

Computers are complex devices that cannot easily be explained, like say, a delicious Reuben sandwich. Let’s break down and explain your computer, over lunch.

计算机是无法轻易解释的复杂设备,例如美味的鲁本三明治。 午饭时让我们分解并解释一下计算机。

Yeah, we’re having some fun today with somewhat of an inside joke around here due to The Geek’s irrational love of the Reuben sandwich. Enjoy and join the discussion.

是的,由于The Geek对Reuben三明治的非理性热爱,我们今天在这里有些玩笑。 享受并参加讨论。

Images by teujene and VirtualErn


硬体 (The Hardware)


Image by kimberlykv


The start of a great Reuben is in the rye bread. Rye bread is a dense bread that is full of complex flavors and comes in many different variations. Think of rye bread as your computer hardware.

伟大的鲁本的起源就在于黑麦面包。 黑麦面包是一种密集的面包,充满了复杂的风味,并且有许多不同的变化。 将黑麦面包视为您的计算机硬件。

You can buy or bake your own rye bread but the general rules are the same; the fresher the ingredients the better the bread will be, or the more expensive the bread cost at your baker the better it will taste. One thing is for sure, cheap hardware is going to be the start of a not so great sandwich.

您可以购买或烘烤自己的黑麦面包,但一般规则是相同的。 成分越新鲜,面包就越好,或者面包师面包的成本越贵,味道就越好。 可以肯定的是,便宜的硬件将成为一个不太好的三明治的开始。

Your hardware is one of the most important decisions when buying a computer and it is what encompasses all of the software you will pick from here on out. Choose your bread wisely and you will be rewarded in the end.

购买计算机时,硬件是最重要的决定之一,它包含了您将要从这里开始选择的所有软件。 明智地选择面包,最终您会得到回报。

软体 (The Software)


Image by Everything Etsy

图片由Everything Etsy提供

Sometimes you don’t have an option of what sauerkraut you pick because unless you are a gourmet chef and know how to ferment your own cabbage, you probably are just going to get something that is off the shelf or maybe just settle for the over flavored, over loaded kraut that came with your sandwich. You may have still tried to make your own sauerkraut but instead ended up with a bit more sour than kraut and it turned you off to the idea in the future.

有时您没有选择哪种酸菜的选择,因为除非您是美食大厨并且知道如何发酵自己的白菜,否则您可能只会买到现成的东西,或者只是为了解决过度调味的问题,三明治随附的超重Kraut。 您可能仍然尝试制作自己的酸菜,但最终会比酸菜酸得多,这使您在将来不愿使用。

I’m obviously talking about your operating system. Your OS is the main supporting role to your other ingredients and depending on your taste buds can be the killer feature of your computer. Your OS can be gourmet, bland, or just the way you like it. In any case, you need to make sure that your OS and hardware can work together, and don’t forget that the longer your sauerkraut sits on your bread, the soggier it will get. A fresh spread of sauerkraut will always taste better than one that has been sitting for days. As important as sauerkraut is, it really isn’t the meat of why you use your computer.

我显然是在谈论您的操作系统。 操作系统是其他成分的主要支持角色,并且取决于您的味蕾可能是计算机的杀手feature功能。 您的操作系统可以是美食,平淡的,也可以是您喜欢的方式。 无论如何,您都需要确保操作系统和硬件可以一起工作,并且不要忘记酸菜放在面包上的时间越长,它就会变得越发粘腻。 新鲜的酸菜酱总是比已经坐了几天的酸菜更好吃。 与德国泡菜一样重要,这实际上并不是您使用计算机的原因。

Corned beef is the reason you eat a Reuben. Even if you love the other ingredients in the sandwich, the beef is what you are really there for and if the beef doesn’t satisfy, you will move on. Corned beef is typically brisket that soaks in a brine until it is almost pickled. What does that mean for you? Applications that are cured to perfection and satisfy your every need. Everyone has a different idea of what their perfect applications are but when it comes down to it. A sandwich with just rye bread and sauerkraut isn’t very good.

咸牛肉是吃流便的原因。 即使您喜欢三明治中的其他成分,牛肉也是您真正想要的东西,如果牛肉不满意,您将继续前进。 咸牛肉通常是浸在盐水中的牛ket,直到几乎被腌制。 这对您意味着什么? 完美固化的应用程序可以满足您的各种需求。 每个人对于他们的完美应用是什么都有不同的想法,但是要归结到它。 仅含黑麦面包和德国泡菜的三明治不是很好。

车手 (The Drivers)


Image by rick


We still have a couple very important supporting ingredients that cannot be left out of this computer sandwich. A Reuben calls for lots of Swiss cheese. Although it’s sometimes full of holes, and when melted doesn’t have enough coverage, the Swiss cheese bonds your bread to your meat and kraut.

我们仍然有一些非常重要的支持成分,这些成分不能被排除在计算机三明治之外。 鲁本人要求大量的瑞士奶酪。 尽管它有时充满Kong洞,并且融化时覆盖面不足,但瑞士奶酪将您的面包与肉和克劳特面包结合在一起。

If you haven’t caught on to what I’m hinting at, Swiss cheese is your drivers and firmware. It isn’t enough to have amazing hardware and software to back it up; if your sandwich falls apart when you try to eat it, all your really have is a couple slices of bread and some tasty innards. Your drivers and firmware hold your computer together. With crappy drivers your operating system and hardware can have major problems. You need something that will be the glue to make it all work together in harmony, and that glue is layers upon layers of swiss cheese.

如果您还没有掌握我所暗示的内容,那么瑞士奶酪就是您的驱动程序和固件。 拥有出色的硬件和软件来支持它还不够。 如果您想吃的三明治掉下来,那么您真正拥有的就是几片面包和一些美味的内脏。 您的驱动程序和固件将您的计算机固定在一起。 使用糟糕的驱动程序,您的操作系统和硬件可能会遇到严重问题。 您需要某种东西来成为胶水,使它们和谐地协同工作,并且胶水层层层叠叠在瑞士奶酪中。

外围设备 (The Peripherals)


Image by cogdogblog

图片来自 cogdogblog

Finally we have come to the dressing, a Reuben can be made with either thousand islands or Russian dressing depending on your preferences and it adds just that hint of completeness to the sandwich. It isn’t an afterthought but it also isn’t as important as the cheese. Your dressing is your monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

终于,我们来做调料了,根据您的喜好,可以用数千个岛屿或俄罗斯的调料制成鲁本酱,它为三明治增添了一点完整性。 这不是事后的想法,但也没有奶酪重要。 您的服装是显示器,键盘和鼠标。

The peripherals you choose can be absolutely stunning, and can be the reason you want to sit down and use your computer, but let’s not forget, you still have to use your computer. For a majority of people today, their accessories are in the form of a notebook which has a limited amount of flexibility and very few options when picking exactly what touchpad, keyboard, and monitor they want.

您选择的外围设备绝对令人赞叹,并且可能是您想要坐下来使用计算机的原因,但是请不要忘记,您仍然必须使用计算机。 对于当今的大多数人来说,他们的配件采用笔记本电脑的形式,灵活性有限,并且在准确选择所需的触摸板,键盘和显示器时几乎没有选择。

The dressing is very closely tied in with the bread you picked and in some cases, i.e. a notebook, it is inseparable from the hardware. You can further accessorize your sandwich with a pickle spear, chips or fries, and a tasty beverage and all of those things need to balance the sandwich. The only necessary hardware is the hardware that you need to interface with the software inside, and in the Reuben, the dressing is a necessity.

调味料与您所选择的面包紧密相连,在某些情况下,例如笔记本,与硬件是分不开的。 您可以用腌制的长矛,薯条或炸薯条和美味的饮料进一步装饰三明治,而所有这些都需要平衡三明治。 唯一必需的硬件是您需要与内部软件进行交互的硬件,在Reuben中,必须进行修整。

Next time someone asks you how a computer works, or maybe the next time you eat a tasty Reuben sandwich, I hope this analogy helps you see how all of the parts work together and lets you focus on the truly important things about your computer.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32506/how-your-computer-is-exactly-like-a-delicious-reuben-sandwich/