unity应用商店_现在具有创造力:跨Windows应用商店和Windows Phone的1000多个Unity应用...

unity应用商店_现在具有创造力:跨Windows应用商店和Windows Phone的1000多个Unity应用...


The following post was written by Jean-Christophe Cimetiere, Director, Partner Developer Marketing at Microsoft, to update the Unity community about the latest resources and news for Windows Phone and Windows Stores

以下帖子由Microsoft合作开发人员市场营销总监Jean-Christophe Cimetiere撰写,旨在向Unity社区更新有关Windows Phone和Windows Stores的最新资源和新闻。

This past June, we announced collaboration with Unity, through which Unity developers can publish their apps on Windows platforms. In porting your apps to Windows and Windows Phone, you can expand your market reach to millions of users with minimal effort.

今年6月,我们宣布了与Unity的合作,通过该合作,Unity开发人员可以在Windows平台上发布其应用程序。 在将应用程序移植到Windows和Windows Phone时,您可以毫不费力地将市场范围扩大到数百万用户。

Unity Developer Momentum on Windows

Windows上的Unity Developer动量

I’m thrilled to see the momentum you’ve demonstrated in launching your apps on Windows platforms. Since the release of Unity 4.2 we’ve seen exponential growth of apps made with Unity for Windows Store and Windows Phone; you have submitted more than one thousand Unity apps—and counting.

我很高兴看到您在Windows平台上启动应用程序所展示的势头。 自从Unity 4.2发行以来,我们已经看到使用Unity for Windows Store和Windows Phone制作的应用程序呈指数增长。 您已经提交了超过一千个Unity应用,而且还在不断增加。

 “This milestone is a powerful reminder of the incredible flexibility of the Unity technology and developer community,” said David Helgason, CEO, Unity Technologies. “The Windows Store apps add-on for Unity was just released in July and there are already over 1000 games powered by Unity available on Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store! That’s a mind-blowing achievement realized in less than four months.”

Unity Technologies首席执行官David Helgason表示:“这一里程碑强烈地提醒着Unity技术和开发人员社区的惊人灵活性。” “适用于Unity的Windows Store应用程序附加组件刚刚在7月发布,并且Windows Phone 8和Windows Store上已经有超过1000种由Unity支持的游戏! 这是在不到四个月的时间内实现的惊人成就。”

Thanks to your feedback, Unity continues to provide improved support for Windows platforms in the latest version, Unity 4.3, which you can download here. 

感谢您的反馈,Unity继续在最新版本Unity 4.3中为Windows平台提供改进的支持,您可以在此处下载。  

The Porting labs: what happened…


As you know, Unity is designed to operate cross-platform and ensures a smooth recompiling experience; still, each platform is unique. So, in order to set you up for success in porting existing apps to Windows platforms, we gathered a crew of technical experts, and headed to the Unite 2013 event in Vancouver, British Columbia, where we worked hands-on with developers for three days in our Porting Lab.

如您所知,Unity旨在跨平台运行并确保流畅的重新编译体验; 尽管如此,每个平台都是唯一的。 因此,为了使您成功地将现有应用程序移植到Windows平台,我们召集了一批技术专家,前往不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华举行的Unite 2013活动,与开发人员进行了为期三天的亲身实践在我们的移植实验室中

Learning from experience: Porting Lab at Unite 2013

经验学习:Unite 2013的移植实验室

Our goal in hosting the Porting Lab was simple: to help you quickly port as many apps / games as possible and learn what we could do to make the process even easier.


And what we learned


For most, recompiling code was easy, but we also learned about the various aspects of porting that require extra care and attention. If you’ve gone beyond using standard Unity features, you may find extra work in incorporating your special plug-ins or APIs. For example, if you want to integrate In-App Purchase, use the Microsoft Ad Control, or manage the ‘back’ button, you’ll need to customize.

对于大多数人来说,重新编译代码很容易,但是我们也了解了移植的各个方面,需要特别注意。 如果您不仅仅使用标准的Unity功能,那么在合并特殊的插件或API时可能会发现额外的工作。 例如,如果要集成应用内购买,使用Microsoft广告控件或管理“后退”按钮,则需要自定义。

By the end of the lab, we had helped developers port about 80 apps from iOS, Android, and other platforms to Windows Phone or Windows Store.

到实验结束时,我们已帮助开发人员将大约80个应用程序从iOS,Android和其他平台移植到Windows Phone或Windows Store。

New technical resources


To further empower you, we’ve developed technical guides that explain how to bring Unity apps to Windows Store and Windows Phone, including specifics of the platforms, what you need to get started, how to address platform-specific edge cases, and how to address roadblocks you may encounter as you build on Windows.  The content will continue to evolve as we get more feedback from you.

为了进一步增强您的能力,我们已经开发了技术指南 ,解释了如何将Unity应用程序引入Windows Store和Windows Phone,包括平台的详细信息,您需要入门的内容,如何解决特定于平台的边缘情况以及如何解决在Windows上构建时可能遇到的障碍。 随着我们从您那里获得更多反馈,内容将继续发展。

Also, we’re expanding the gallery of Windows Phone and Windows apps made with Unity. Remember, your app could be featured here, just let me know @jccim when you publish.

此外,我们还将扩展使用Unity制作的Windows Phone和Windows应用程序的 。 请记住,您的应用程序可能会在此处显示,发布时请让我知道@jccim

Get Started: Join a porting lab or check the porting guides


Our porting lab was so successful that we are now working with Unity to host similar events in additional cities around the world.


“It’s been a pleasure to work with Microsoft in their efforts to help developers get their games up and running for Windows Store and Windows Phone 8,” said Carl Callewaert, Unity Evangelist, Unity Technologies. “The live porting labs have been a huge success, so much so that merely days after meeting Tic Toc Games at a recent porting event, I was playing their game on my Windows Phone 8. The new online porting guides will put these excellent resources in the hands of those unable to attend live events.”

“与Microsoft合作,很高兴能够帮助开发人员在Windows Store和Windows Phone 8上启动并运行游戏,” Unity Technologies的Unity传播者Carl Callewaert说道。 “实时移植实验室取得了巨大的成功,以至于在最近的一次移植活动上与Tic Toc Games会面几天后,我就在Windows Phone 8上玩了他们的游戏。新的在线移植指南将把这些出色的资源用于那些无法参加现场活动的人的手里。”

Below is an initial schedule.


Check for updates on the schedule here.


I hope you can make it to a lab in one of these cities. If not, read the guides, build great apps, and continue to give feedback.

我希望您可以在其中一个城市中进入实验室。 如果不是,请阅读指南 ,构建出色的应用程序,然后继续提供反馈

Watch this video to hear what developers had to say about their porting experiences:


Who won $100,000 in cash and prizes?


The response to the contest for the best Unity-authored content for Windows Store and Windows Phone was overwhelming. On November 14, we announced the 15 talented winners. Take a look at the great projects.

对于针对Windows Store和Windows Phone的Unity最佳创作内容的竞赛,React热烈。 11月14日,我们宣布了15名才华横溢的获奖者。 看一看伟大的项目

Last but not the least; I am going to leave you with advice from developers we interviewed during the Unite 2013 event. Watch this to hear what they have to say about becoming a game developer.

最后但是同样重要的; 我将向您提供在Unite 2013活动期间接受采访的开发人员的建议。 观看此视频,听听他们对于成为游戏开发人员的看法。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/11/18/now-thats-creative-power-1000-unity-apps-across-windows-store-and-windows-phone/
