
本文为德国慕尼黑工业大学(作者:Roar Gauslå Engell)的硕士论文,共57页。


The contribution of this thesis to thefield of pedestrian navigation is twofold. First, it presents four designs forvisualizing an outdoor pedestrian navigation path using Augmented Reality.Second, it incorporates these four designs in a navigation system that isevaluated by a user study in the field. The system is developed for a MicrosoftHoloLens head-mounted augmented reality device. The four visualizations are:(1) a red line on the ground; (2) a bird flying in the direction of movement;(3) colored cubes floating above the path, and (4) arrows pointing in theintended direction of movement, placed at decision points. Twelve test personscompleted the user evaluation and provided feedback in form of a questionnairesurvey and short interviews. The survey evaluated the visualizations accordingto a series of parameters: time to complete the navigation task, a Likertbasedscale of agreement with statements concerning the trustworthiness, visibilityof the route and confidence in using the system, as well as the feeling ofbeing lost during the navigation. Furthermore, a short interview about theexperience was conducted. The evaluation does not result in a statisticallysuperior design, but the subsequent interview data provides suggestions for usecases for each visualization.

  1. 引言
  2. 文献回顾与理论背景
  3. 研究方法
  4. 结果
  5. 讨论与未来工作建议
  6. 结论
  7. 参考文献
