错误CentOS上安装PHP 5.3 LDAP 5.5


错误在如下CentOS 5.5错误CentOS上安装PHP 5.3 LDAP 5.5

错误消息安装ldapPHP 5.3

[[email protected] ~]# yum install php-ldap 
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror 
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile 
Setting up Install Process 
Resolving Dependencies 
--> Running transaction check 
---> Package php-ldap.i386 0:5.1.6-27.el5_5.3 set to be updated 
--> Processing Dependency: php-common = 5.1.6-27.el5_5.3 for package: php-ldap 
--> Finished Dependency Resolution 
php-ldap-5.1.6-27.el5_5.3.i386 from updates has depsolving problems 
    --> Missing Dependency: php-common = 5.1.6-27.el5_5.3 is needed by package php-ldap-5.1.6-27.el5_5.3.i386 (updates) 
Error: Missing Dependency: php-common = 5.1.6-27.el5_5.3 is needed by package php-ldap-5.1.6-27.el5_5.3.i386 (updates) 
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem 
You could try running: package-cleanup --problems 
         package-cleanup --dupes 
         rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest 
The program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package. 

尝试格式化输出。另外,你有没有尝试过这个建议?而且,在我对CentOS的一点经验上,有时候“干净利落”也有诀窍。 – 2011-04-29 10:05:41

您需要安装yum install php-common第一


我试过yum安装php-common.but系统消息显示已经安装。 – user730815 2011-04-30 01:16:09


ty'rpm -qa | grep php'来查看安装了哪个版本。也许yum更新全部帮助 – Flask 2011-04-30 10:30:46


php-common安装成功,但yum安装php-ldap仍然错误。 – user730815 2011-05-02 03:08:48

安装yum install php53-ldap来代替。

或者尝试安装yum install php55w-ldap。