



Reading requires you to expend cognitive energy, and your Microsoft Outlook calendar is no exception. However, if you color-code your calendar events, you can more easily differentiate between them at a glance, and save yourself some time and energy.

阅读需要您花费更多的认知能力,您的Microsoft Outlook日历也不例外。 但是,如果您对日历事件进行颜色编码,则可以一目了然地区分它们,并节省一些时间和精力。

Calendars are indispensable memory aides, but reading them can be a chore. Adding colors to your events makes it easier to pick out related calendar items and understand what they are, without having to read every word.

日历是必不可少的存储助手,但阅读它们可能会很麻烦。 为活动添加颜色可以使您轻松挑选相关的日历项目并了解它们的含义,而无需阅读每个单词。

By default, all Outlook events are the same color.



However, you can use categories to tag your events and display those in the same category with the same color.



Then, even without reading the title of each entry, you’ll immediately know which events belong to which category.


We’ve covered how to use Outlook categories before, but here’s a quick recap. They’re basically like labels or tags you can apply to emails, tasks, and events. Each category has a name and a color, allowing you to sort, filter, or search for items in Outlook based on that category.

我们之前已经介绍了如何使用Outlook类别 ,但是这里有一个简短的回顾。 它们基本上就像可以应用于电子邮件,任务和事件的标签或标记。 每个类别都有一个名称和颜色,使您可以基于该类别对Outlook中的项目进行排序,过滤或搜索。

When you click a calendar event in Outlook, the “Categorize” option will be visible in the “Appointment/Meeting” section of the ribbon. Click “Categorize” to select one of the categories you’ve created.

当您在Outlook中单击日历事件时,功能区的“约会/会议”部分将显示“分类”选项。 点击“分类”以选择您创建的类别之一。


If you want to add or edit an existing category, click “All Categories.”



In the image below, you can see the categories we set up for our calendar, including their keyboard shortcuts.



To apply a category, select a calendar event. Then, either click “Categorize” and select a category or use its keyboard shortcut to apply it.

要应用类别,请选择一个日历事件。 然后,单击“分类”并选择一个类别,或使用其键盘快捷键将其应用。


This can get time-consuming if you have a lot of calendar events, but fortunately, there’s a shortcut. Outlook allows you to select multiple events and apply a category to all of them simultaneously.

如果您有很多日历事件,这可能会很耗时,但是幸运的是,这里有一个捷径。 Outlook允许您选择多个事件并将一个类别同时应用于所有事件。

To do this, press Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac), and then select all of the events to which you want to apply a certain category. Then, the same as above, either click “Categorize” and select a category or use its keyboard shortcut to apply it to your selected events.

为此,请按Ctrl(或在Mac上为Cmd),然后选择要应用特定类别的所有事件。 然后,与上述相同,单击“分类”并选择一个类别,或使用其键盘快捷键将其应用于您选择的事件。


Once you’ve added categories to all your events, your calendar will be far easier to read.



As a bonus, if you categorize emails and tasks, as well, the colors will sync with your events so you can find relevant items even faster. This is perfect for when you need to prep for your next meeting!

另外,如果您还对电子邮件和任务进行分类,颜色将与您的事件同步,因此您可以更快地找到相关项目。 当您需要为下一次会议做准备时,这是完美的选择!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683960/how-to-color-code-outlook-calendar-events-using-categories/
