如何更改Apple Watch的方向

如何更改Apple Watch的方向

The Apple Watch includes the ability to change its orientation to accommodate right-handed as well as left-handed wearers. Here is how to change the orientation on your Apple Watch.

Apple Watch具有更改其方向以适应惯用右手和惯用左手佩戴者的能力。 以下是更改Apple Watch方向的方法。

Traditional wristwatches are ambidextrous. Whether you want to wear one on your left wrist or right wrist, it will still be as accessible and usable, no matter what.

传统的手表是灵巧的。 无论您要戴在左手腕还是右手腕上,无论什么情况,它都将同样易于使用。

With something like a smartwatch, you may not have such an option. Luckily the Apple Watch includes the ability to accommodate anybody, be they left or right-handed.

对于类似智能手表的产品,您可能没有这样的选择。 幸运的是,Apple Watch能够容纳任何人,无论他们是左撇子还是右撇子。

That said, this will only work if you have the orientation set appropriately.


设定手表的方向 (Setting Your Watch’s Orientation)

In order to do this, you must enter the settings and set the orientation to work for whatever wrist you intend to wear it on.


To set your Watch’s orientation, you will first need to tap open the Settings on the Watch.


如何更改Apple Watch的方向

Next, tap open the General category.


如何更改Apple Watch的方向

Immediately you should see the Orientation option. Tap that to open those settings.

您应该立即看到“定向”选项。 点按可打开这些设置。

如何更改Apple Watch的方向

You will be able to configure two settings in the Orientation category. The first is to change it to suit left or right-handed wearers. The other is to change the placement of the digital crown.

您将能够在“方向”类别中配置两个设置。 首先是将其更改为适合左手或右手佩戴者。 另一种是更改数字表冠的位置。

如何更改Apple Watch的方向

The digital crown orientation is an important item because it means that the display will invert so you can wear the Watch upside down.


Why would you ever want to wear it like this? Simply, because then you can control the digital crown with your thumb more easily. Some users might find this to be more intuitive and comfortable.

你为什么要这样穿呢? 简单地说,因为这样您才能用拇指更轻松地控制数字表把。 一些用户可能会觉得这更加直观和舒适。

更改iPhone的方向 (Changing the Orientation on Your iPhone)

You can also accomplish all this using the Watch app on your iPhone. With the app open, tap on “General” to access the settings.

您还可以使用iPhone上的Watch应用程序来完成所有这些操作。 打开应用程序后,点击“常规”以访问设置。

如何更改Apple Watch的方向

Now in the General settings, tap on “Watch Orientation”.


如何更改Apple Watch的方向

Like with the settings on the Watch, you will be able to choose between wearing it on your left or right wrist. Additionally, you can also decide whether the digital crown is on the left or right side.

与手表上的设置一样,您可以在左右手佩戴之间进行选择。 此外,您还可以决定数字表冠位于左侧还是右侧。

Again, if you do this, it means the digital crown might be on the bottom making it easier for some users to manipulate.


如何更改Apple Watch的方向

All told, you can wear the Watch up to four ways, on your right or left wrist, with the digital crown on the right or left side.


This allows any wearer to decide what is most ergonomic and thus comfortable arrangement for them.


We hope you found this article useful and you’re now wearing your Apple Watch in a fashion best suited to you. If you have any questions or comments you wish to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您觉得本文有用,并且现在以最适合您的方式佩戴Apple Watch。 如果您有任何疑问或意见要发表,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237214/how-to-change-your-apple-watchs-orientation/