SQL Anywhere错误-824:非法参考相关名的表名

SQL Anywhere错误-824:非法参考相关名的表名


当我运行的Sybase IQ此脚本:SQL Anywhere错误-824:非法参考相关名的表名

declare @YEAR int=2017 
declare @MON int=6 
declare @DAY int=7 

update MainTable 

set MainTable.Amount=(X.Number+Y.Number), 

from (select 'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T1_Total) is null then 0 else SUM(T1_Total) end 
     from Table1  
     where T1_Account_NO=MainTable.Account_NO 
     and [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected]) X, 
    (select 'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T2_TOTAL) is null then 0 else SUM(T2_TOTAL) end 
     from Table2 where T2_Account_NO = MainTable.Account_NO 
     and [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected])Y 

where  [email protected] 
     and MainTable.MON = @MON 
     and [email protected] 

我得到了这样的错误:“SQL Anywhere错误-824:非法参考相关名MainTable“



update Maintable 
set ... 
from MainTable, 
     (select ...)X, 
     (select ...)Y 
where ... 

注:我与Sybase ASE,即不允许 '外部' 相关名工作在派生表中引用,所以我想知道SQLAnywhere是否有类似的限制...?


declare @YEAR int=2017 
declare @MON int=6 
declare @DAY int=7 

update MainTable 

set MainTable.Amount=(X.Number+Y.Number), 

from (select T1_account_NO, 'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T1_Total) is null then 0 else SUM(T1_Total) end 
     from Table1  
     where [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] 
     group by T1_Account_NO) X, 
    (select T2_Account_NO, 'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T2_TOTAL) is null then 0 else SUM(T2_TOTAL) end 
     from Table2 where [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] 
     group by T2_Account_NO)Y 

where  [email protected] 
     and MainTable.MON = @MON 
     and [email protected] 
     and MainTable.Account_NO = X.T1_Account_NO 
     and MainTable.Account_NO = Y.T2_Account_NO 

一个潜在的与性能相关的缺点是,如果派生表现产生大集不会与MainTable连接的记录(除非SQLAnywhere查询引擎能够以某种方式扁平查询... ???)。

如果这不是允许派生表“外部”相关的名字,另一个(明显?)的问题的解决办法是从表1 /表2加入MainTable的结果创建一对夫妇#TEMP表,然后将MainTable更新为#temp表的连接。 [可能索引#temp表,如果数据量足够大,性能明智,索引。]


是的,我已经尝试过,引发同样的错误。 –


嗯,我想知道SQLAnywhere是否像ASE一样,它不支持相关名称'传入'派生表,即派生表不允许引用外部表/视图/相关名称?如果是这样的话,让我用另一个想法更新我的答案...给我几分钟... – markp


thanx为您提供有用的建议。 –



是的,我试过了。 –


declare @YEAR int=2017 
declare @MON int=6 
declare @DAY int=7 

update MainTable 
set MainTable.Amount= (X.Number), 
    MainTable.Total = (X.Total) 
from (select T1_Account_NO,'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T1_Total) is null then 0 else SUM(T1_Total) end 
     from Table1  
     where [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] 
     group by T1_Account_NO) X, 
where X.T1_Account_NO=MainTable.Account_NO 
     and [email protected] 
     and MainTable.MON = @MON 
     and [email protected] 

update MainTable 
set MainTable.Amount= coalesce(MainTable.Amount,0)+(Y.Number), 
    MainTable.Total = coalesce(MainTable.Total,0)+(Y.Total) 
    (select T2_Account_NO,'Number'= count(*), 'Total'=case when SUM(T2_TOTAL) is null then 0 else SUM(T2_TOTAL) end 
     from Table2 
     where [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] 
     group by T2_Account_NO) Y 

where  [email protected] 
     and MainTable.MON = @MON 
     and [email protected] 
     and Y.T2_Account_NO = MainTable.Account_NO 
