


Yay, finally another Blog entry from me :)


Wow, 2010 is almost over? What happened to the hoverboards, shiny tin foil jumpsuits and the zombie apocalypse? So I suppose I’ll have to wait a little longer for all that fun. In the meantime we have to make our own!.

哇,2010年快结束了? 气垫板,闪亮的锡箔连身裤和僵尸末日怎么了? 所以我想我将不得不再等一会儿所有的乐趣。 同时,我们必须自己做!

To that end, we are running a cool competition on the lead up to the new year. The premise is simple: Tell us via the medium of twitter, using the #unity3d hash tag, what you want to create with Unity in 2011. In return we take the most awesome, ambitious, interesting and down right cool plan each week and give that person a Pro License.

为此,我们将在新年之前进行一场酷炫的比赛。 前提很简单:使用#unity3d哈希标签通过Twitter媒体告诉我们您要在Unity于2011年创建的内容。作为回报,我们每周都会采取最棒,最雄心勃勃,最有趣,最正确的超酷计划,并给出该人的专业许可证。

A chance at getting a Pro License in return for a few words on the cool project you want to work on, pretty sweet deal no?


So for example:


“In 2011 I will make a hoverboarding game #unity3d” “In 2011 I will take my indie game, and push it to the next level with pro #unity3d” “In 2011 I will make a game that sends cake to Unity HQ #unity3d”

“ 2011年,我将制作一款悬浮滑板游戏#unity3d” “ 2011年,我将制作自​​己的独立游戏,并与亲临#unity3d将其推向新的高度” “ 2011年,我将制作一款将蛋糕发送给Unity HQ#unity3d的游戏”

Ok, so those examples aren’t amazing but you get the idea. Be sure to use that precious letter count to the best of your ability! And above all.. get creative!

好的,这些例子并不令人惊讶,但您明白了。 确保尽您最大的能力使用该宝贵的字母! 最重要的是..发挥创造力!

Full details on the competition, along with our winning list can be found right here at: http://unity3d.com/2011

有关比赛的详细信息以及我们的获奖名单,请访问以下网址: http : //unity3d.com/2011

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/12/16/what-will-you-create-with-unity-in-2011/
