



Like other browsers, Firefox collects a detailed history of your internet adventures. If you want to cover you tracks, or don’t want Firefox to collect any data at all, you can make changes to ensure a more private browsing experience.

与其他浏览器一样,Firefox会收集您的互联网冒险的详细历史记录。 如果您想掩盖自己的足迹,或者根本不希望Firefox收集任何数据,则可以进行更改以确保更私密的浏览体验。

You can access Firefox’s history from the aptly-named “History” menu on OS X, or by clicking the three lines in the upper-right corner on Windows and selecting “History” (“Control + H”).

您可以从OS X上恰当命名的“历史记录”菜单中,或通过单击Windows右上角的三行并选择“历史记录”(“ Control + H”)来访问Firefox的历史记录。


Not only will the History menu display recently visited websites, but also recently closed tabs and windows. You can also display tabs from other devices and restore a previous session.

“历史记录”菜单不仅会显示最近访问的网站,还会显示最近关闭的选项卡和窗口。 您还可以显示其他设备上的标签并还原上一个会话。


The items of most interest to us however, are the options to “Show All History” and “Clear Recent History…”.



When you select “Show All History”, you will see your entire browsing history laid out in a windowed list.



If you want to delete any of these websites from your history list, you can select one at any time and hit the “Delete” button. If you want to delete everything, then use Command+A on OS X or Ctrl+A on Windows. If you want to select several sites at once, use the “Command” key (OS X) or “Control” (Windows) to select each site you want to remove from your history.

如果要从历史记录列表中删除任何这些网站,则可以随时选择一个,然后单击“删除”按钮。 如果要删除所有内容,请在OS X上使用Command + A或在Windows上使用Ctrl + A。 如果要一次选择多个站点,请使用“命令”键(OS X)或“控制”(Windows)选择要从历史记录中删除的每个站点。


The fastest way to clear your history is to select “Clear Recent History…” from the History menu, which will give you a dialog to choose the history time range you want to clear. You have the option to clear the last hour, two hours, four hours, today, or everything.

清除历史记录的最快方法是从“历史记录”菜单中选择“清除最近的历史记录...”,这将为您提供一个对话框,以选择要清除的历史记录时间范围。 您可以选择清除最后一个小时,两个小时,四个小时,今天或所有内容。


Click “Details” and you can choose far more than your browsing and download history. You can also clear out stuff like your cookies, cache, active logins, and more.

单击“详细信息”,您可以选择的内容远远超过您的浏览和下载历史记录。 您还可以清除Cookie,缓存,活动登录名等内容。


If you want to set up special options for your browsing history, you need to open Firefox’s preferences and select the “Privacy” category. In the Privacy settings, there is a section devoted entirely to History. In the following screenshot, we’ve selected the option to “use custom settings for history”.

如果要为浏览历史记录设置特殊选项,则需要打开Firefox的首选项,然后选择“隐私”类别。 在“隐私”设置中,有一个部分专门讨论“历史记录”。 在以下屏幕截图中,我们选择了“对历史记录使用自定义设置”选项。


If you decide to always use private browsing mode, then your browsing history, cookies, and other items will not be saved. You can also elect to not record your browsing and download history, search and form history, or accept cookies. If you don’t want to accept third-party cookies, the option is there if you elect to enable it.

如果您决定始终使用私人浏览模式,则将不会保存您的浏览历史记录,Cookie和其他项目。 您还可以选择不记录您的浏览和下载历史记录,搜索和表单历史记录,或者不接受Cookie。 如果您不想接受第三方Cookie ,则选择启用该选项即可。

Finally, if you want your browsing history to clear whenever you close Firefox, you can select that option and then click “Setting…” to choose exactly what is cleared when Firefox shuts down.



It’s important to remember that, clearing some of these items affect later browsing sessions. For example, if you clear active logins, you will have to log back into any sites from your previous session. Similarly, if you clear out your cookies, your login sessions will be deleted and you will have to reenter your credentials.

重要的是要记住,清除其中一些项目会影响以后的浏览会话。 例如,如果清除活动的登录名,则必须从上一个会话重新登录到任何站点。 同样,如果清除cookie,登录会话将被删除,您将不得不重新输入凭据。


When you choose the option to clear your browsing history upon shutdown, Firefox won’t give you any warnings, so it’s important to remember that you’ve selected the option in the first place. Otherwise, you may wonder why you’re always being logged out your favorite social media sites or why your recent browsing history is always gone.

当您选择关闭时清除浏览历史记录的选项时,Firefox不会发出任何警告,因此请务必记住首先选择了该选项。 否则,您可能想知道为什么总是总是注销自己喜欢的社交媒体网站,或者为什么最近的浏览历史总是消失了。

Clearing your history and other private data is one of the best privacy practices you can undertake. Firefox is unique in that it has the option to clear this stuff every time you shut it down, so if you’re particularly privacy-conscious, such as if you use Firefox one a work or publicly used computer, then this is a great option to enable.

清除历史记录和其他私人数据是您可以采取的最佳隐私做法之一。 Firefox的独特之处在于它可以在每次关闭时清除这些内容,因此,如果您特别注重隐私,例如将Firefox用作办公电脑或公用电脑,那么这是个不错的选择启用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/244044/how-to-clear-your-browsing-history-in-firefox/
