

本文为美国德克萨斯A&M大学(作者:MESAAD WALEED ALBADER)的硕士论文,共139页。





Modern power electronic systems operatewith different voltage and/or frequency rating such as Adjustable speed drive,Micro Grid, Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) and High Voltage DCTransmission Systems. To match power electronic systems with the mains supply,DC link converters are used. The first stage of the DC link converter is theAC/DC conversion (rectifier). The rectifier type utility interface hassubstantial harmonics result in poor power quality due to low power factor andhigh harmonic distortion. Power Factor Correction (PFC) schemes are effectivemethods to mitigate harmonics and address this issue. In this thesis, analysesof three approaches for high power density rectifiers are developed. In thefirst study, modular three phase boost rectifiers operating in DCM are coupledin order to increase the power density. Major drawback of this rectifier is thehigh currents ripple in both the source and the DC link sides which requirelarge EMI filter size -could be larger than the rectifier component size- andlarge DC filter capacitor size. This thesis proposes coupling modular threephase boost DCM rectifiers, the currents in both source and DC link sides areinterleaved and consequently the currents ripple dramatically decreased resultsin small component size of the EMI filter and the DC filter capacitor leadingto high power density rectification. Also, optimization of the number of therectifier modules to achieve maximum power density is presented. Moreover, theswitching function of each rectifier employs harmonic injection technique toreduce the low order harmonics. And, the DC output voltage is varied with theload power such that the operation is at the boundary between CCM and DCM toachieve maximum power density tracking. In the Second study, a resonant threephase single switch PFC is presented to overcome the high 5th and 7th ordercurrent harmonics drawback in the conventional single switch three phase PFCcircuits. The input current has low THD for each individual low order harmonicswith high current ripple at the switching frequency. Interleaving the inputcurrent by coupling modular rectifiers is also presented to reduce the inputcurrent ripple. System equations and modes of operation is analyzed and derivedto design the circuit parameters, switching frequency and duty ratio for thedesired output voltage and load power. In the Third study, an advancement ofexisting modular T-connected single phase PFCs by means of replacing the lowfrequency transformer with medium frequency electronic phase shifter to reducethe size and weight of the system. The approach has higher power densitycompared with the Y, delta and T-connected single phase PFC modules. The studyexamines the 3 to 2 phase conversion, system harmonics, switching technique forthe AC chopper and the power flow of the system.

1 引言与文献综述
2 高功率密度的交错式三相DCM整流器
3 高输入电能质量、高功率密度的三相谐振整流器
4 采用两个单相功率因数校正和一个电子移相器的模块化三相功率因数校正方法
5 结论


