MT8167A技术简介-MT8167A Technical Brief

MT8167A技术简介-MT8167A Technical Brief


      MT8167A是一个高度集成的移动计算平台,集成了应用处理和连接子系统,可支持智能移动应用。该芯片集成了一个四核臂<00AE> Cortex-A35 MPCoreTM,工作频率高达1.GHz,是一款功能强大的多标准视频加速器。 MT8167A可与NAND闪存,LPDDR2,LPDDR3,DDR3,DDR3L和DDR4连接,以获得最佳性能,并支持从EMMC启动,从而最大限度地降低整体BOM成本。此外,一系列广泛的接口包括与摄像头,触摸屏显示器和MMC / SD卡的接口。

    应用处理器是四核ARM <00AE> Cortex-A35 MPCoreTM,包括NEON多媒体处理引擎,提供支持最新OpenOS所需的处理能力以及网页浏览,电子邮件,GPS导航和游戏等要求苛刻的应用。所有这些都在高分辨率触摸屏显示器上观看,其图形通过3D图形加速增强。还包括多标准视频加速器和高级音频子系统,以提供先进的多媒体应用和服务,如流式音频和视频,多种解码器和编码器,如HEVC,H.264和MPEG 4.音频支持包括和弦铃声和高级音频功能,如回声消除,免提扬声器操作和噪音消除。

    MT8167A包括两个无线连接功能,WLAN和蓝牙这两个模块的RF部分也内置在MT8167A芯片中,可以支持802.11 bgn。 MT8167A将两种先进的无线电技术集成在一个芯片中,提供业界最佳,最便捷的连接解决方​​案.MT8167A实现了先进而精密的无线电共存算法和硬件机制。它还支持蓝牙2.4 GHz天线之间的单天线共用, WLAN。媒体平板电脑上的同步语音,数据和音频/视频传输实现了增强的整体质量。占地面积小,功耗低,大大减少了PCB布局资源。

MT8167A技术简介-MT8167A Technical Brief


1、System Overview

      MT8167A is a highly integrated mobile computing platform incorporating application processing and connectivity subsystems to enable smart mobile applications. The chip integrates a Quad - core arm<00AE> Cortex - A35 MPCoreTM operating up to 1.GHz and a powerful multi standard video accelerator. The MT8167A interfaces to NAND flash memory, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, DDR3, DDR3L and DDR4 for optimal performance and also supports booting from EMMC to minimize the overall BOM cost. In addition, an extensive set of interfaces are include d to interface to cameras, touch screen displays, and MMC/SD cards.

    The application processor, a Quad core ARM<00AE> Cortex - A35 MPCoreTM which includes a NEON multimedia processing engine, offers processing power necessary to support the latest OpenOS along  with its demanding applications such as web browsing, email, gps navigation and games. All are viewed on a high resolution touch screen display with graphics enhanced by the 3D graphics acceleration. The multi standard video accelerator and an advanced audio subsystem are also included to provide advanced multimedia applications and services such as streaming audio and  video, a multitude of decoders and encoders such as HEVC, H.264 and MPEG 4. Audio supports include polyphonic ringtones and advanced audio fun ctions such as echo cancellation, hands - free speakerphone operation and noise cancellation.

    MT8167A includes two wireless connectivity functions,WLAN and Bluetooth The RF parts of those two blocks are also built in MT8167A chip which can support 802.11 bgn . With two advanced radio technologies integrated into one single chip,MT8167A provides the best and most convenient connectivity solution among the industry.MT8167A implements advanced and sophisticated Radio Coexistence algorithms and hardware mecha nisms.It also supports single antenna sharing among 2.4 GHz antenna for Bluetooth, WLAN. The enhanced overall quality is achieved for SIMultaneous voice, data, and audio/video transmission on Media Tablets. The small footprint with low power consumption greatly reduces the PCB layout resource.

MT8167A技术简介-MT8167A Technical Brief
