



AVG Antivirus includes browser extensions, notifications, and other features sure to distract you. If you just want an antivirus to silently protect your system in the background, here’s how to slim AVG down.

AVG Antivirus包括浏览器扩展,通知和其他功能,这些功能一定会让您分心。 如果您只是想让防病毒软件在后台静默保护您的系统,请按照以下方法减少AVG。

This process was performed with the free version on AVG, named AVG AntiVirus FREE. To learn more about which antivirus programs we recommend, check out this guide.

此过程是使用AVG的免费版本AVG AntiVirus FREE执行的。 要了解有关我们建议使用哪种防病毒程序的更多信息,请查阅本指南

您不能禁用的功能 (What You Can’t Disable)

Before we begin, note that the free version of AVG has some built-in advertisements you just can’t disable. When you open the AVG application itself, you’ll see a prompt to install software like “PC TuneUp”. Thankfully, these ads are confined to the AVG interface itself, so you’ll only have to see them when you open AVG’s control panel.

在开始之前,请注意,免费版本的AVG具有一些内置广告,您无法禁用它们。 当您打开AVG应用程序本身时,会出现提示,提示您安装“ PC TuneUp”之类的软件。 幸运的是,这些广告仅限于AVG界面本身,因此,只有在打开AVG的控制面板时才需要看到它们。

摆脱AVG的浏览器扩展 (Get Rid of AVG’s Browser Extensions)

AVG attempts to install an “AVG Web TuneUp” browser extension with a very large number of permissions. Modern versions of Chrome and Firefox won’t allow applications to install extensions without your permission, but you may have agreed to install the extension anyway.

AVG尝试安装具有大量权限的“ AVG Web TuneUp”浏览器扩展。 现代版本的Chrome和Firefox在未经您允许的情况下不允许应用程序安装扩展程序,但是您可能仍同意安装扩展程序。


We recommend not using your antivirus’s browser extension, as they can actually make you less safe online. If you did install the browser extension, you should uninstall it now.

我们建议您不要使用防病毒的浏览器扩展程序,因为它们实际上会使您的在线安全性降低 。 如果确实安装了浏览器扩展,则应该立即将其卸载

In Chrome, click the menu and select More Tools > Extensions. Click the trash can icon next to AVG Web TuneUp to remove it.

在Chrome中,点击菜单,然后选择更多工具>扩展程序。 单击AVG Web TuneUp旁边的垃圾桶图标以将其删除。


In Firefox, click the menu button and select “Add-ons”. Click the “Remove” button to the right of AVG Web TuneUp on the Extensions tab.

在Firefox中,单击菜单按钮,然后选择“附加组件”。 单击“扩展”选项卡上AVG Web TuneUp右侧的“删除”按钮。

In Internet Explorer, click the gear icon on Internet Explorer’s toolbar and select “Manage Add-ons”. Click the “AVG Web TuneUp” item in the “Toolbars and Extensions” list and click “Disable”.

在Internet Explorer中,单击Internet Explorer工具栏上的齿轮图标,然后选择“管理加载项”。 单击“工具栏和扩展”列表中的“ AVG Web TuneUp”项,然后单击“禁用”。

You can also choose to uninstall the AVG Web TuneUp component entirely. This AVG feature requires you enable the browser extensions, so it’s useless if you uninstall the extensions.

您也可以选择完全卸载AVG Web TuneUp组件。 此AVG功能要求您启用浏览器扩展程序,因此,如果您卸载这些扩展程序,它将无用。

To uninstall AVG Web TuneUp, head to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program. Uninstall the “AVG Web TuneUp” application.

要卸载AVG Web TuneUp,请转到“控制面板”>“卸载程序”。 卸载“ AVG Web TuneUp”应用程序。


Aside from this component and its associated browser extension, AVG doesn’t bundle any additional software.


禁用AVG的通知 (Disable AVG’s Notifications)

The rest of AVG’s options are located in the AVG interface. To locate it, either left click the AVG icon in your notification area or right-click it and click “Open AVG”. The AVG icon may be hidden behind the up arrow to the left of your system tray icons.

AVG的其余选项位于AVG界面中。 要找到它,请左键单击通知区域中的AVG图标,或者右键单击它,然后单击“打开AVG”。 AVG图标可能隐藏在系统任务栏图标左侧的向上箭头后面。


Click the “Antivirus” icon in the AVG Zen window to access your AVG antivirus settings.

单击AVG Zen窗口中的“防病毒”图标以访问您的AVG防病毒设置。


Click the “Menu” button at the top right corner of the AVG Antivirus window and select “Settings”.

单击AVG Antivirus窗口右上角的“菜单”按钮,然后选择“设置”。


AVG displays regular popup notifications, including when it automatically updates its virus definitions in the background.


If you just want to disable all these notifications and popups, activate the “Silent Mode” checkbox on the General pane and click “OK”.



To customize which notifications appear, leave the Silent Mode checkbox disabled and expand the “Popups” section. You can set different durations for information, update, warning, and alert popups. For example, you may want to disable info and update popups by setting them to “0” but leave warning and alert popups enabled.

要自定义出现的通知,请禁用“静音模式”复选框,然后展开“弹出窗口”部分。 您可以为信息,更新,警告和警报弹出窗口设置不同的持续时间。 例如,您可能想要禁用信息并通过将弹出窗口设置为“ 0”来更新弹出窗口,但保持警告和警报弹出窗口处于启用状态。


AVG will normally warn you if it encounters an error while attempting to update its virus definitions or program software.


If you don’t want to see these notifications, you can disable them. Click the “Update” tab at the left side of the Settings window and uncheck “Show notification box if an error occurs” under Details.

如果您不想看到这些通知,可以禁用它们。 单击“设置”窗口左侧的“更新”选项卡,然后取消选中“详细信息”下的“如果发生错误则显示通知框”。


AVG will still be protecting your computer from viruses and malware, but you won’t have to put up with the browser notifications and unnecessary notifications.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/289789/how-to-get-rid-of-avgs-notifications-and-bundled-software/
