Week8_2Principal Component Analysis

Week8_2Principal Component Analysis

第 1 题

Consider the following 2D dataset:
Week8_2Principal Component Analysis
Which of the following figures correspond to possible values that PCA may return for u(1) (the first eigenvector / first principal component)? Check all that apply (you may have to check more than one figure).

  • Week8_2Principal Component Analysis
  • Week8_2Principal Component Analysis
  • Week8_2Principal Component Analysis
  • Week8_2Principal Component Analysis

*     答案: 1 2 *
* minimize the projection error:要找到投影距离最小的向量,是1和2,方向正还是负都是可以的. *

第 2 题

Which of the following is a reasonable way to select the number of principal components k ?
(Recall that n is the dimensionality of the input data and m is the number of input examples.)

  • Choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 99% of the variance is retained.
  • Choose the value of k that minimizes the approximation error 1mi=1m||x(i)xapprox(i)||2.
  • Choose k to be the smallest value so that at least 1% of the variance is retained.
  • Choose k to be 99% of n (i.e., k=0.99n, rounded to the nearest integer).

*     答案: 1 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *

第 3 题

Suppose someone tells you that they ran PCA in such a way that “95% of the variance was retained.” What is an equivalent statement to this?

  • 1mi=1m||x(i)||21mi=1m||x(i)xapprox(i)||20.05
  • 1mi=1m||x(i)||21mi=1m||x(i)xapprox(i)||20.05
  • 1mi=1m||x(i)xapprox(i)||21mi=1m||x(i)||20.05
  • 1mi=1m||x(i)||21mi=1m||x(i)xapprox(i)||20.95

*     答案: 3 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *

第 4 题

Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

  • Given only z(i) and Ureduce, there is no way to reconstruct any reasonable approximation to x(i).
  • Even if all the input features are on very similar scales, we should still perform mean normalization (so that each feature has zero mean) before running PCA.
  • PCA is susceptible to local optima; trying multiple random initializations may help.
  • Given input data xRn, it makes sense to run PCA only with values of k that satisfy kn. (In particular, running it with k=n is possible but not helpful, and k>n does not make sense.)

*     答案: 2 4 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *

第 5 题

Which of the following are recommended applications of PCA? Select all that apply.

  • As a replacement for (or alternative to) linear regression: For most learning applications, PCA and linear regression give substantially similar results.
  • Data compression: Reduce the dimension of your data, so that it takes up less memory / disk space.
  • Data visualization: To take 2D data, and find a different way of plotting it in 2D (using k=2).
  • Data compression: Reduce the dimension of your input data x(i), which will be used in a supervised learning algorithm (i.e., use PCA so that your supervised learning algorithm runs faster).

*     答案: 2 4 *
* 选项1: . 正确 *