. [WP_UnityObject altimage=”https://blogs.unity3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/locomotion_system_demo.png” src=”https://blogs.unity3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/locomotion_system_demo.unity3d” width=”640″ height=”480″ css=”http://unity3d.com/u3d.css” /]

自己尝试! 您可以在这里自己动动运动系统! 观看自动演示模式或自己控制。 还有很多可视化选项! 只需单击该图像即可加载网络播放器。 [WP_UnityObject altimage =” https://blogs.unity3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/locomotion_system_demo.png” src =” https://blogs.unity3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/ 06 / locomotion_system_demo.unity3d” width =” 640” height =” 480” css =” http://unity3d.com/u3d.css” /]


Press the Auto-Demo “Off” button to take control yourself. Move the character with the keyboard arrow keys. Optionally, the facing direction can be controlled with the W, A, S, D keys. Hold down shift to walk instead of run. Use + and – keys to speed up or slow down time.

按“自动演示”的“关闭”按钮进行控制。 使用键盘上的箭头键移动字符。 可选地,可以使用W,A,S,D键控制朝向。 按住Shift键走路而不是跑步。 使用+和–键加快或减慢时间。

Alternatively, with a game pad, such as an XBox 360 controller, the direction and speed can be controlled precisely with ease, while independently controlling facing direction with the secondary stick.

或者,使用游戏手柄(例如XBox 360控制器),可以轻松精确地控制方向和速度,同时用辅助操纵杆独立控制朝向。

Download the Locomotion System yourself and see if it might add some extra life to your animated characters!

自己下载Locomotion系统 ,看看它是否可以为您的动画角色增加一些生命!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/06/30/focus-the-locomotion-system/
