
在过去的几个月中,软件测试工程师团队真的很忙。 我们都在为即将发布的版本而努力,并且日常测试任务占用了我们所有的带宽。 我们在锯木厂里忙得不可开交,以至于忘了磨尖锯。 为了摆脱这种恶性循环,我们组织了为期一周的活动,旨在学习新技能和交流经验。 最后,就在上个月,我们举行了STE周,或者-我们称之为“首届年度Unity测试工程世界大会”! (The past few months were really busy for the Software Test Engineers team. We were all working hard on upcoming releases and the day-to-day testing tasks took up all of our bandwidth. We were so busy working in the sawmill that we forgot to sharpen our saws. To break out of this vicious circle, we organized a week long event, aimed at learning new skills and exchanging experiences. Finally, just last month we had the STE Week, or – what we like to call – The Inaugural Annual Unity Test Engineering World Congress!)

So what did we do with these 5 days? Well first of all, we got everyone together! We are over 20 individuals distributed among Unity offices in Copenhagen, Odessa, Vilnius, Berlin, Boston, Austin, Singapore, Seattle, Montreal, plus a few who work remotely from home. So the most exciting part of the week was to finally gather our growing team and meet everyone in person. The location for this year’s gathering was Vilnius, Lithuania.

那么这5天我们做了什么? 好吧,首先,我们召集了大家! 我们有超过20个人分布在位于哥本哈根,敖德萨,维尔纽斯,柏林,波士顿,奥斯丁,新加坡,西雅图,蒙特利尔的Unity办公室中,还有一些在家办公的人。 因此,本周最激动人心的部分是最终聚集我们不断壮大的团队并与所有人见面。 今年聚会的地点是立陶宛维尔纽斯。


Testing craft


Monday was kicked off by one of the STE leads, Claus Petersen, giving a presentation about the upcoming changes in R&D and their implications for the STE team. The shift in the way we organize our development activities is like a hike in the mountain; it’s exciting, you get a beautiful view of the mountain peak in the distance, but at the same time it’s challenging and can be really hard (there could be trolls around – who knows). The activities we did during the STE week can be compared to equipping the team for the rough terrain they will be traversing during the next year.

周一由STE负责人之一克劳斯·彼得森(Claus Petersen)开始,他就研发方面即将发生的变化及其对STE团队的影响作了介绍。 我们组织发展活动的方式发生了变化,就像在山上徒步旅行一样; 令人兴奋的是,您可以在远处欣赏到山峰的美丽景色,但同时又充满挑战,而且可能非常困难(可能有巨魔在身边-谁知道)。 我们在STE周期间所做的活动可以与为团队准备明年将要穿越的崎terrain地形进行比较。

The next topic on the agenda was “schools of testing”. We looked at how different groups of testers in the industry perceive the testing craft and how it influences the way they interact with other parts of their organizations. What can we learn from their approach to testing? The presentation, followed by exercises, was meant to ignite a discussion in the group. Even though our STEs are on the same page about elementary testing principles (testing is a context dependent activity), there is always room for a professional exchange of opinions. That is precisely what followed.

议程上的下一个主题是“ 测试学校 ”。 我们研究了行业中不同的测试人员群体如何看待测试技术,以及它如何影响他们与组织其他部分的交互方式。 我们可以从他们的测试方法中学到什么? 该演示文稿,然后进行练习,旨在激发小组中的讨论。 即使我们的STE位于同一页面上,也涉及基本测试原理(测试是与上下文相关的活动),但始终存在进行专业意见交换的空间。 这正是随后的事情。

Scrum workshop


At the moment R&D is undergoing some structural changes to adapt to the growth of the company. While we are not doing Scrum at Unity, we are moving towards an organization inspired by this way of working, in multiple ways. For this reason, we conducted a two-day workshop on Scrum.

目前,R&D正在进行一些结构性调整,以适应公司的发展。 虽然我们不在Unity上做Scrum,但我们正朝着受这种工作方式启发的组织发展。 因此,我们进行了为期两天的Scrum研讨会。


Tuesday and Wednesday were both designated for scrum related activities. First, there was an elementary introduction to Scrum – an outline of goals, roles and responsibilities. The next day and a half was reserved for group work. The testers formed four groups and started developing a small game from a brief outline of a game concept. Each team had a designated Product Owner that they discussed the content of their games with and a Scrum Master. They used Scrum poker for estimating the workload, discussed the priority of game features and bargained the scope of each sprint with the PO. They worked as a team helping each other and taking responsibility for unfinished work, held standup meetings, retrospective sessions, and proposed improvements for next sprints. 

周二和周三都被指定为与Scrum相关的活动。 首先,对Scrum进行了基本介绍-目标,角色和职责的概述。 第二天半被预留给小组工作。 测试人员分为四个小组,并从游戏概念的简要概述开始开发小型游戏。 每个团队都有一个指定的产品负责人,他们与Scrum Master讨论了游戏的内容。 他们使用Scrum扑克估算工作量,讨论了游戏功能的优先级,并使用PO讨价还价了每个冲刺的范围。 他们作为一个团队互相帮助,对未完成的工作负责,举行了站立会议,回顾会议,并提出了对下一个冲刺的改进建议。  


Cards used for Scrum poker.


The workshop was a miniature Scrum experience where the sprints were only 90 minutes long. However, the time pressure, PO’s expectations, and the prospect of failing to complete the tasks were very real. This was an intense exercise in communication and compromising, and a good team building activity. In the process, we also did a fair share of dogfooding Unity.

讲习班是微型Scrum体验,冲刺仅90分钟。 但是,时间压力,采购经理的期望以及未能完成任务的可能性都是非常现实的。 这是交流和妥协中的一项激烈练习,也是一项良好的团队建设活动。 在此过程中,我们还为Unity提供了可口的食物。


Afterwards, Marc Eriq Quesnel, another of our STE leads, talked about the pitfalls that testers can encounter when the organization moves towards Scrum. Things can go in many different directions. For example, one common tendency is that a tester in a team will be perceived as the process guardian and therefore will be pushed into a Scrum Master role. Moreover, there were discussions about planning poker, which was a new concept to many of us. We also discussed the type of projects and teams that Scrum can be applied in.

之后,我们的另一位STE负责人Marc Eriq Quesnel谈到了组织向Scrum过渡时测试人员可能遇到的陷阱。 事情可以朝许多不同的方向发展。 例如,一种普遍的趋势是团队中的测试人员将被视为流程的守护者,因此将被推入Scrum Master角色。 此外,还有关于计划扑克的讨论,这对我们许多人来说是一个新概念。 我们还讨论了可以应用Scrum的项目和团队的类型。



On Wednesday evening, we did a really fun team building activity – escape rooms! These rooms are specifically set up and then locked with participants inside. “*ers” of each room cooperate to find relevant items and hints around the room. They need to put these clues together to be able to unlock the door and escape the room before the time runs out! Even though this was purely meant to be a team building experience, this problem solving activity is very much like testing! That night we were breaking out of * cells and mental asylums! At least some of us managed…

在星期三晚上,我们进行了一次非常有趣的团队建设活动-逃生室! 这些房间是专门设置的,然后与参与者锁定在一起。 每个房间的“囚犯”共同寻找房间附近的相关物品和提示。 他们需要将这些线索放在一起,以便在时间用尽之前解锁门并逃脱房间! 即使这纯粹是要成为团队建设经验,但解决问题的活动非常像测试! 那天晚上,我们脱离了牢房和精神病院! 至少我们中的一些人设法……

Three *ers, one cell and one hour to escape.


Unity Test Tools workshop


Thursday was another exciting day. Tomek Paszek, one of our Toolsmiths, ran a workshop on Unity Test Tools. The workshop was a mixture of getting to know UTT as a tool for game automation and a hands-on session where we did some test driven development. A big part of the STE team is technically oriented, so this workshop was a good opportunity to refresh the programming skills and also see coding from a new, TDD, perspective.

星期四又是令人兴奋的一天。 我们的工具匠之一Tomek Paszek举办了有关Unity测试工具的研讨会。 该研讨会既了解UTT作为游戏自动化的工具,又是一次动手实践,在此我们进行了一些测试驱动的开发。 STE团队的很大一部分是面向技术的,因此本次研讨会是一个很好的机会,可以提高编程技能,并从新的TDD角度查看编码。

Communication workshop


On the last day we had a test consultant, Ilari Henrik Egerter, visiting us to run a workshop on communication: “What if you can’t see each other”. We were split into teams and then some severe limitations as to how we could communicate were introduced. The workshop exercised our creativity for communication, and espionage. It ended up with paper planes flying around the room, which led the team with the most effective communication and collaboration to victory. Friday also featured a wonderful solar eclipse, which we all had a chance to observe on a cloudless Vilnius sky.

在最后一天,我们有一位测试顾问Ilari Henrik Egerter来访我们,举办了一个交流研讨会:“如果彼此之间看不见怎么办”。 我们分成了小组,然后引入了一些关于如何沟通的严重限制。 讲习班行使了我们的创造力,以进行交流和间谍活动。 最后,纸飞机在房间里飞来飞去,这使团队以最有效的沟通和协作取得了胜利。 星期五也有一个奇妙的Eclipse,我们都有机会在维尔纽斯万里无云的天空上观察。

Freshly manufactured paper planes ready to fly.


So there you have it! If you ever wonder what our STEs do for education and fun, now you know. We will definitely have another off-site week in the future, as it’s a great time to focus on our core tester skills, to learn new abilities and last, but definitely not the least, to increase our “tribal cohesion” – to interact and to feel like the team that we are!

所以你有它! 如果您想知道我们的STE为教育和娱乐做什么,现在您知道了。 将来,我们肯定会再度有异地工作的一周,因为这是一个专注于我们的核心测试员技能,学习新能力并持续(但并非最不重要)增强我们的“部落凝聚力”的好时机–互动和感觉像我们一样的团队!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/04/17/a-report-from-the-inaugural-annual-unity-test-engineering-world-congress/