


Module descriptions

The current set of modules are:

  • opm-common
    Contains the OPM build system (CMake modules and scripts), as well as some basic, common C++ code (error macros, logging facilities and minor utilities). Also contains two major features:


    • Eclipse deck parser (formerly in the separate module opm-parser)
      Reading industry-standard reservoir simulation input decks (Eclipse format), including complex schedules, as well as multipliers and modifiers.
    • Eclipse binary format I/O (formerly in the separate module opm-output)
      Facilities for creating output in various formats from simulator programs, in particular Eclipse summary and restart files.
  • opm-material
    Saturation and PVT functions.
  • opm-grid
    Contains CpGrid, a corner-point grid class, and PolyhedralGrid, a grid class for general polyhedral unstructured grids. Both using the Dune grid interface. Also now contains the UnstructuredGrid C struct and associated functions, functions for processing corner-point grids, the GridManager class and other grid utilities.
  • ewoms
    Toolbox containing  a wide variety of simulators for porous media problems using (mostly) fully implicit formulations, including some compositional models. Notably contains the discretization and assembly used by Flow.
  • opm-simulators
    The Flow reservoir simulator is in this module. Also contains various support classes for simulator codes such as well treatment. Contains a library for automatic differentiation using the “vector + sparse matrix” approach  (the AutoDiffBlock class), and solvers for various problems: IMPES, two-phase incompressible transport, reordering-based two-phase polymer solver, and fully implicit black-oil.
  • opm-upscaling
    (Now includes what used to be in opm-porsol.) Various utilities and solvers used for flow-based upscaling of both permeability (single-phase upscaling) and relative permeability (two-phase upscaling), including capability for steady-state upscaling.