从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

If you’re a user of Internet Explorer 8 either by choice or due to work requirements, you might be tired of seeing the annoying Suggested Sites feature in the Favorites Bar. Today we show you how to disable Suggested Sites and remove it from the Toolbar.

如果您是Internet Explorer 8的用户(无论是出于选择还是出于工作要求),您可能会讨厌在“收藏夹”栏中看到令人讨厌的“建议的站点”功能。 今天,我们向您展示如何禁用“建议的站点”并将其从工具栏中删除。

Turn Off Suggested Sites


Suggested Sites is a feature in Internet Explorer 8 (included in Windows 7 by default) and enables you to find sites similar to the one you’re visiting. When Suggested Sites is turned on, your browsing history is sent to Microsoft where they compare it to a list of updated sites that are related.

“建议的站点”是Internet Explorer 8 (默认包含在Windows 7中)的一项功能,使您可以查找与您正在访问的站点相似的站点。 启用“建议的站点”后,您的浏览历史记录将发送到Microsoft,Microsoft将其与相关的更新站点列表进行比较。

从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

To turn off the feature click on Tools \ Internet Options.

要关闭此功能,请单击“工具” \“ Internet选项”。

从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

Click on the Advanced tab then scroll down to Enable Suggested Sites and uncheck the box to turn it off then click Ok.

单击“高级”选项卡,然后向下滚动到“ 启用建议的站点”,然后取消选中该框以将其关闭,然后单击“确定”。

从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

Now if you click on Suggested Sites you’ll see it’s been disabled and you can enable it again from here if you want.


从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

Remove from Favorites Bar


You might want to turn it off and also get rid of it from your favorites bar. Just right click on Suggested Sites and click on Delete.

您可能要关闭它,也可以从收藏夹栏中删除它。 只需右键单击“建议的站点”,然后单击“删除”。

从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

Click on Yes to the confirmation dialog screen.


从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

That’s it! The Suggested Sites feature is turned off and it’s also out of your favorites bar.

而已! “建议的站点”功能已关闭,并且不在收藏夹栏中。

从Internet Explorer 8禁用和删除建议的站点

If you’re concerned about Microsoft tracking your browsing, you might want to turn off the Suggested Sites feature. This is a good solution for getting rid of it being displayed on the Favorite bar as well since you’re not using it.

如果您担心Microsoft跟踪浏览,则可能需要关闭“建议的站点”功能。 这也是摆脱它在收藏栏上显示的一个很好的解决方案,因为您没有使用它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9450/disable-and-remove-suggested-sites-from-internet-explorer-8/