ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation笔记

ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation笔记
(a)是intial block。Input为512x512。Num_filters为13,max_pool为2x2,s=2,concat变成16x512x512

(b)bottleneck module:1x1conv reduce dim + conv + 1x1conv expend dim。Bn+PRelu between all convs。
If bottleneck module在downsample,需要在mian branch 添加 maxpooling,同时,第一个1x1conv replace为2*2conv,s=2(相当于进行pool缩小一半),
Conv可用正常conv,dilate conv,全卷积,3x3。有时用5x1 and 1x5conv
ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation笔记
对于regularizer正则化,dropout在bottleneck之前p=0.01,之后p=0.1。使用了segnet的方法,save pool的索引,然后upsample。

(1)downsampling will reduce feature map resolution, it implies loss of spatial information like exact edge shape. Filters operating with downsampled images have a bigger receptive field , that allows them to gather more context.(dilated conv)

(2)Early downsample,减少input size。他认为初始是网络层并不直接作用于分类,只是充当好的特征提取器

(3)Decoder size。本文较大的encoder较小的decoder。他认为encoder是对数据的信息进行处理,而decoder只是将encoder上采样,只是调整图像的细节