ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD


We love Live CDs, but it’s a hassle installing the same packages every time you need to do a virus scan or recover accidentally deleted data. We’ll show you how to roll your own Ubuntu Live CD, with all the packages you want, and even more nice customizations.

我们喜欢Live CD,但每次需要进行病毒扫描或恢复意外删除的数据时,都很难安装相同的软件包。 我们将向您展示如何将自己的Ubuntu Live CD,所需的所有软件包以及更出色的自定义内容进行滚动。

The tool that we’re going to use is called Reconstructor, which is a free webapp that lets you roll your own Ubuntu and Debian CDs.

我们将要使用的工具称为Reconstructor,这是一个免费的Webapp,可让您滚动自己的Ubuntu和Debian CD。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Getting Started


The first step, as noted above, is to sign up for an account. Click the Sign Up link and fill out the form that appears.

如上所述,第一步是注册一个帐户。 单击“注册”链接,然后填写显示的表单。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Confirm your account by clicking on a link that will be emailed to you, and then log in.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

You will be greeted by Reconstructor’s main interface. To create your customized Ubuntu CD, click on the Create Project button in the left column.

Reconstructor的主界面会打招呼。 要创建自定义的Ubuntu CD,请单击左列中的“创建项目”按钮。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Fill out the basic information about your project. In our case, we’re going to customize an Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD, to include some useful utilities that we’ve covered on How-To Geek in the past.

填写有关您的项目的基本信息。 在我们的案例中,我们将自定义Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD,以包含过去在How-To Geek中介绍的一些有用的实用程序。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Customize Your CD


In the main project screen, you will be given a number of options to modify. We’ll start off by adding in some packages that are not included in Ubuntu by default.

在主项目屏幕中,将为您提供许多修改选项。 我们将从添加默认情况下未包含在Ubuntu中的一些软件包开始。

Click on the plus icon next to the Packages label.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Type in the name of the package you want to add and click Search. All Ubuntu repositories are enabled, so no need to worry about enabling universe or mulitverse. When you’ve found the package you want to add, add a check to the checkbox at the right and then click Add.

输入要添加的软件包的名称,然后单击“搜索”。 所有Ubuntu库都已启用,因此无需担心启用Universemulitverse 。 找到要添加的软件包后,在右侧的复选框中添加一个复选框,然后单击“添加”。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Reconstructor also offers a number of other customizations, like changing the default wallpaper or adding a splash image – you can even add a Gconf key if you want to move the window buttons in Ubuntu 10.04.

Reconstructor还提供了许多其他自定义设置,例如更改默认壁纸或添加初始图像-如果要在Ubuntu 10.04中移动窗口按钮,甚至可以添加Gconf键。

These customizations are found in the Modules section. Click on the plus icon next to Modules to see all of the options.

这些自定义位于“模块”部分。 单击“模块”旁边的加号图标以查看所有选项。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

One module that we’re going to use allows you to install a deb package. We want to include the avast! virus scanner to our live CD, but it’s not in any repository.

我们将要使用的一个模块允许您安装deb软件包。 我们要包含avast! 病毒扫描程序保存到我们的实时CD,但不在任何存储库中。

Add a check to the Install deb Package 0.1 module and click Add.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

In the main project page, click on the Install deb Package link under the Modules header. From there, you can select the deb package and upload it.

在主项目页面中,单击Modules标题下的Install deb Package链接。 从那里,您可以选择deb软件包并上传它。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

If you would like to collaborate with another person, you can add them in the Members section, and the project will show up in the Shared Projects section.


You can also tag your project, though at the moment the tags do not do much. There are also some advanced things you can do with the Post Script Editor, if you’re so inclined.

您还可以标记您的项目,尽管目前标记作用不大。 如果您愿意,还可以使用Post Script Editor做一些高级的事情。

In the end, our Boot CD’s project page looks like this.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Download Your CD


Once you’re finished customizing, it’s time to create an .iso that you can burn and try out! In the main Reconstructor screen, click on the gear icon in the set of icons near the top of the screen.

一旦完成自定义,就可以创建一个可以刻录并尝试的.iso了! 在Reconstructor主屏幕中,单击屏幕顶部附近的图标集中的齿轮图标。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

This starts the build process. It will take some time for the CD to be built (around twenty minutes for us). In the meantime, it will be added to the Jobs section of the interface. You can click on the label to see how the build process is progressing.

这将启动构建过程。 CD的构建将花费一些时间(对于我们来说大约需要20分钟)。 同时,它将被添加到界面的Jobs部分。 您可以单击标签以查看构建过程的进度。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

However, there’s no need to keep clicking and checking – when the build process is done, you’ll receive an email at the address that you used to sign up for the Reconstructor service.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

The Project link starts an .iso downloading, which you can then burn and try out.


Putting Your CD On a Flash Drive


However, if you don’t want to burn a CD, or just prefer to use a USB flash drive, you can make a bootable flash drive easily using the Universal USB Installer (on Windows). We’ve covered this tool in the past, as it’s a nice and easy way to make persistent and non-persistent bootable flash drives.

但是,如果您不想刻录CD,或者只想使用USB闪存驱动器,则可以使用Universal USB Installer(在Windows上)轻松制作可引导的闪存驱动器。 过去 ,我们已经介绍了此工具 ,因为它是制作持久性和非持久性可引导闪存驱动器的好方法。

If you want to create a non-persistent bootable flash drive, then in the Universal USB Installer window, choose “Try Some Other Live Linux ISO” from the dropdown box, and browse to find the .iso you downloaded from Reconstructor.

如果要创建非持久的可引导闪存驱动器,请在“通用USB安装程序”窗口中,从下拉框中选择“尝试其他Live Linux ISO”,然后浏览查找从Reconstructor下载的.iso。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

If you want to make a persistent flash drive – one that will remember the options you set and the additional packages you install in the Live CD environment – you can do so with a little trick.

如果您想制作一个永久性的闪存驱动器(一个会记住您设置的选项以及在Live CD环境中安装的其他软件包的驱动器),您可以做一些技巧。

In the Universal USB Installer window, choose the version of Ubuntu that you used as a base for your project in Reconstructor. Rename the .iso that you downloaded from Reconstructor to match what Universal USB Installer asks for. Then choose how large you want the persistent partition to be!

在“通用USB安装程序”窗口中,选择用作Reconstructor中项目基础的Ubuntu版本。 重命名从Reconstructor下载的.iso,以符合Universal USB Installer的要求。 然后选择您希望永久分区的大小!

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Don’t worry, your flash drive will still boot up like a normal Ubuntu Live CD.

不用担心,您的闪存驱动器仍会像普通的Ubuntu Live CD一样启动。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

And when you get to the desktop environment, you can see that the additional customizations you made through Reconstructor are there.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何创建自己的自定义Ubuntu Live CD

Reconstructor is a great free webapp for making your own custom Linux CDs. If you’re not comfortable with using webapps, then you can also download the open-source Reconstructor Engine by itself. You can even export projects made on the webapp and use the engine locally so you don’t have to download a big .iso file!

Reconstructor是一款很棒的免费Web应用程序,用于制作您自己的自定义Linux CD。 如果您不习惯使用webapps,则还可以单独下载开源Reconstructor Engine。 您甚至可以导出在Web应用程序上创建的项目并在本地使用引擎,因此不必下载大的.iso文件!



Make you own customized Ubuntu CD with Reconstructor

使用Reconstructor使您拥有定制的Ubuntu CD

Download Universal USB Installer from Pen Drive Linux

从Pen Drive Linux下载通用USB安装程序

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22145/how-to-create-your-own-customized-ubuntu-live-cd/
