outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

outlook 附件加密

If you are using Outlook 2003 with a Microsoft Exchange server for your email, typically in a corporate environment, you may be interested to know that you can encrypt all network communications between the Outlook client and the server, to protect against potential hackers sniffing out your email traffic.

如果您将Outlook 2003与Microsoft Exchange Server一起用于电子邮件(通常在公司环境中使用),则您可能想知道可以对Outlook客户端和服务器之间的所有网络通信进行加密,以防止潜在的黑客窃听您的电子邮件电子邮件流量。

First, select Tools and then E-mail Accounts from the dropdown menu:


outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

By default, a wizard screen will pop up with “View or change existing e-mail accounts” selected as the default. Choose next at this screen.

默认情况下,将弹出一个向导屏幕,其中默认选择“查看或更改现有电子邮件帐户”。 在此屏幕上选择下一步。

outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

You will see a screen with your E-mail Accounts here. Select the one that says “Microsoft Exchange Server”, and then click the Change button:

您将在此处看到一个包含您的电子邮件帐户的屏幕。 选择显示“ Microsoft Exchange Server”的计算机,然后单击“更改”按钮:

outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

Click the More Settings button on the next page:


outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

Click the Security tab on the next page and you will see this screen:


outlook 附件加密_加密Outlook和Exchange之间的流量

Make sure that you check the “Encrypt data” checkbox. This will ensure that all communications between the Outlook client and the Exchange server are encrypted.

确保选中“加密数据”复选框。 这将确保Outlook客户端和Exchange服务器之间的所有通信都经过加密。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/microsoft-exchange/encrypt-traffic-between-outlook-and-exchange/

outlook 附件加密