FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟

FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟



 输入输出约束还是使用vivado  自带language来约束

FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


System Synchronous Input
       分析输入端口到FPGA内部时序单元的路径时,当source clock和destination clock来自同一个系统时钟时,称为系统同步输入(system synchronous input)。

源同步需要时钟和数据来自同一个源,系统同步中只要求source clock和destination clock来自同一个时钟网络即可。

FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟

       如图1所示为系统同步输入,source clock是CLKA,destination clock是CLKB,其中CLKB通过输入端口引入FPGA内部(约束成主时钟),而CLKA引到了FPGA外部的板上芯片,并没有引入到FPGA内部,CLKB是采集输入端口的时钟。

Source Synchronous Input
分析输入端口到FPGA内部时序单元的路径时,当destination clock来自外部芯片,即与数据输入同源,称为源同步输入(source synchronous input)。

FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


Tco ----  外部芯片的 Tco,Tco的参数通常需要查外部芯片的数据手册。

Trce--- 板间线路延迟。根据时钟频率和线长来确定。但是数这里通常都设置为0


FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟

1)系统同步SDR  rising

  2. # Rising Edge System Synchronous Inputs 系统同步输入上升沿触发

  3. #

  4. # A Single Data Rate (SDR) System Synchronous interface is

  5. # an interface where the external device and the FPGA use

  6. # the same clock, and a new data is captured one clock cycle

  7. # after being launched

  8. # 系统同步接口SDR是外部器件和FPGA采用相同的时钟,新的数据在触发后一个时钟周期被捕获

  9. # iput __________ __________

  10. # clock __| |__________| |__

  11. # |

  12. # |------> (tco_min+trce_dly_min)

  13. # |------------> (tco_max+trce_dly_max)

  14. # __________ ________________

  15. # data __________XXXXXX_____ Data _____XXXXXXX

  16. #

  18. set input_clock <clock_name>; # Name of input clock

  19. set tco_max 0.000; # Maximum clock to out delay (external device)

  20. set tco_min 0.000; # Minimum clock to out delay (external device)

  21. set trce_dly_max 0.000; # Maximum board trace delay 板间线路延迟

  22. set trce_dly_min 0.000; # Minimum board trace delay

  23. set input_ports <input_ports>; # List of input ports

  25. # Input Delay Constraint

  26. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $tco_max + $trce_dly_max] [get_ports $input_ports];

  27. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min [expr $tco_min + $trce_dly_min] [get_ports $input_ports];

  29. # Report Timing Template

  30. # report_timing -from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 1 -delay_type min_max -name sys_sync_rise_in -file sys_sync_rise_in.txt;


知道了tco trce_dly 的值,也可以直接使用下面对应参数直接代入公式即可。

 set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $tco_max + $trce_dly_max] [get_ports $input_ports];

2)系统同步SDR  falling

  1. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $tco_max + $trce_dly_max] [get_ports $input_ports] -clock_fall;

  2. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min [expr $tco_min + $trce_dly_min] [get_ports $input_ports] -clock_fall;

3) 系统同步DDR

  2. # DDR System Synchronous Inputs

  3. #

  4. # A Double Data Rate (DDR) System Synchronous interface is

  5. # an interface where the external device and the FPGA use

  6. # the same clock, and a new data is captured half a clock

  7. # cycle after being launched

  8. #

  9. # input _______________________________ ________

  10. # clock _| |________________________________|

  11. # | |

  12. # |-> (trco_min+trce_dly_min) |-> (tfco_min+trce_dly_min)

  13. # |-----> (trco_max+trce_dly_max) |-----> (tfco_max+trce_dly_max)

  14. # ____ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___

  15. # data ____XXXX__________Rise_Data_________XXXX__________Fall_Data_________XXXX___

  16. #

  18. set input_clock <clock_name>; # Name of input clock

  19. set trco_max 0.000; # Maximum clock to output delay from rising edge (external device)

  20. set trco_min 0.000; # Minimum clock to output delay from rising edge (external device)

  21. set tfco_max 0.000; # Maximum clock to output delay from falling edge (external device)

  22. set tfco_min 0.000; # Minimum clock to output delay from falling edge (external device)

  23. set trce_dly_max 0.000; # Maximum board trace delay

  24. set trce_dly_min 0.000; # Minimum board trace delay

  25. set input_ports <input_ports>; # List of input ports

  27. # Input Delay Constraint

  28. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $trco_max + $trce_dly_max] [get_ports $input_ports];

  29. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min [expr $trco_min + $trce_dly_min] [get_ports $input_ports];

  30. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $tfco_max + $trce_dly_max] [get_ports $input_ports] -clock_fall -add_delay;

  31. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min [expr $tfco_min + $trce_dly_min] [get_ports $input_ports] -clock_fall -add_delay;

  33. # Report Timing Template

  34. # report_timing -rise_from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 2 -delay_type min_max -name sys_sync_ddr_in_rise -file sys_sync_ddr_in_rise.txt;

  35. # report_timing -fall_from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 2 -delay_type min_max -name sys_sync_ddr_in_fall -file sys_sync_ddr_in_fall.txt;




1)源同步SDR 中心对齐 


  2. # Center-Aligned Rising Edge Source Synchronous Inputs

  3. #

  4. # For a center-aligned Source Synchronous interface, the clock

  5. # transition is aligned with the center of the data valid window.

  6. # The same clock edge is used for launching and capturing the

  7. # data. The constraints below rely on the default timing

  8. # analysis (setup = 1 cycle, hold = 0 cycle).

  9. #

  10. # input ____ __________

  11. # clock |_________| |_____

  12. # |

  13. # dv_bre | dv_are

  14. # <------>|<------>

  15. # __ ________|________ __

  16. # data __XXXX____Rise_Data____XXXX__

  17. #

  19. set input_clock <clock_name>; # Name of input clock

  20. set input_clock_period <period_value>; # Period of input clock

  21. set dv_bre 0.000; # Data valid before the rising clock edge

  22. set dv_are 0.000; # Data valid after the rising clock edge

  23. set input_ports <input_ports>; # List of input ports

  25. # Input Delay Constraint

  26. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $input_clock_period - $dv_bre] [get_ports $input_ports];

  27. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min $dv_are [get_ports $input_ports];

  29. # Report Timing Template

  30. # report_timing -from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 1 -delay_type min_max -name src_sync_cntr_rise_in -file src_sync_cntr_rise_in.txt;



2)源同步SDR  边缘对齐

边沿对齐又分两种情况:clock  with  MMCM 和 clock directly to FF。字面意思上理解一个是经过MMCM锁相环之类的时钟,一个是FF触发器的时钟。具体看有关延迟的指令,两个的计算公式都不一样,clock directly to FF 还需要时钟周期,但是MMCM只有时钟偏斜即可。


FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


FPGA 时序约束 三 :输入延迟和输出延迟


create_clock -name CLKB -period clk_period [get_ports {CLKB}]

create_generated_clock -name CLKB_90 -source [get_clocks CLKB] –phase 90 [get_pins{MMCM|co[0]}]

set_input_delay -clock[get_clocks CLKB_90] -max max_input_delay [get_ports indata]

set_input_delay -clock[get_clocks CLKB_90] -min min_input_delay [get_ports indata] -add_delay

clock  with  MMCM

  2. # Edge-Aligned Rising Edge Source Synchronous Inputs

  3. # (Using an MMCM/PLL)

  4. #

  5. # For an edge-aligned Source Synchronous interface, the clock

  6. # transition occurs at the same time as the data transitions.

  7. # In this template, the clock is aligned with the end of the

  8. # data. The constraints below rely on the default timing

  9. # analysis (setup = 1 cycle, hold = 0 cycle).

  10. #

  11. # input __________ ________________

  12. # clock |________________| |__________

  13. # |

  14. # skew_bre|skew_are

  15. # <------>|<------>

  16. # _________________ | _________________

  17. # data XX____Rise_Data____XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_________________XX

  18. #

  20. set input_clock <clock_name>; # Name of input clock

  21. set skew_bre 0.000; # Data invalid before the rising clock edge

  22. set skew_are 0.000; # Data invalid after the rising clock edge

  23. set input_ports <input_ports>; # List of input ports

  25. # Input Delay Constraint

  26. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max $skew_are [get_ports $input_ports];

  27. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min -$skew_bre [get_ports $input_ports];

  29. # Report Timing Template

  30. # report_timing -from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 1 -delay_type min_max -name src_sync_edge_rise_in -file src_sync_edge_rise_in.txt;


clock directly to FF 

  2. # Edge-Aligned Rising Edge Source Synchronous Inputs

  3. # (Using a direct FF connection)

  4. #

  5. # For an edge-aligned Source Synchronous interface, the clock

  6. # transition occurs at the same time as the data transitions.

  7. # In this template, the clock is aligned with the beginning of the

  8. # data. The constraints below rely on the default timing

  9. # analysis (setup = 1 cycle, hold = 0 cycle).

  10. #

  11. # input __________ ________________

  12. # clock |________________| |__________

  13. # |

  14. # skew_bre|skew_are

  15. # <------>|<------>

  16. # ________________ | ________________

  17. # data XXX________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX____Rise_Data___XXX

  18. #

  20. set input_clock <clock_name>; # Name of input clock

  21. set input_clock_period <period_value>; # Period of input clock

  22. set skew_bre 0.000; # Data invalid before the rising clock edge

  23. set skew_are 0.000; # Data invalid after the rising clock edge

  24. set input_ports <input_ports>; # List of input ports

  27. # Input Delay Constraint

  28. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $input_clock_period + $skew_are] [get_ports $input_ports];

  29. set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min [expr $input_clock_period - $skew_bre] [get_ports $input_ports];

  31. # Report Timing Template

  32. # report_timing -from [get_ports $input_ports] -max_paths 20 -nworst 1 -delay_type min_max -name src_sync_edge_rise_in -file src_sync_edge_rise_in.txt;
