


Your Uber driver literally knows where you live, and they can look it up if they forget. Uber is considering changing the second point.

您的Uber司机从字面上知道您的住所,如果他们忘记了,他们可以查找。 优步正在考虑改变第二点。

Uber drivers can currently scroll through their driver history and see the exact places they picked up and dropped off people. Drivers can access this information even if you delete your Uber account. This has enabled stalking and other violations of privacy by drivers.

Uber驾驶员目前可以滚动浏览其驾驶员历史记录,并查看他们上下车的确切地点。 即使您删除了Uber帐户,驾驶员也可以访问此信息。 这使驾驶员能够跟踪和其他侵犯隐私的行为。

Now Uber is obscuring the exact drop-off and pickup information for some drivers as part of a pilot program, showing a general area instead of the exact location.


Here’s Kate Conger, writing for Gizmodo:

这是凯特·康格(Kate Conger) 为Gizmodo撰写的文章

Women have spoken out for years about creepy experiences with drivers on various ride-hailing platforms who used the phone numbers and addresses provided through the app to stalk or harass women. Obscuring addresses will give riders an extra layer of protection. The change will also help Uber comply with the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation, which requires tech companies to allow users to delete their data but also requires companies to give users access to their own data.

妇女多年来一直在各种叫车平台上与司机争吵,她们使用应用程序提供的电话号码和地址来跟踪或骚扰妇女。 遮盖住的地址将为骑手提供额外的保护。 这项变更还将帮助Uber遵守欧盟新的通用数据保护法规,该法规要求科技公司允许用户删除其数据,但还要求公司向用户提供访问其自己的数据的权限。

Note that this is a trial, and Uber may or may not make this policy standard in the future. If this is something that worries you consider walking a few blocks from your house to meet with cars from now on.

请注意,这是一个试用,Uber将来可能会也可能不会制定此政策标准。 如果这让您感到担心,那么您可以考虑从现在起步行几个街区,然后与汽车会合。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/uber-might-stop-drivers-from-looking-up-your-address-history/
