

A file with the .MOBI file extension is used for storing eBooks. It was originally a Mobipocket Reader format but has since been adopted by several different readers as well. Amazon purchased Mobipocket in 2005, and later discontinued the MOBI format in 2011.

扩展名为.MOBI的文件用于存储电子书。 它最初是Mobipocket Reader格式,但此后也被数种不同的阅读器采用。 亚马逊在2005年购买了Mobipocket,后来在2011年停止了MOBI格式。

什么是MOBI文件? (What Is a MOBI File?)

A MOBI file is specifically designed for mobile—or eReader—devices. The format is very lightweight in size and supports bookmarks, notes, corrections, and JavaScript. Also contained in the file, along with the eBook, could be DRM, or copyright protection, to prevent copying and illegal viewing.

MOBI文件是专门为移动设备或电子阅读器设计的。 该格式的大小非常轻巧,并且支持书签,注释,更正和JavaScript。 该文件以及eBook中还包含DRM或版权保护,以防止复制和非法查看。

The current Kindle formats (AZW3, KF8, and KFX) are based on MOBI and is a proprietary format exclusively used on Kindle devices. And, in fact, you can still open files with the MOBI format directly on your Kindle—you just have to send them to your Kindle first.

当前的Kindle格式(AZW3,KF8和KFX)基于MOBI,并且是专用于Kindle设备的专有格式。 而且,实际上,您仍然可以直接在Kindle上直接打开MOBI格式的文件-您只需要先将发送到Kindle即可

我如何打开一个? (How Do I Open One?)

Because MOBI is an eBook format, most free desktop eReader programs support opening and viewing them—like Calibre, FBReader, Mobipocket Reader, or Mobi File Reader, to name just a few.

由于MOBI是eBook格式,因此大多数免费的桌面电子阅读器程序都支持打开和查看它们,例如Calibre, FBReaderMobipocket ReaderMobi File Reader等。

After downloading and installing one of the free applications, opening any of your MOBI files is relatively easy. For Calibre, all you have to do is click on the “Add Books” button, and then choose one of the options shown in the image below.

下载并安装一个免费应用程序后,打开您的任何MOBI文件都相对容易。 对于Calibre,您所要做的就是单击“添加书籍”按钮,然后选择下图所示的选项之一。


我如何转换一个? (How Do I Convert One?)

Just like any other file formats, you need specialized software to handle converting MOBI into a different format. If you simply try to change the extension, you could wind up with a corrupt and unusable file.

就像任何其他文件格式一样,您需要专业的软件来处理将MOBI转换为其他格式。 如果您只是尝试更改扩展名,则可能会得到损坏且无法使用的文件。

Along with being an eReader, Calibre comes with a handy conversion tool that can convert any of your eBooks into 16 different formats.



If you don’t want to download a third-party application to convert your files, there are a couple of really good online converters that allow converting into some of the more popular formats, like ePUB, PDF, FB2, and LRF. This is probably one of the fastest ways, as you don’t have to download any software and wait for it to install.

如果您不想下载第三方应用程序来转换文件,则有几个非常好的在线转换器,它们可以转换成一些更流行的格式,例如ePUB,PDF,FB2和LRF。 这可能是最快的方法之一,因为您不必下载任何软件并等待安装。

Some free online file conversion sites include: DocsPal, ConvertioConvertFiles, and Zamzar.

一些免费的在线文件转换站点包括: DocsPalConvertioConvertFilesZamzar

Just head to one of those websites, upload your file, and the format to which you want to convert it.



From there, the software takes care of everything and will provide you with a link or send you an email with the converted file to download.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/360419/what-is-a-mobi-file/