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Copy-and-paste moves more than just text around. It often brings along formatting from web pages and other documents. You can paste without formatting in nearly any application to get just the text without the extra formatting. Use this keyboard shortcut.

复制和粘贴不仅可以移动文本。 它经常带来网页和其他文档的格式化。 您可以在几乎所有应用程序中粘贴而不格式化,只获取文本而无需额外格式化。 使用此键盘快捷键。

No formatting means no line breaks, no different font sizes, no bolding and italics, and no hyperlinks. You won’t have to spend time removing formatting elements from your document. You’ll get just the text you copied as if you had typed it directly into the application you’re pasting it in.

没有格式意味着没有换行符,没有不同的字体大小,没有加粗和斜体,也没有超链接。 您无需花费时间从文档中删除格式设置元素。 您将只获得复制的文本,就好像您直接将其键入到要粘贴的应用程序中一样。

To paste without formatting, press Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V. This works in a wide variety of applications, including web browsers like Google Chrome. It should work on Windows, Chrome OS, and Linux.

要粘贴而不格式化,请按Ctrl + Shift + V而不是Ctrl + V。 它可以在各种应用程序中使用,包括Google Chrome等网络浏览器。 它应该可以在Windows,Chrome操作系统和Linux上运行。

On a Mac, press Command+Option+Shift+V to “paste and match formatting” instead. This works in most Mac apps, too.

在Mac上,请按Command + Option + Shift + V代替“粘贴并匹配格式”。 这也适用于大多数Mac应用程序。

This keyboard shortcut unfortunately doesn’t work in Microsoft Word. To paste without formatting in Word, you can use the special Paste option on the ribbon to “Keep Text Only.” You can also set Word’s default paste options to “Keep Text Only.”

不幸的是,此键盘快捷键在Microsoft Word中不起作用。 要粘贴而不在Word中设置格式,可以使用功能区上的特殊“粘贴”选项来“仅保留文本”。 您还可以将Word的默认粘贴选项设置为“仅保留文本”。


If this keyboard shortcut doesn’t work in your application of choice, there’s always the low-tech method: Open a plain-text editor like Notepad, paste your text into it, and then select and copy the text. You’ll get the plain text copied to your clipboard and you can paste it into any application.

如果此键盘快捷键在您选择的应用程序中不起作用,则总是存在技术含量较低的方法:打开一个纯文本编辑器(如记事本),将文本粘贴到其中,然后选择并复制文本。 您将把纯文本复制到剪贴板,然后可以将其粘贴到任何应用程序中。

For a faster way to do this, we’ve previously shown how to use AutoHotkey to automatically remove all formatting from the text you copy to your clipboard, too.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/679956/how-to-paste-text-without-formatting-almost-anywhere/